Tag: Tristan Daniels

The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

If you guys pay any attention to me at all, you know that I absolutely love the Grab Your Pole book series by Jenn Cooksey.  It’s an amazing series with even more amazing characters, including the most kick ass 12 year old you’ll ever meet in a book… and Tristan..SWOON. I was #TeamTristan all the way during this year’s YA Crush Tourney and I even went the way of bribing people (I like to think that Jillian would be proud) with Grab Your Pole books to vote for Tristan during the Tourney… Unfortunately he didn’t make it past the 2nd round in the Tourney, but that’s ok..He did very well for a character that not many people knew about at the time of the YA Crush Tourney. Hopefully we will be able to get Tristan further next year! If you haven’t read this book series yet, I highly suggest that you get right on it!   Favorite Quotes: Tristan “Romeo and Juliet killing themselves was ultimately an accident due to a miscommunication, but this fuckin’ guy…guy, vampire…whatever, actually has a contingency plan! He’ s gonna outlive her anyway, so why bother? I mean if living without her is such a big deal, then he should just change her and be done with it. No offense, Baby, but if I were a vampire and didn’ t wanna un-live without you, you’ d be fuckin’ dead, end of story. There’ d be none of this whining about your soul and shit…I’ d just sink my […]

My Reactions to Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole #3) by Jenn Cooksey

My Reactions to Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole #3) by Jenn Cooksey

I kept track of my reactions to the book, Shark Out of Water, by Jenn Cooksey as I read. This image pretty much sums up the whole book, and if you’ve read it. You’ll totally get it. I absolutely LOVE this series. I came across Shark Bait when I was scouring through the bowels of Amazon in September of 2012 looking for something, ANYTHING interesting to read. Finally after pages and pages of books…the (original) cover of Shark Bait caught my eye. I bought it, read it and fell in love. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the book since..but it’s been quite a few and…and I will probably read this series many, many more times in the future. This series is amazing. The first book, Shark Bait, in it’s entirety is told from Camie Ramsey’s point a view. The Second book, The Other Fish in the Sea, is mainly told from Camie’s POV, but every once in a while, we’ll get the POV of another female character in the story. Now this book…in this book we experience the aftermath of what happened in TOFitS, through the POVs of all of the Male Characters, including the recently introduced Brandon. I love that we’re able to get into the minds of Tristan, Jeff, Pete and Brandon in this book. I think that being in the minds of the boys might be even more entertaining then being in the minds of the girls, including Jillian! Being that we’re in […]

#TeamTristan #YACrushTourney Grab Your Pole Series by @Jenn_Cooksey Giveaway

#TeamTristan #YACrushTourney Grab Your Pole Series by @Jenn_Cooksey Giveaway

Giveaway Every time Tristan Daniels advances in the YA Crush Tourney, I will give away a copy of Shark Bait and a copy of The Other Fish in the Sea from the book series, Grab Your Pole, that Tristan hails from, to ONE person. Click here to read my review for the first book in the series, Shark Bait. 😉 Enter below to win ebooks of Shark Bait AND The Other Fish in the Sea. You have until midnight Friday Night 6/28/13 to enter. Winner will be announced on Saturday. 🙂   CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR TRISTAN DANIELS!! 🙂 a Rafflecopter giveaway