Tag: quotes

Release Day Launch / ARC Review: White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

Release Day Launch / ARC Review: White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

Erin’s Review First off, This review needs a song… [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://mereadalot.net/muzak/06%20Paradise%20City.mp3″] <- Click  the play button for this review’s theme song. (Paradise City by Guns N Roses)   Second…one of the best characters in this book: BAMBI. That’s all I’m gonna say..I’ll let you meet Bambi on your own. 😉 Jennifer L. Armentrout never fails when bringing us a swoony boy..and this book is no exception..In fact, she gave us TWO SWOONY BOYS! We’ve got Zayne ,who is a warden (aka Gargoyle) and Roth, who is a demon. Our female MC in this book is Layla. Layla is half-warden, half-demon. She was raised by the Wardens and because of that she feels insecure around them. She may be half-warden, but she doesn’t have the capabilities they possess, so she feels…inconsequential? around them.. Yeah, something like that. She does have the ability to “tag” demons, which she uses to help the Wardens, who hunt at night, identify them. Which in turn makes their job a bit easier..and makes Layla feel as though she’s doing something positive. Due to her being half-demon, she has the ability to suck the soul right out of someone..literally. Because of that whole soul-sucking thing, she’ll never be able to have the one boy she wants..Zayne, or anyone else for that matter.. That all changes when she meets Roth. Roth is a demon, he has no soul, so his lips are free game to Layla..and boy does she take advantage of that..Or maybe it’s Roth that takes advantage of […]

Guest Post: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

Guest Post: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

  Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane Release Date:  January 16th, 2014 Pages: 225 Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon Violet Miller is a teacher savoring her summer break until she’s been called in as emergency reinforcements—of the dating kind. She volunteers to help an old flame by pretending to be his girlfriend. In Alaska. At a family reunion. Since the guy is a handsome, lumberjack-sized doctor she’s never quite forgotten, faking a relationship won’t be hard work. Mike Ostranski is a desperate man on vacation. His mother wants grandchildren and sees a crazy Alaskan woman as a candidate for daughter-in-law. Mike needs Violet by his side to deflect the lady’s advances. A week in Alaska as boyfriend and girlfriend should be easy for them. They grew up together, even had a brief fling. What could go wrong? Everything.   AUTHOR’ S FAVORITE QUOTES from LIAR, LIAR HEARTS ON FIRE by Jennifer Zane Violet (a first-grade teacher) is questioning Goldie about who would read the Erotic Romance book she’s written. Goldie says:   “Young lady, are you forgetting where you are?” I looked around the adult store filled with blow-up dolls, slutty lingerie, toys, videos, gag gifts. “Right. My view of the world is shifting from the ABC’s to XXX.”   Jennifer: Violet and Goldie. I like this quote because Violet realizes her world view has been a little skewed because of her job and her single-ness.   ___   My dating experience might have been sporadic—the seasonal […]