Book Boyfriend Battles #1 through #4! VOTE NOW!!

Posted May 1, 2014 by Erin in Book, Book Boyfriends / 6 Comments

Welcome to the first round of voting in the Book Boyfriend Battle Royale!! Below are the first FOUR battles in the BBBR!

But first, I need a bit of help from you guys if you have a moment… If you could please fill out this form and tell me what you love about your favorite book boyfriends that haven’t gone up for the battle yet… that would be AMAZING and so very helpful! Thank you!. 😉 Woohoo!

Now with that said… You may VOTE! 😀

Jamie Fraser vs. Travis Walker | Gabriel Emerson vs. Tack Allen
Gideon Cross vs. Reyes Farrow | Travis Maddox vs. Liam James

Match #1: Jamie Fraser Vs. Travis Walker

Outlander by Diane Gabaldon
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What fans are saying about Jamie Fraser:

“Jamie is the King of Men. He is caring, handsome, sexy, loving, romantic, faithful, beautiful, amazing, honest, a warrior…I mean what ELSE could ANY woman want from a man? Long live James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser!” – Marybeth

Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser in the upcoming Starz adaption of Outlander.
Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser in the upcoming Starz adaption of Outlander.


mes Alexander Malcom MacKenzie Fraser is probably the most considerate and sensitive boyfriend/husband ever created.” -Marianne

“Jamie Fraser is a rare man, one that other men follow and look up to. He is kind and gentle. I started reading Outlander twenty years ago, I enjoy all of the books about Jamie and Claire and I’m looking forward to the TV series starting this summer.” – Sandi


“Jamie Fraser is a leader, respected by his clan and all those he meets. He’s a dedicated husband. He has a sense of humor, he’s loyal and honest. He’s big and strong and I would always feel safe with him. Plus, he wears a kilt! What’s not to love about that?” – Candice
“Jamie Fraser (Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon) I love, love my book boyfriend, Jamie Fraser because first of all he is super hot. He is also honorable, heroic, loyal, dependable, romantic, funny, brave, tender, loving, sweet, super sexy and faithful. Oh, and I don’t want to forget to add that he is a stubborn Scot. These are only a few of the reasons I love James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. You should check him out for yourself. Read Outlander!!!!. You won’t regret it!!!!” – Gaby

Travis by Nicole Edwards
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SIX Reasons why Brooke from True Story Book Blog loves Travis Walker

1. The man is 6′ 5′ ‘ . SIX FEET, FIVE INCHES! Need I say more?
2. He is “confident, arrogant, whole-heartedly sure of himself.” Yes. Please!
3. He drinks Southern Comfort. Ummm HELLOOOO. SoCo is MYdrink. We are soul mates. I knew it.
4. He is building a fetish/fantasy resort-Alluring Indulgence. Where do I sign up? Can I get a VIP exclusive?
5. He is a southern boy with the best family anyone could ask for.Melt my heart.
6. Travis is protective over those he loves and cares about. What more could you ask for?

Travis is tall, dark, and forget handsome, he is downright sexy!  Travis’ character is quiet and reserved; he doesn’ t speak much so he continues to leave you guessing what is running wild through that mind of his.” – Ena @ Swoonworthy Books



Match #2: Gabriel Emerson VS Kane “Tack” Allen

Buy Now:  Gabriel's Inferno Series Sylvain Reynard Amazon | B&N | iTunes
Buy Now:  Amazon | B&N | iTunes


What fans have to say about Gabriel Emerson… “I crushed on Professor Gabriel Emerson, despite (or maybe even because of) his obnoxious mood swings.” – Maryse“Gabriel is by far the strongest, most damaged, and most fascinating character in this book. To the world, Gabriel is a buttoned down professor who specializes in the works of Dante and favors bow ties and expensive suits. Then there’s the other Gabriel, the man with passions that run deep and inhibitions that are virtually nonexistent who has a taste for fine food, fine wine, and morally ambiguous women.” – RoloPolo Book Blog


