Tag: The Only Exception

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: The Only One by Magan Vernon

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Magan Vernon is one of my favorite authors. Whether she writes about hot aliens named Ace or she’s writing about a hot frat boy in a loin cloth, I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read by her.. ย She’s an entertaining writer and if you follow her on Twitter, you’ll see she’s just as entertaining in general. ๐Ÿ™‚ This year I’ve read her booksย The Only Exception and The Only One. ย Both books are written in the same “universe”, The Only One being the companion novel to The Only Exception.ย I loved both books so I’m giving away ย a digital copy of both books for our 12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways.. ย ENTER TO WIN BELOW!! Speaking of Reviews, here is my review for The Only One. You can also check out Meredith’s (who did some guest reviews for our Aliens Abducting August theme this year) reviews for Magan’s My Alien Romance series here. Giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Erin’s Review:   We first meet John Boy in The Only Exception when he is introduced to us as Trey Chapman’s Big Brother at their Fraternity Alpha Mu. In The Only Exception he appears to be your stereotypical Frat Boy; Only there for the Booze, Girls & Parties… He continues t0 give us this impression at the beginning of The Only One, being that it’s a halloween party and he’s only wearing a loin cloth(say what?!). โ€œWatch it, loincloth, I’ m not afraid to spork your eyes out.โ€ – Monica We were also introduced to Melanie in The Only Exception where she played a bigger part in that story than John Boy, so we already know her a little bit better than we do John when we get started with The Only One. Melanie is an honor roll student doing everything she can to make it through college, working and going to school full-time, this girl has no social life to speak of. Her good friend and Trey’s girlfriend, Monica, has managed to talk her into going to the Alpha Mu Halloween party. At the party she somehow manages to catch John Boy’s eye. It must have been that Hermione costume she was wearing, while the loin cloth that John Boy is wearing certainly caught her eye and all of our eyes (yum). Monica is trying her best to keep John Boy and Melanie from hooking up, but Melanie isn’t have any of it.. In the middle of their hookup, […]

Erin’s One & Only Hottest YR Award goes to: Trey Chapman

Erin’s One & Only Hottest YR Award goes to: Trey Chapman

The amazing author, Magan Vernon, recently gifted me her book, ย The Only Exception, when she found out that I was in the hospital having my gallbladder removed. It came with a note that said that Trey Chapman will help with my recovery. AND BOY WAS SHE RIGHT!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not going to get to into the details of the book right now, because I am planning to write a review when I feel more up to sitting at the computer for the hours it takes me to write a review. ha..but it took no time for me to swoon all over Trey. ๐Ÿ˜› That said, I told Magan today by twitter that I would’ve LOVED to have read a certain scene that we didn’t get to witness in the book because I JUST KNOW that Trey had it planned out to be super freakin’ romantic and SWOONTASTIC as he did with other things that happened in the book. ๐Ÿ˜€ She replied and told me that she may have written the scene in hopes that Trey would make the NA Tourney crush and it was going to be used as an incentive to keep Trey going in the tourney. BUT TREY DID NOT MAKE IT IN THE NA CRUSH TOURNEY. SADFACE. SUPERSADFACERIGHTHERE. ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ But you know what, Trey doesn’t need the NA Crush Tourney. HE WON MY OWN HOTTEST YOUNG REPUBLICAN TOURNEY RIGHT HERE ON THE BLOG. It only took one vote and […]