The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

Posted October 15, 2013 by Erin in Blog Tour, Book Reviews, Book Series, Books, Giveaway / 6 Comments

992946_264196267051613_677711161_nIf you guys pay any attention to me at all, you know that I absolutely love the Grab Your Pole book series by Jenn Cooksey.  It’s an amazing series with even more amazing characters, including the most kick ass 12 year old you’ll ever meet in a book… and Tristan..SWOON. I was #TeamTristan all the way during this year’s YA Crush Tourney and I even went the way of bribing people (I like to think that Jillian would be proud) with Grab Your Pole books to vote for Tristan during the Tourney… Unfortunately he didn’t make it past the 2nd round in the Tourney, but that’s ok..He did very well for a character that not many people knew about at the time of the YA Crush Tourney. Hopefully we will be able to get Tristan further next year!

If you haven’t read this book series yet, I highly suggest that you get right on it!


Favorite Quotes: Tristan

“Romeo and Juliet killing themselves was ultimately an accident due to a miscommunication, but this fuckin’ guy…guy, vampire…whatever, actually has a contingency plan! He’ s gonna outlive her anyway, so why bother? I mean if living without her is such a big deal, then he should just change her and be done with it. No offense, Baby, but if I were a vampire and didn’ t wanna un-live without you, you’ d be fuckin’ dead, end of story. There’ d be none of this whining about your soul and shit…I’ d just sink my fangs in ya and you’ d just be dead. Quick, easy, done. And what the hell is with Bella? What kind of chick would get pissed at her boyfriend for getting her a present on her birthday?! Seriously, she’ s an idiot.”

~ The Other Fish in the Sea, Chapter 27 – Bella Is An Idiot

 What Jenn has to say about Tristan Daniels:

“It’ s rather amusing to me actually…Tristan is without a doubt one the biggest characters in the entire Grab Your Pole series, but as far as looking for actual quotes from him, you’ ll find that he doesn’ t talk a lot. Not until he goes off on a rant that is, which is quite often brought on by his contradictive personality traits of unwavering capriciousness. Even so, the word vomit he inevitably ends up spewing is well-founded and almost always merits some kind of applause, and that’ s not just because he’ s big and beautiful and everything he says and does has girls turning into puddles of drool at his feet, regardless of how true that is.” – Jenn Cooksey, Tristan Daniel’s Maker and Author of the Grab Your Pole Series



Previously homeschooled Camie Ramsey is being shoved into the shark-infested waters of public high school, where even helium filled, penguin bespeckled arm floaties likely won’ t help keep her inexperienced, fifteen-year old head above water in that rip current of hormones and emotions.

Camie’ s worldly wisdom might be severely lacking (i.e., the closest she’ s come to being kissed was sitting too close to the TV whilst Jake Ryan leaned in to give Samantha that fateful 16th birthday kiss), but she does understand her only hope for survival is if she’ s thrown some kind of “social” life preserver before she sinks like a freaking rock. However, what will her fate be when she endeavors to flag down the only lifeguard on duty, the enormously popular and ridiculously beautiful Tristan Daniels? The most sought after and virtually most unattainable guy in school who not only makes Camie’ s heart flatline on a recurring basis, he’ s also the one guy who seemingly doesn’ t know she exists.

Feeling like an inept piece of chum that could ultimately be swallowed by Jaws, can Camie get Tristan to rescue her from floundering in the treacherous deep, or is she destined to be Shark Bait?

Buy From: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My Review of Shark Bait.

The Other Fish in the Sea Final 2-27

In Shark Bait, readers everywhere met and fell in love with the new girl, Camie Ramsey, and swooned over her sure to be future husband, Tristan Daniels. Now, in the long awaited second installment of the Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey, The Other Fish in the Sea, Camie and Tristan are back, but so are their friends!

So, find a breathing apparatus and shimmy into your scuba gear, because it’s finally time to dive deeper into the lives of the GYP gang, but be warned, it’s a big world out there and an even bigger ocean where danger might be lurking around the next corner and realistically, anything could happen.

Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Shark out of water

With the Amazon Bestseller Shark Bait, the first novel in the Grab Your Pole series, debut author Jenn Cooksey delivered a fun, snarky, and realistic beginning to a larger story that has found its way into the hearts of readers everywhere. Thus, many were unprepared for what was coming in the second installment of the GYP series, The Other Fish in the Sea, when Cooksey took us on a runaway roller coaster ride of emotion and solidly landed hit after hit, including a brutal sucker punch that left readers around the globe reeling.

In Shark Out of Water, the highly anticipated third installment in this humorous yet honest and real coming of age story, we delve even further into the lives of the GYP gang and many questions are sure to be answered, however, are you really ready for what lies ahead in the continuation of their adventure? Well, grab your pole and let’ s find out.

Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My Review of Shark Out of Water.


About Jenn Cooksey

Jenn Cooksey is a Southern California girl born and bred, however she’ s no longer a resident of heaven on earth, but instead she currently resides in the 7th Ring of Hell with her husband, their three daughters, and a goodly number of pets. Aside from her husband, one cat, and three out of five fish, everyone living under the Cooksey’ s roof is female. She’ s sure her husband will not only be awarded sainthood when he kicks the bucket, but that Jesus will welcome him into heaven with a beer and a congratulatory high-five. Jenn is also of the belief that Bacon should be capitalized and that just being yourself is the best way to go. That is, unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.



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6 responses to “The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

  1. The GYP series is one of my most favorite series ever. I of course love Tristan, but you can’t help but love all the characters because Jen makes them so easy to connect with. I also really, really love Jillian. I hope she gets to be the focus of a story – and Pete to. Great post.

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