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What Fans have to say about Kane “Tack” Allen…. “Yes, he can be a jackass at times but he has a good heart underneath the hard exterior.” “Tack has a sweet side and turns out to be a decent guy despite his lawless ways and rough manner.” – Mistress of the Dark Path   “Tack. There is no way in hell I should find Tack swoon-worthy. Even if he wears “faded, fitting-too-well-for-peace-of-mind-jeans”, he is not my type. Beyond scary, yes. Exceptionally crude, yes. But swoon-worthy…not so much. Alas, Tack is a panty dropper. A dirty, crass, terrifying, border line redneck, badass, sweet biker dude. Yep, sweet. Oh, he keeps the sweet tamped down but when he unleashes it, hold on to your panties…it’ s full on sweet and will rip your heart out. Tack doesn’ t do anything half assed…he rides hard, he fights hard, he yells loud, his word choice shocks me (and that’ s fucking saying something), he loves hard…the man is full on, balls out, living life to it’ s fullest. I respect that.” – Scandalicious Book Reviews


Match #3: Gideon Cross Vs. Reyes Farrow

Buy Now:  Amazon | B&N | iTunes
Buy Now: Amazon | B&N | iTunes

What Fans have to say about Gideon Cross..
Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Rich, Troubled, and oh so Alpha! He’s up there with CG!” –  Heatheranne Allen

“Gideon Cross is just pure perfection in my eyes! He is tortured, passionate, controlling, but isn’ t afraid to admit he fucked up, tender, possessive, gorgeous , absolutely and utterly in LOVE with his girl… <3 <3 Gah! my heart is bursting here! <3 ” – Aestas Book Blog


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Buy Now: Amazon | B&N | iTunes

What Fans have to say about Reyes Farrow…
Reyes Farrow is hotness personified.  He even has the bad boy going for him, being locked away in prison for murdering his father and all.” –  Dark Faerie Tales

“Hot, hot, hot. He brings the heat. He brings the emotion baggage. He brings the history, and so much more. ” – My Not So Vacant Shelf



Match #4: Travis Maddox Vs. Liam James

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What Fans have to say about Travis Maddox… “I love how much he changed for Abby, and not because he had to because she instantly made him want to be a better person.” – Brandi Schattle “Oh. My. Word. Flaws and all I would kill to have someone like him. So completely loyal and devoted to his friends and family. Well those select few he classifies as friends.” – Why I Can’t Stop ReadingBlunt, wild, brilliant, and incredibly sexy…Travis, Travis, Travis, I liked him, I was charmed by him, I loathed him, then I loved him! I don’t usually go for the bulging muscle, buzz-cut type but Travis Maddox charmed the hell out of me in three seconds flat! He really is the tough guy whose marshmallow insides are exposed by the beautiful Abby. And his explosive temper is unparalleled! I felt like relocating to a bomb shelter when Travis got mad. Travis’ explosions were scary, but very, very exciting! ” – Oh Fifty

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Buy Now: Amazon | B&N | iTunes


What Fans have to say about Liam James… “I loved how Liam was the only person who could help her through her pain, who understood her deep down, who knew what she needed, who made her feel safe – it was really cute.” – Aestas Book Blog “His passion, love and devotion is more that just breathtaking, I am in awe of his patience for Amber. I absolutely love him for being Liam. Especially in that moment, I knew he would kill him if it means that Amber would be okay. By then I’m sure he’s in my list of book boyfriends. Simply put I love everything about him.” – Jules Book Shelf “Liam was pretty swoon-worthy. At least, his “type” was. He was the player, older guy who only had a heart for Amber. I definitely found myself smiling at the book.” – The Book Girl Reads


6 responses to “Book Boyfriend Battles #1 through #4! VOTE NOW!!

  1. Sandra

    The worst thing is that in final battle will be Gabriel Emerson and Gideon Cross and who am I Choose to win?????

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