Blog Tour: One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

I loved this book so much more than the last book. This book starts out a few days after the last one ends. Olivia and Miller are in New York trying to escape from everything happening in London. It doesn’t take long for something to happen causing them to have to go back to London and face everything. Miller’s trying find a way out of his profession and Olivia’s mother comes back from the dead. Turns out she’s been alive all this time.. Huh. You won’t believe the story behind that. It’s insane! I also would like to point out my suspicions throughout the last two books were RIGHT! Though at first they were so very wrong. 😉 I won’t even say what I’m talking about, but when you finish this book you’ll know exactly what I’m referring to. 😀 The twists & turns in this story are crazy..including what we finally learn about Miller and his boss….I didn’t see any of that coming and it sure did surprise me! Miller is imperfectly perfect as always… and Olivia, sometimes I wanted to smack her for being such a brat… But that’s what I pretty much expect with all female characters these days. They’re all so stubborn and never do what is best for them.. Nan, we can’t forget about her. She was just as amazing in this book as she has been in the last two books. I’m sad I won’t get to see her or Miller any more after this. 🙁 Now […]