Tag: Paris

Book Review: The Professional by Kresley Cole

Book Review: The Professional by Kresley Cole

I’ve read a lot of not-so-good reviews for this book but I don’t care…. This book was SMOKIN’ HOT and very entertaining. It’s giving me hot flashes just remembering back to when I read it last month. Holy hell. Aleksei “The Siberian” Sevastyan puts Christian Grey and his Red Room to shame. Grad Student, Natalie Porter, and her search to find out about her Birth Parents leads her in to the Russian Mafiya. All The While, catching the eye of the one sent to protect her, Aleksei Sevastyan. They’re drawn to one another and can’t seem to stay away from each other for too long. I loved the characters in this book. Sevastyan made me swoon like I’ve never swooned before and Natalie just straight-up entertained me. I thought she was a hilarious and she had a serious fascination with kink that she was discovering about herself in this book. The smexy times between Sevastyan and Natalie will overheat your reading apparatus or cause your paperback to catch fire…that’s how smoking hot their chemistry is. We also can’t forget about Natalie’s best friend, Jess, who I think made Natalie even more of an interesting character. The two of them together made for an entertaining friendship.   If you liked Fifty Shades of Grey, you’ll LOVE this book even more. It’ll make you want to run out and book a one-way ticket to Russia or look to see if there’s such thing as Russian mail order HUSBANDS. YUM.     Some of my favorite […]

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

A week before her big wedding, Mia Devine’s  fiance, Tucker,  calls off their wedding with a text from VEGAS. Which in my opinion was probably the best thing to happen to her..as he has a thing against oral sex and body fluids. Also, it seems like he was the kind of guy who is “Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am. I’m sorry you didn’t get off but I must go take a shower because I’m a closted germaphobe.” Eventually her friends Coco and Erin manage to talk her out of the blanket fort she’s built around herself. From there they try and talk her into taking her booked & paid for honeymoon by herself. Paris is somewhere she’s always wanted to go..so eventually she gives in to her friends and goes. On her first day in Paris, after walking around witnessing the city of love being in love, Mia can’t take it no more. “I tried to perk myself up with a stroll along the Seine, but my Independent Woman positivity had fizzled. Everywhere I looked I saw couples in love. Fucking everywhere.”   Working herself up into a rage she somehow loses herself in Paris and has no idea where she’s at. She decides she needs wine so she walks a bit more and comes across a bar called The Beaver Bar & Grille. She walks in and looks to see if a proposal is imminent and finds that there doesn’t seem to be much love in the air. The […]