Tag: romance

FRIGID by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout) Pre-Order Promo & Chapter Reveal

FRIGID by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout) Pre-Order Promo & Chapter Reveal

  Today is an exciting day – we have FOUR HUGE SURPRISES for you! Jennifer L. Armentrout’s (writing as J. Lynn) FRIGID is set to release on e-book at the end of July. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably on pins and needles and just cannot wait to get your hands on a copy of this book. FRIGID has already been given the honor of being named a Romantic Times Top Pick and we’re super excited for you to be able to read it as well! Well, there’s good news! Are you ready for those four awesome surprises? Here we go! 1. Due to all the excitement surrounding FRIGID, we have decided to run a special e-book pre-order promotion. We have worked out a deal with the distributor to release FRIGID a full two weeks early — on JULY 15th!!! — if we meet our e-book pre-order goal. EEEEP! That’s right, if you are like the rest of us and want to be able to read FRIGID in its entirety before its original release date, all you have to do is PRE-ORDER THE E-BOOK NOW! What are you waiting for? GO! Pre-order it!   Pre-Order Links: Barnes & Noble / Amazon   2. Need something to hold you over until FRIGID releases? Well, starting right now, you can read the first three chapters of FRIGID for free! Just read below!   Frigid Sneak Peek Not working for you? Try clicking this LINK.   3. Can’ t get enough of […]

ARC Review: Facade (The Games Series #2) by Nyrae Dawn

ARC Review: Facade (The Games Series #2) by Nyrae Dawn

I started this book not even knowing it was a sequel. I didn’t find out until about halfway through that it was book 2 in a series and I only found out because I was looking at it on Goodreads and saw that it was apart of the Game series. So that, I think, is a good thing about this book: You can read it without having read the first book, Charade, in the series. I didn’t start reading it and get confused by anything that may have happened in the first book of the series..I guess it also helps that the main characters are different in this one, but the characters in the first book are here too. That said, let’s move on to the story. When Delaney was 14 years old her father commits a crime that tears apart her family. Four years later she’s tired of pretending everything is alright. She wants to find forgiveness and move on with her life. Her and her brother, Maddox, pack up and go in search of the people her father hurt. Once there, She meets Adrian Westfall by chance, and who might this be? That’s right the one person she came to this town to find. I guess you can figure out what happens from here. It seems pretty obvious to me what will happen in this book, but in case you’re curious… Something that I did not find obvious: Boy this book got the best of my emotions, I […]

Mini Book Review: Love Rehab by Jo Piazza

Mini Book Review: Love Rehab by Jo Piazza

This book was highly entertaining! It had me laughing non-stop. It also gave me some food for thought on any future break-ups, including some Steps/Rules that maybe we should all remember to follow in the future concerning possible new relationships, break ups or life in general. šŸ˜‰ This was a light, funny read and I really enjoyed it. I’m glad I was given the opportunity to read and review it. šŸ˜‰

Book Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Book Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

OH H-O-L-Y CRAP. So Obsession came out on Friday (5/31), but I was lucky enough to win an ARC from the Publisher the night before so I got an early start on my reading!! This book was a great way to hold us ADULT fans of the LUX series over until the release of Origin. When I found out that JLA was releasing an adult book from the LUX universe I got super excited!! I love super hot romances and I must say Obsession is SMOKIN’ HOT!!!! I almost had to take a cold shower when I got done reading it because it had some SUPER HOT SEXY TIMES!!! I LOVED LOVED LOVED HUNTER!! He consisted of all the best ingredients to make a super hot alpha male WHO IS AN ALIEN!!!! He was cocky, arrogant, bossy, snarky, etc, etc.. He was PERRRRRFECT!!! Amazing! “ThatĀ“s an alien. IĀ“m an alien. WeĀ“re aliens. Aliens everywhere, actually, which is why we have to leave. IĀ“m sure someone called the police by now.” – Hunter Serena was also amazing…She didn’t take Hunter’s crap at all and dished it right back at him! We like girls who are sassy, makes for interesting banter between characters!! But like most girls who are sassy, they usually don’t always know what’s good for them..so they tend to do some stupid things and Serena is not any different! “Never in my life had I been more frustrated. Go figure it wouldn’t be with a human but a freaking […]

ARC Review: Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

ARC Review: Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

Another great book from Kristen Ashley! Kristen Ashley is an amazing author who gets the best of my emotions every time and Fire Inside was no exception. She put me and my emotions through the ringer with this book. Alright, let’s get down to it: It took a bit for me to like Lanie AND Hop. With Hop, if you’ve read Motorcycle Man, we all know why I wasn’t looking forward to a story about him. Ā Even before we get an explanation to things that happened in MM, Hop didn’t take long to grow on me. Ā He’s a loyal Brother(to the MC), Father and as it turns out Boyfriend/Husband, who would do anything to protect his family. To be honest, there was one thing that seriously bothered me about Hop. His “pet name” for Lanie, which was “LADY”. It felt so impersonal to me! I know that this relationship started out as a one night stand, no strings attached thing..but seriously. It just bothered me in a major way. Ā I’d rather he call her “Baby” over “Lady”. Ā Whatever, maybe Kristen Ashley was going for something different than what everyone uses, “baby”, “princess”, “babe”, etc. Ā I guess I can’t blame her for trying! Ha! I didn’t care much for Lanie in MM, and I didn’t really want to like her when I first started this book. However, She starts to grow on you as you learn more about how she grew up and her relationship with Elliott. This book’s time line […]

