Tag: preliminary

FINAL COUNT for the Preliminary Round of the Book Boyfriend Battle Royale!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Preliminary Round of our BOOK BOYFRIEND BATTLE ROYAL!  The TOP 64 BOOK BOYFRIENDS who will move on to the next round are listed towards the bottom of this page. 😉 Details for the next round in the BOOK BOYFRIEND BATTLE ROYALE will be released either tonight or tomorrow morning. If you’d like to get an email notification when they become available, please subscribe to our blog. Or you can follow us on Facebook / Twitter / Bloglovin’ / Tumblr to get updates as well. 🙂 Some details that I can give to you right now is that this Book Boyfriend Battle will not only be a contest between book boyfriends, it will also be a contest between you, the readers, as well. 😉 With that said, we are looking for Authors/Book Bloggers  who are able to donate some swag, gift cards, books, ebooks or anything fun you can think of to a prize pack that will be given away to the winner at the end of the BBBR.  Anyone who can donate a prize to the prize pack will be given a shoutout (with links!) through out the rest of the battle! We’ve gotten a few things together so far but we’d like to make the prize pack super awesome! If you are interested in sponsoring a prize, please contact us! 😉   Top 64 Book Boyfriends   Jamie Fraser (The Outlander series Diana Gabaldon) Gabriel Emerson (Gabriel’s Inferno Series by Sylvain Reynard) Gideon […]

Book Boyfriend BATTLE ROYALE Preliminary Voting

Hey Everyone! This coming May will be our FIRST BLOGOVERSARY! In celebration of our first year in the book blog world we are going to host a BOOK BOYFRIEND BATTLE ROYALE! There’s nothing like watching a bunch of HOT & SWOONY BOYS duke it out. 😀 We’ve got around 300+ Boys listed below in four different polls. We need to get that list of book boyfriends down to just 64! You can vote for up to FIVE (5) Book Boyfriends per poll, for a total of TWENTY (20) Votes!   ***POLLS WILL CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT ON SUNDAY NIGHT/MONDAY MORNING (4/21/14). As of right now this book boyfriend battle will hopefully be unlike any other book boyfriend tourney you’ve participated in the past. If we can get it to work out, it will not only be a contest between book boyfriends, it will be a contest between you, the readers, as well.  🙂 With that said, if there are any authors or book bloggers out there who would like to donate some swag or amazon/bn giftcard(s), etc to a prize pack at the end of battle royal, please CONTACT US. Anyone who sponsors a gift will be given a shout out (with links!)  throughout the rest of the battle! One last thing: If you could be so kind, after you’ve voted for your favorite book boyfriends will you please fill out this form or comment below stating the reasons WHY YOU LOVE YOUR CHOSEN BOOK BOYFRIENDS? Thank you so much! Want Updates […]