Tag: melanie harlow

Review: Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow

Review: Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow

  This book is amazing! I just re-read it for a second time THIRD TIME. I don’t usually re-read a book so soon after I read it the first time or second time, but I had to. I just LOVED Sebastian. He was imperfectly perfect. You get so used to reading about these PERFECT GUYS in romance novels, that it’s a little refreshing to find one who isn’t so perfect. Reading the blurb, you’re not sure what you’re gonna get when you dive in to this book. You’ve got Skylar Nixon, fresh off the farm, er.. a stint on a reality show about riding cowboys. ;P She is a former Cherry Queen, who went out in to the world to try and find it as actress. Only to find herself on a reality TV show riding a mechanical bull. After realizing that she misses home, she’s back in Northern Michigan staying in a guest house on her parents’ property and working at a local vineyard. Then you’ve got Sebastian Pryce, who recently relocated back to Michigan after breaking off his engagement to his ex-fiancee in New York City. He’s a lawyer working in his dad’s law firm and he’s working through some issues. After Skylar’s time on a Reality TV show comes back to bite her in the ass. She ends up visiting Lighthouse Park to sit on the beach and just think about what she’s going to do with her life. When she’s leaving she notices a man sitting on the […]

Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow + Giveaway

Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow + Giveaway

  Title: Some Sort of Love Series: Happy, Crazy, Love Author: Melanie Harlow Release Date: February 9th, 2016 Add to your Goodreads Shelf Buy Now: Amazon (UK) | B&N | iTunes| Kobo On the surface, I have it all—a career I adore, a loving family, the Nixon metabolism but not the Nixon ears, and a salary that supports my lavish taste in designer shoes, fine wine, and lacy lingerie…but I have no one to share it with. Until the day I run into him—my one night stand from college with the cocky smile, let’ s-get-out-of-here eyes, and dirty, dirty mouth. Levi Brooks is six feet four inches of hot bearded fantasy. A sexy single dad with broad shoulders, strong hands, and a fantastically big…heart. (I mean, it’ s massive. And generous. And it pumps so hard… um. Sorry. Lost my place.) But he lives for his son, and he’s keeping me at a distance because he thinks I deserve someone better—a man who can give me more time, more attention, more of himself. He doesn’ t believe he could ever be enough. But he’s wrong. He’ s everything.     Giveaway Enter the Some Sort of Love Rafflecopter! a Rafflecopter giveaway Happy, Crazy, Love Series   Please join Melanie Harlow and help the children of Flint, MI! The kids in Flint, MI need safe water now, and they need resources for the future–the effects of lead exposure are serious and long-term. You can help by donating to flintkids.org between now and […]

Blogoversary Giveaway: Speak Easy & Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

Blogoversary Giveaway: Speak Easy & Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

In honor of our first BLOGOVERSARY, All month long I will be giving away copies of books that I have reviewed in our first year of blogging. 🙂 The first prize up this month is AUTOGRAPHED paperbacks of Speak Easy and Speak Low by Melanie Harlow with matching autographed book marks. 🙂 Review Revisited: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow Series: Speak Easy #1 Released: July 22nd, 2013 Genres: Crime, Historical, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Format: eBook Source: Author Add to your Goodreads shelf.Buy the Book • Buy the Book   The 1920s are roaring, and twenty-year-old Tiny O’Mara wants to be a part of it.By day she works for her father’ s smalltime bootlegging operation, by night she craves the sexy roll-your-stockings-down lifestyle of a flapper—until her father is kidnapped by a mobster in Detroit’s exploding organized crime scene, and it’ s Tiny who has to come up with the ten-thousand-dollar ransom…in one week.Suddenly she’ s thrust into an intoxicating underworld of greed, lust, lies, and betrayal.Enzo DiFiore is the son of the mobster holding her father hostage, but his sexy screen idol looks and dangerous charm leave her breathless. When the forbidden spark between them refuses to burn out, she tries to use their powerful chemistry to buy more time. And irritatingly handsome childhood pal Joey Lupo has the street smarts Tiny needs to make a quick ten grand, but he’ s got his own agenda where gang rivalries are concerned.Deciding whom to trust isn’ t easy in a world where everyone wants something—be it booze, money, power, or sex—and no one cares what it takes to get it.Temptation is everywhere. […]

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

A week before her big wedding, Mia Devine’s  fiance, Tucker,  calls off their wedding with a text from VEGAS. Which in my opinion was probably the best thing to happen to her..as he has a thing against oral sex and body fluids. Also, it seems like he was the kind of guy who is “Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am. I’m sorry you didn’t get off but I must go take a shower because I’m a closted germaphobe.” Eventually her friends Coco and Erin manage to talk her out of the blanket fort she’s built around herself. From there they try and talk her into taking her booked & paid for honeymoon by herself. Paris is somewhere she’s always wanted to go..so eventually she gives in to her friends and goes. On her first day in Paris, after walking around witnessing the city of love being in love, Mia can’t take it no more. “I tried to perk myself up with a stroll along the Seine, but my Independent Woman positivity had fizzled. Everywhere I looked I saw couples in love. Fucking everywhere.”   Working herself up into a rage she somehow loses herself in Paris and has no idea where she’s at. She decides she needs wine so she walks a bit more and comes across a bar called The Beaver Bar & Grille. She walks in and looks to see if a proposal is imminent and finds that there doesn’t seem to be much love in the air. The […]

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow

One of my favorite books of this year was Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow. It takes place in Detroit during the height of prohibition, the 1920s. Seeing as I’m from Michigan, I like it when I read a book that is based in a place I’m familiar with. I know what it’s like in Michigan during the middle of a July heat wave. I also know where Woodward Avenue is. Though I’m sure the Woodward Ave of Today is a tad bit different looking now.. This book was like reading through an episode of Boardwalk Empire, DETROIT STYLE. I recently finished the sequel to the book, Speak Low, and I will be reviewing that book in the near future(so keep an eye out for it!). In the meantime, check out my review for Speak Easy located here and scroll down and enter to win a digital copy of Speak Easy(kindle OR ePub)!       a Rafflecopter giveaway