Tag: paperback

Random Giveaway! Autographed Copy of Relatively Famous by Heather C. Leigh

Random Giveaway! Autographed Copy of Relatively Famous by Heather C. Leigh

Surprise! I feel like giving an autographed book and book mark away. 😉 Relatively Famous by Heather Leigh Series: Famous Series #1 on June 8th, 2014 Genres: Chick-Lit, Contemporary, Romance Pages: 250 Add to your Goodreads shelf. Buy Now: Amazon • B&N • iTunes • Kobo Check out my REVIEW here: http://wp.me/p47EpU-2dg *****Warning***** This is NOT your typical Hollywood romance. There are NO virgins falling for actors. There are NO celebrities falling for the girl next door. What there IS, is a damaged girl who is rescued by the sexy Drew Forrester. Can they get past her secret? Or his? Sydney Allen is trying to be your average 24 year old New Yorker. It’ s hard to be average though when your mother is Evangeline Allen, an Oscar winning actress known as “America’ s Sweetheart” to moviegoers across the globe. It’ s even harder to be average when your dad is Reid Tannen, Hollywood Bad Boy and one of the highest paid actors in the world. Their divorce when Sydney was 12 years old was set off by a series of haunting incidents that left Sydney scarred mentally and physically. Hollywood destroyed her parents’ marriage and almost destroyed her. She hasn’t owned a TV, read magazines or watched movies since the divorce, refusing to take part in an industry that brought her so much pain. Now 12 years after her mother took her from LA and hid her in New York to keep her safe, no one but her best friend Leah […]

Giveaway: Autographed Copy of UNDER DIFFERENT STARS by Amy A. Bartol

Giveaway: Autographed Copy of UNDER DIFFERENT STARS by Amy A. Bartol

In honor of our First Blogoversary, which we are celebrating this month, we are giving away some autographed goodies! The next book up in our blogoversary celebration is Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol! Please enter via the Rafflecopter below! 😉   Review Revisited:   Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol Series: Kricket #1 on December 16th, 2013 Genres: Dystopian, New Adult, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Young Adult Pages: 287 Format: eBook Source: Amazon, Purchased by Reviewer Add to your Goodreads shelf.Buy the Book • Buy the Book   All she wants is a home, but can she find one…UNDER DIFFERENT STARS Kricket Hollowell is normally not one to wish upon stars; she believes they’ re rarely in her favor. Well versed at dodging caseworkers from Chicago’ s foster care system, the past few years on her own have made Kricket an expert at the art of survival and blending in. With her 18th birthday fast approaching, she dreams of the day when she can stop running and find what her heart needs most: a home. Trey Allairis hates Earth and doubts that anyone from his world can thrive here. What he’ s learning of Kricket and her existence away from her true home only confirms his theory. But, when he and Kricket lie together under the stars of Ethar, counting them all may be easier than letting her go. Kyon Ensin’ s secrets number the stars; he knows more about Kricket’ s gifts than anyone and plans to possess her because of them. He also knows she’ s more valuable than any fire in the night sky. He’ ll move the heavens and […]

Blogoversary Giveaway: Speak Easy & Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

Blogoversary Giveaway: Speak Easy & Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

In honor of our first BLOGOVERSARY, All month long I will be giving away copies of books that I have reviewed in our first year of blogging. 🙂 The first prize up this month is AUTOGRAPHED paperbacks of Speak Easy and Speak Low by Melanie Harlow with matching autographed book marks. 🙂 Review Revisited: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow Series: Speak Easy #1 Released: July 22nd, 2013 Genres: Crime, Historical, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Format: eBook Source: Author Add to your Goodreads shelf.Buy the Book â€˘ Buy the Book   The 1920s are roaring, and twenty-year-old Tiny O’Mara wants to be a part of it.By day she works for her father’ s smalltime bootlegging operation, by night she craves the sexy roll-your-stockings-down lifestyle of a flapper—until her father is kidnapped by a mobster in Detroit’s exploding organized crime scene, and it’ s Tiny who has to come up with the ten-thousand-dollar ransom…in one week.Suddenly she’ s thrust into an intoxicating underworld of greed, lust, lies, and betrayal.Enzo DiFiore is the son of the mobster holding her father hostage, but his sexy screen idol looks and dangerous charm leave her breathless. When the forbidden spark between them refuses to burn out, she tries to use their powerful chemistry to buy more time. And irritatingly handsome childhood pal Joey Lupo has the street smarts Tiny needs to make a quick ten grand, but he’ s got his own agenda where gang rivalries are concerned.Deciding whom to trust isn’ t easy in a world where everyone wants something—be it booze, money, power, or sex—and no one cares what it takes to get it.Temptation is everywhere. […]