Tag: Man Madness

Book Boyfriend Battles #17 through #20! VOTE NOW!!

Book Boyfriend Battles #17 through #20! VOTE NOW!!

Jace Wayland vs Bennett Ryan | Patch Cipriano vs Daniel Grigori Will Herondale vs Seth | Sean McCarthy vs Gavin Blake Match #17: Jace Wayland vs Bennett Ryan   Jace Wayland VS Bennett Ryan   Match #17: Jace Wayland vs Bennett Ryan   Match #18: Patch Cipriano vs Daniel Grigori   Patch Cipriano VS Daniel Grigori Match #18: Patch Cipriano vs Daniel Grigori   Match #19: Will Herondale vs Seth   Will Herondale VS Seth Match #19: Will Herondale vs Seth   Match #20:Sean McCarthy vs Gavin Blake Sean McCarthy VS Gavin Blake Match #20:Sean McCarthy vs Gavin Blake  

Book Boyfriend Battles #13 through #16! VOTE NOW!!

Book Boyfriend Battles #13 through #16! VOTE NOW!!

Jesse Ward vs Jack Lair | Remy Tate vs Will Sumner Adrian Ivashkov vs James Cavendish | Tobias “Four” Eaton vs Andrew Parrish Match #13: Jesse Ward vs Jack Lair     Jesse Wardk VS Jack Lair     Match #13: Jesse Ward vs Jack Lair   Match #14: Remy Tate vs Will Sumner   Remy Tate VS Will Sumner Match #14: Remy Tate vs Will Sumner   Match #15: Adrian Ivashkov vs James Cavendish   Adrfian Ivashkov VS James Cavendish Match #15: Adrian Ivashkov vs James Cavendish   Match #16: Tobias “Four” Eaton vs Andrew Parrish Tobias “Four” Eaton VS Andrew Parrish Match #16: Tobias “Four” Eaton vs Andrew Parrish  

Book Boyfriend Battles #9 through #12! VOTE NOW!!

Book Boyfriend Battles #9 through #12! VOTE NOW!!

Peeta Mellark vs Will Cooper | Rush Finlay vs Rhage Edward Cullen vs Jared Trent | Kellan Kyle vs Archer Hale Match #9: Peeta Mellark vs Will Cooper     Peeta Mellark VS Will Cooper Amazon | B&N | iTunes Amazon | B&N | iTunes     Match #9: Peeta Mellark vs Will Cooper   Match #10: Rush Finlay vs Rhage   Rush Finlay VS Rhage Amazon | B&N | iTunes Amazon | B&N | iTunes Match #10: Rush Finlay vs Rhage   Match #11: Edward Cullen vs Jared Trent   Edward Cullen VS Jared Trent Amazon | B&N | iTunes Amazon | B&N | iTunes Match #11: Edward Cullen vs Jared Trent   Match #12: Kellan Kyle vs Archer Hale Kellan Kyle VS Archer Hale Amazon | B&N | iTunes Amazon | B&N | iTunes Match #12: Kellan Kyle vs Archer Hale  

Book Boyfriend Battles #5 through #8! VOTE NOW!!

Book Boyfriend Battles #5 through #8! VOTE NOW!!

Jericho Barrons vs Augustus Waters | Zsadist vs Ethan Blackstone Dean Holder vs Roth | Max Stella vs Mason Kade   If you guys if you have a moment… If you could please fill out this form and tell me what you love about your favorite book boyfriends that haven’t gone up for the battle yet… that would be AMAZING and so very helpful! Thank you!. 😉 Woohoo! Now with that said… You may VOTE! 😀 Match #5: Jericho Barrons vs Augustus Waters What fans have to say about Jericho Barrons… “That no matter what, Barron gets the job done.” – Clare “Got to love a compassionate dominant man who’s a beast in bed and in reality, intelligent and has style” – Alicia “Now here’s a man that just the mere mention of his name, has you weak at the knees, sighing heavily and scratching “I HEART Barrons” into every available surface. He’s the source of heated fantasies, lustful longings and women everywhere would give anything to hear him utter their names. He is deliciously, wickedly, sensually, undeniably mouthwatering with an arrogance and darkness that makes him an EPIC character. Power drips off him by the bucket load with a confidence that totally backs up that swagger of his. Problem is .. that’s pretty much all we know about this sexy mystery and what he is. Facts about Barrons are very slim throughout the books… Oh loads of people know WHAT he is but they’re not saying because he has them […]

Book Boyfriend Battles #1 through #4! VOTE NOW!!

Book Boyfriend Battles #1 through #4! VOTE NOW!!

Welcome to the first round of voting in the Book Boyfriend Battle Royale!! Below are the first FOUR battles in the BBBR! But first, I need a bit of help from you guys if you have a moment… If you could please fill out this form and tell me what you love about your favorite book boyfriends that haven’t gone up for the battle yet… that would be AMAZING and so very helpful! Thank you!. 😉 Woohoo! Now with that said… You may VOTE! 😀 Jamie Fraser vs. Travis Walker | Gabriel Emerson vs. Tack Allen Gideon Cross vs. Reyes Farrow | Travis Maddox vs. Liam James Match #1: Jamie Fraser Vs. Travis Walker What fans are saying about Jamie Fraser: “Jamie is the King of Men. He is caring, handsome, sexy, loving, romantic, faithful, beautiful, amazing, honest, a warrior…I mean what ELSE could ANY woman want from a man? Long live James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser!” – Marybeth “Ja mes Alexander Malcom MacKenzie Fraser is probably the most considerate and sensitive boyfriend/husband ever created.” -Marianne “Jamie Fraser is a rare man, one that other men follow and look up to. He is kind and gentle. I started reading Outlander twenty years ago, I enjoy all of the books about Jamie and Claire and I’m looking forward to the TV series starting this summer.” – Sandi   “Jamie Fraser is a leader, respected by his clan and all those he meets. He’s a dedicated husband. He has a sense of […]

Nominate Your Favorite Book Boyfriends!

Hey guys. We’re going to try and set up our own version of March Madness..as of right now the name is MAN Madness. I don’t know if it’ll make it past nomination stage.. but I need nominations to try and take it past Nomination stage.. if I can get the ideas I have floating around in my head to work out..this will be really interesting! So for now if you have a favorite book boyfriend you’d like to nominate for a possible MAN Madness Tournament. Please feel free to fill out the form below. You can nominate YA, NA or Adult Book Boyfriends. We’ll let them battle it out and we will see who comes out on top! Feel free to nominate more than one character for each category we just ask that you nominate ONE AT A TIME. It will make our work going through the nominations easier. This tournament will probably take place at the beginning of April. I will email any one who nominates their favorite characters with details as to when the tournament starts up. I will also contact those who wish to be a campaign manager(s) for their chosen characters as well as anyone who wants to be apart of the campaign TEAM. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this Tournament please feel free to contact me at erin@mereadalot.net Thank you! This Tournament is brought to you by MEReadALOT (http://www.mereadalot.net) with support from Meredith & Jennifer’s Musings (http://meredithraemusings.blogspot.com/) and Tween 2 Teen Books (http://www.tween2teenbooks.com/) […]