Tag: suddenly royal

New Release: Bedmates by Nichole Chase (with Excerpt + Giveaway)

New Release: Bedmates by Nichole Chase (with Excerpt + Giveaway)

Bedmates by Nichole Chase Series: American Royalty #1 Release Date: October 4th, 2016 Publisher: William Morrow Books Pages: 384 Buy Now: Amazon | B&N | BAM! | iBooks | Indiebound | Kobo Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf From the bestselling author of Suddenly Royal comes the first in a sparkling new series about America’ s favorite royal—the First Daughter. Everyone makes mistakes, especially in college. But when you’ re the daughter of the President of the United States, any little slip up is a huge embarrassment. Maddie McGuire’ s latest error in judgment lands her in police custody, giving the press a field day. Agreeing to do community service as penance and to restore her tattered reputation, Maddie never dreams incredibly good looking but extremely annoying vice president’ s son, Jake Simmon, will be along for the ride. Recently returning from Afghanistan with a life-altering injury, Jake is wrestling with his own demons. He doesn’ t have the time or patience to deal with the likes of Maddie. They’ re like oil and water and every time they’ re together, it’ s combustible. But there’ s a thin line between love and hate, and it’ s not long before their fiery arguments give way to infinitely sexier encounters. When Jake receives devastating news about the last remaining member of his unit, the darkness he’ s resisted for so long begins to overwhelm him. Scared to let anyone close, he pushes Maddie away. But she isn’ t about to give up on Jake that easily. Maddie’ s […]

Bookish News: Coming Winter 2016 – The American Royalty Series by Nichole Case

Bookish News: Coming Winter 2016 – The American Royalty Series by Nichole Case

Fans of Nichole Chase’ s Royal Series, we have a SUPER exciting announcement: The American Royalty Series is coming!!! HarperCollins will be publishing Nichole’ s new series The American Royalty Series in Winter 2016, and you are NOT going to want to miss what Nichole has up her sleeve! Things to Expect from The American Royalty Series: Humor and witty banter West Wing meets Scandal meets Suddenly Royal Mashup, anyone? A cameo (or two) from the Royal Series Drama Jake. Jake. Jake. Um….did I mention Jake? The easy and beautiful writing you’ ve come to know and love from Nichole Chase A Message from Nichole: I’m very excited to be working with HarperCollins to bring the American Royalty series to life. I’m very interested in the life of politics–there is so much that goes on behind the scenes that most people never hear about and it intertwines with our daily government and in some ways, affecting everyone. As I was thinking about that fact, Jake and Maddie’s story began to take form and I found myself enthralled by the challenges they would face and just what their happy-ever-after would entail, if there could *be* a happy-ever-after. About Book 1 (Title To Be Announced) in The American Royalty Series: Color me jaded, but coming home just isn’ t the same when you have to go through security before you can see your dad. Don’ t get me wrong, everyone had to go through security to see my dad. Even Kings, Queens, celebrities, my step-mother […]

New Release: Reluctantly Royal by Nichole Chase + Giveaway!

New Release: Reluctantly Royal by Nichole Chase + Giveaway!

Reluctantly Royal by Nichole Chase Series: Suddenly #3 Release Date:  August 26th, 2014 Pages: 384 Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Indiebound | Kobo Maxwell Jameson Trevor, prince of Lilaria, hates his royal role. Despising the limelight, he takes solace in his art studio and steers clear of any drama. But when one of the newly discovered royals passes away, Maxwell’s brother Alex asks him to break the news to the old man’s granddaughter. Though he hates to be the bearer of doom and gloom, he doesn’t want the poor girl to find out from the tabloids. For Maxwell knows all too well how devastating that could be.Coming from a broken home and modest background, newly ordained Lady Meredith Thysmer has seized her chance to make a better life for herself and her son. She’s not afraid to use her best assets to get what she wants. But when the unpretentious yet devastatingly handsome Max delivers his news, her plans for the future come crashing to a halt. In the challenging days ahead, Max’s compassion, humor, and steadfast loyalty to Meredith and her son win her over. She quickly finds herself doing something she swore would never happen again: falling in love. And yet Maxwell still refuses to completely drop his guard. Somehow Meredith’s got to find a way to seduce this reluctant royal. Excerpt: As I turned to leave the room, my eyes fell on a sketch pad and I couldn’ t help myself. Sitting back down in the chair I flipped […]

Excerpt Blast: Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase

Excerpt Blast: Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase

Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase Series: Suddenly #2 Release Date:  March 25th, 2014 Pages: 384 Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository Catherine has spent her life being the perfect princess. She’ s kept her hands clean, her head down, and most importantly—men at arm’ s length. After all, most men are after only one thing, and for Cathy there’ s a lot more at stake than her bed; she has to worry about the fate of an entire nation. But at the rate she’ s going, Cathy is afraid she’ ll give the Virgin Queen a run for her money. She is tired of waiting for someone good enough to come along. She has a plan, and it all hinges on seducing the one man who seems utterly unimpressed by all things royal. The one man she is tempted by more than any other . . . When David arrives at the royal wedding of his friend, the newly ordained Duchess Samantha Rousseau, he expected to feel uncomfortable and out of his element, but he wasn’ t prepared to be targeted by Prince Alex’ s gorgeous younger sister. With Cathy’ s giant blue eyes, killer figure, and sense of humor, it won’ t take long before he gives in. But when he finds out just how innocent the crown princess really is, will he play the part of knight in shining armor or the dashing rogue? Excerpt:   Chapter two of RECKLESSLY ROYAL by WilliamMorrowBooks About […]