Tag: london

Blog Tour: One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Blog Tour: One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

  I loved this book so much more than the last book. This book starts out a few days after the last one ends. Olivia and Miller are in New York trying to escape from everything happening in London. It doesn’t take long for something to happen causing them to have to go back to London and face everything. Miller’s trying find a way out of his profession and Olivia’s mother comes back from the dead. Turns out she’s been alive all this time.. Huh. You won’t believe the story behind that. It’s insane! I also would like to point out my suspicions throughout the last two books were RIGHT! Though at first they were so very wrong. 😉 I won’t even say what I’m talking about, but when you finish this book you’ll know exactly what I’m referring to. 😀  The twists & turns in this story are crazy..including what we finally learn about Miller and his boss….I didn’t see any of that coming and it sure did surprise me! Miller is imperfectly perfect as always… and Olivia, sometimes I wanted to smack her for being such a brat… But that’s what I pretty much expect with all female characters these days. They’re all so stubborn and never do what is best for them.. Nan, we can’t forget about her. She was just as amazing in this book as she has been in the last two books. I’m sad I won’t get to see her or Miller any more after this. 🙁 Now […]

One Night: Denied by Jodi Ellen Malpas (It’s MILLER TIME!)

One Night: Denied by Jodi Ellen Malpas (It’s MILLER TIME!)

  Miller’s name always makes me think of the  “It’s Miller Time” slogan by Miller Beer, so this review will be now called “It’s Miller <3 Time!” Because..well, it is Miller time. Raise your hands if you love Miller Hart!     First off, I’ve read a few other reviews on this book. Some things I agree with while some others I don’t. First, there was some weird editing in this book. For example, The end of chapter 10/beginning of chapter 11. Did Scotty beam her there? How did she go from Miller’s apartment to being inside of a hotel room. Also, how did she manage to get that specific hotel room? That just totally confused the hell out of me when I read it. Why is everyone hating on Miller and his “Thing?” I think it’s adorable. Olivia is the first person in his life he’s allowed to get close to him in that way and so of course it’s going to be an addiction, A THING, that he’ll want. Did anyone get tired of Jesse wanting to “Make Friends” because that was totally his “THING”. I think Miller’s “thing” is JEM just making him more adorable. Just like I thought Jesse and his “making friends” was adorable.   I enjoyed the first book of this series immensely.  This one I found not to be as good as the first book. Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, I did..but I think this one seems more like just a filler between […]

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

I’m currently on vacation visiting a friend who lives in NYC… I started reading One Night Promised when we were in the for the night last night. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I was up until 5am reading and then I finally forced myself to go to bed. The second I was up today I dove right back in to the book instead of going out into the city of NY to wander. That’s saying something. 😉 Olivia, otherwise known as Livy, is a 24 year old woman who just started working a bistro, she cannot master the cappuccino machine to save her life.  She could be annoying at times, but when learning more about her and her secrets you start to understand where she’s coming from. I really loved Livy’s Grandmother, whom she lives with, she was cute and entertaining. Her Nan did all she could to try and get her granddaughter to break out her carefully crafted shell and live her life. It takes making a bad cup of coffee for a dark haired, blue eyed stranger to  cause Livy’s shell to crack. I LOVE MILLER. He’s a quirky hot guy. He may seem like perfection, but really he has his flaws and his secrets too. Boy, I did NOT expect his secret to be what it was.. JEM really surprised me with his dirty secret. After learning more about Livy’s past, I think Livy’s reaction when learning about Miller’s profession was a little hypocritical, though now that I’m thinking about […]

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

If you’re looking for something that will seriously make you LAUGH OUT LOUD, this book is for you! I really enjoyed this book. I haven’t laughed this hard since I read the Chocolate Lovers series by Tara Sivec! It had me laughing within the first few pages… Paige Crawford has graduated college and booked a one way ticket to London. Within her first day there she makes friends and already has been invited out that first night to hang out. Later that night while leaving The Box, the club that Jason (the cute guy she meets outside her Flat when she first arrives) invites her to, Paige, being drunk, trips and falls into the arms of a well known soccer player while the paparazzi are there to capture it on film. The next day she’s an insta-celeb, which ends up being both a blessing and a curse. I really enjoyed this story, so much I couldn’t put it down to go to bed. Though, I have to warn you: The most disturbing thing I’ve ever read in a book happened at the beginning of this story. Though doesn’t mean it didn’t have me laughing after going ‘OMGWTF?!’ My reaction to it: and then: I really hope that there will be a sequel to this story, because I would like to see what other shenanigans Paige will get herself in to. If you’re looking for a book that will give you a good haha giggle snort, I definitely suggest you check […]

Book Review: Sunny Daniels and The Tale of Tarot Cards and Movie Stars

Book Review: Sunny Daniels and The Tale of Tarot Cards and Movie Stars

I came across this book when I was browsing through smashwords out of boredom. The description caught my eye and it seemed like something I would enjoy as I tend to enjoy books where the girl gets the famous boy. 🙂 The story takes place in London and the protagonist is 19 year old Sunny Daniels who longs to grow up and become a film director. She’s in London to do a two week work experience volunteering as a production runner on a movie set. Due to a no show, she is recruited as runner for Nathan King, the hot and young American, starring in the movie she’s working on. Their relationship doesn’t start out too good and continues to go down hill with sarcastic remarks from her, and threats to her job from him.  She miraculously doesn’t lose her job and by the end of the first week of her work experience receives a very surprising and tempting offer of a lifetime. “You never know. You could be one of them divas, you know, I can only wear the colour red and answer to the name Suzie.” – Sunny   This book is filled some some good british humor, a few good snarky comments, broken hearts and maybe a happily ever after. It’s a good read for a lazy day. 😀 I’m giving this book Three and 1/2 Stars (for now). The book needs to be re-edited in a major way and cleaned a bit and then I think […]