Teaser Tuesday: Love Rehab by Jo Piazza

Teaser Tuesday: Love Rehab by Jo Piazza

Teaser Tuesday is brought to you by MizB @ Should Be Reading. To participate you: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) ā€œteaserā€ sentences from somewhere on that page BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’ t give too much away! You don’ t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers Our Teaser

Cover Reveal: Romancing the Bookworm by Kate Evangelista

Cover Reveal: Romancing the Bookworm by Kate Evangelista

Title: Romancing the Bookworm Author: Kate Evangelista Publisher: Omnific Publishing Genre: Romance Age Group: New Adult Expected release date: July 9, 2013 Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours   Sometimes, even the best-laid plans can unravel. It’s spring break, and Tamara Winters would rather stay on campus and read romance novels than flaunt her size-fourteen body on a beach. But her best friend, Ronni, has other ideas. Against her wishes, Tamara is whisked away to picturesque Maverick Bay, where she’s wrangled into waiting tables with Ronni at the Shore Shack for its busy week leading to Maverick’s Surf Invitational. There she meets fellow schoolmate Xavier Solomon, the Invitational’s organizer and campus womanizer by reputation. From the moment Tamara sees him emerging from the waves like a hero in of one of her romance novels, all she wants to do is run away from the feelings he inspires in her. Little does she know Xavier has been watching her for weeks now. In fact, after failed attempts at asking her out on campus, he’s concocted a crazy plan: fabricating romantic situations straight out of her favorite books. Xavier quickly realizes that if Tamara gets a whiff of his designs, he might as well spell CREEPER across his forehead. Yet as they grow closer, he’s convinced it’s a risk worth taking. What he hasn’t planned on, of course, is his drug-addicted, alcoholic stepbrother, who decides to join the fun and put a wrench in Xavier’ s scheme. Spring break is proving hotter […]

“Waiting on” Wednesday: Books we can’t wait for!!

“Waiting on” Wednesday: Books we can’t wait for!!

“Waiting on” Wednesday brought to you by: Breaking the Spine ———– These are two books that we cannot wait for. I do believe that they both take place in the same “universe”. The first book we can’t wait for is Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout. It is the 4th book in the Lux Series. The cover hasn’t been revealed yet, and neither has a description of the novel..but after the crazy, CRAZY cliffhanger at the end of Opal, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!! Release Date: August 27th, 2013 Click to pre-order “Origin” as a paperback or e-book from Amazon. Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout Release Date: May 31, 2013 Digital Only Click to Pre-order “Obsession from Amazon. He’ s arrogant, domineering, andā€¦ To. Die. For. Hunter is a ruthless killer. And the Department of Defense has him firmly in their grasp, which usually doesn’ t chafe too badly because he gets to kill bad guys. Most of the time he enjoys his job. That is, until he’ s saddled with something he’ s never had to do before: protect a human from his mortal enemy. Serena Cross didn’ t believe her best friend when she claimed to have seen the son of a powerful senator turn into somethingā€¦unnatural. Who would? But then she witnesses her friend’ s murder at the hands of what can only be an alien, thrusting her into a world that will kill to protect their secret. Hunter stirs Serena’ s temper […]

Book Review: Sunny Daniels and The Tale of Tarot Cards and Movie Stars

Book Review: Sunny Daniels and The Tale of Tarot Cards and Movie Stars

I came across this book when I was browsing through smashwords out of boredom. The description caught my eye and it seemed like something I would enjoy as I tend to enjoy books where the girl gets the famous boy. šŸ™‚ The story takes place in London and the protagonist is 19 year old Sunny Daniels who longs to grow up and become a film director. She’s in London to do a two week work experience volunteering as a production runner on a movie set. Due to a no show, she is recruited as runner for Nathan King, the hot and young American, starring in the movie she’s working on. Their relationship doesn’t start out too good and continues to go down hill with sarcastic remarks from her, and threats to her job from him. Ā She miraculously doesn’t lose her job and by the end of the first week of her work experience receives a very surprising and tempting offer of a lifetime. ā€œYou never know. You could be one of them divas, you know, I can only wear the colour red and answer to the name Suzie.” – Sunny   This book is filled some some good british humor, a few good snarky comments, broken hearts and maybe a happily ever after. It’s a good read for a lazy day. šŸ˜€ I’m giving this book Three and 1/2 Stars (for now). The book needs to be re-edited in a major way and cleaned a bit and then I think […]