Tag: Romantic

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

If you’re looking for something that will seriously make you LAUGH OUT LOUD, this book is for you! I really enjoyed this book. I haven’t laughed this hard since I read the Chocolate Lovers series by Tara Sivec! It had me laughing within the first few pages… Paige Crawford has graduated college and booked a one way ticket to London. Within her first day there she makes friends and already has been invited out that first night to hang out. Later that night while leaving The Box, the club that Jason (the cute guy she meets outside her Flat when she first arrives) invites her to, Paige, being drunk, trips and falls into the arms of a well known soccer player while the paparazzi are there to capture it on film. The next day she’s an insta-celeb, which ends up being both a blessing and a curse. I really enjoyed this story, so much I couldn’t put it down to go to bed. Though, I have to warn you: The most disturbing thing I’ve ever read in a book happened at the beginning of this story. Though doesn’t mean it didn’t have me laughing after going ‘OMGWTF?!’ My reaction to it: and then: I really hope that there will be a sequel to this story, because I would like to see what other shenanigans Paige will get herself in to. If you’re looking for a book that will give you a good haha giggle snort, I definitely suggest you check […]

My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling Release Day Blitz + Giveaway

My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling Release Day Blitz + Giveaway

My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling Series: The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3 Release Date: March 20th, 2014 Pages: 414 Add to your Goodreads shelf. Buy Now: Amazon | B&N | iTunes To say that Sophie Bloom is at the top of her game with one only week until spring equinox and the final showdown with Zeus and Hades would be, well, lying. The Goddess of Spring feels more like the Goddess of Bzz Thanks For Playing than the savior of humanity. And could her relationships be any more messed up? Good times. Sophie is convinced that things can’ t get any worse than crawling back to her mother Demeter and begging for help. But she’ s about to find out how very wrong she is. It’ s a race against time for Sophie to implement the big battle strategy in the YA romantic comedy/Greek mythology finale My Life From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book three of this teen fantasy romance series. Save herself; save the world. Humanity may be screwed. Excerpt: In the center of the patio, a dark wood table had been laid out, laden with yumtastic Greek tapas like pita wedges, pink creamy taramasalata, triangles of spanakopita, and a heart attack heaven of saganaki–fried cheese. Zeus and Hades sat there munching in silence. Not even the tense “One wrong move and there’ s gonna be a hurting” silence you would have expected from two powerful foes who despised each other. Nah. More like “Eh, it’ s […]