“Waiting on” Wednesday: Books we can’t wait for!!

Posted May 8, 2013 by Erin in Book Series, Books / 6 Comments

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“Waiting on” Wednesday

brought to you by: Breaking the Spine


These are two books that we cannot wait for. I do believe that they both take place in the same “universe”.

The first book we can’t wait for is Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout. It is the 4th book in the Lux Series. The cover hasn’t been revealed yet, and neither has a description of the novel..but after the crazy, CRAZY cliffhanger at the end of Opal, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!

Release Date: August 27th, 2013

Click to pre-order “Origin” as a paperback or e-book from Amazon.


by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Release Date: May 31, 2013
Digital Only
Click to Pre-order “Obsession from Amazon.

He’ s arrogant, domineering, and… To. Die. For.
Hunter is a ruthless killer. And the Department of Defense has him firmly in their grasp, which usually doesn’ t chafe too badly because he gets to kill bad guys. Most of the time he enjoys his job. That is, until he’ s saddled with something he’ s never had to do before: protect a human from his mortal enemy.
Serena Cross didn’ t believe her best friend when she claimed to have seen the son of a powerful senator turn into something…unnatural. Who would? But then she witnesses her friend’ s murder at the hands of what can only be an alien, thrusting her into a world that will kill to protect their secret.
Hunter stirs Serena’ s temper and her lust despite their differences. Soon he’ s doing the unthinkable—breaking the rules he’ s lived by, going against the government to keep Serena safe. But are the aliens and the government the biggest threats to Serena’ s life…or is it Hunter?

6 responses to ““Waiting on” Wednesday: Books we can’t wait for!!

  1. Jennifer Armentrout is one of my fave time authors, but I’m not sure if I’ll read this one, because it’s classified as an adult novel. xD However, since it takes place in the same world as the Luxen, I might not be able to help myself. xD

    New Follower via Networked Blogs. Would love it if you could return the favor. 🙂
    Here’s my #WoW.

    • Sorry what does snl mean other than Saturday night live? Lol. You should read read her book “Wait for me”. It’s awesome. It’s under her other name J Lynn.

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