Tag: Jennifer L. Armentrout

Review: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

Review: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

I have yet to read a book written by Jennifer L. Armentrout that I haven’t loved. Be With Me is no exception. This book is about Teresa Hamilton, who we met in Wait For You. At the start of the book she’s starting her freshman year while she’s recovering from an torn ACL. She’s working on Plan B, while she waits for her body to heal so she can go back to her dancing. For the last so many years she’s been secretly crushing on her brother’s best friend,  Jase Winstead. A year ago they kissed..once..and since then they’ve pretty much been ignoring each other.. Until now. 😉 Now that Tess is going to college while she heals from her injury, she’s “reconnected” with Jase. Tess keeps getting hot and cold signals from Jase. One minute he wants her, the next he’s pushing her away. He’s hiding something from her, from everyone. It seemed obvious to me as to what was keeping him from having  a relationship with Tess, but when he finally opened up and talked to Teresa, I was totally shocked to see my theory was right. On top of Tess having to deal with indecisive Jase, she’s having to deal with problems with her roommate. If you’ve read Wait For You, you  have an idea as to what Teresa has already endured in the past..but now we’re hearing it from HER point of view and we’re seeing her witness her roommate go through the same predicament.. Teresa […]

Be With Me by J. Lynn(@JLArmentrout) FIVE Chapters Revealed!

Be With Me by J. Lynn(@JLArmentrout) FIVE Chapters Revealed!

Be With Me by J. Lynn Series: Wait For You #2 Release Date:  February 4th, 2014 Pages: 384 Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wait for You Do Teresa and Jase have a real shot at getting together or will life get in the way? Teresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she’s in love with her big brother’s best friend, but he hasn’t spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, life-changing kiss. Then she got out of a terrible relationship. Now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It’s time for plan B: college. And maybe she’ll have a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real. Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he’s not telling anyone—especially not his best friend’s incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn’t have time for a relationship. But it doesn’t help that all he can think about is kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him. As they’re thrown together more and more, Jase and Teresa can’t keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they’re willing to risk to be together and what they’re willing to lose if they’re not. . . . Five Chapters Be With Me […]

More news on the Be With Me by @JLArmentrout pre-order!

More news on the Be With Me by @JLArmentrout pre-order!

Exciting Be With Me Pre-Order News! A few weeks ago we got the low-down that when you pre-order the paperback edition of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s upcoming book BE WITH ME, you will get a bonus scene that you WILL NOT see in the e-book version. Well here’s some more exciting news about the Be With Me (paperback OR eBook) pre-order:  You will receive an extra scene featuring Cam and Avery from WAIT FOR YOU! This scene is only available to those who preorder the book—once it goes on sale on 2/4/2014, this opportunity passes by. So don’ t let it!  In order to claim your pre-order prize, all you have to do is go to this landing page and enter your order number. It’ s that easy!              

Results for our first ever Best Reads Of: 2013 polls

Results for our first ever Best Reads Of: 2013 polls

Thanks to everyone who voted in our first ever Reader’s Choice Best of Polls! We’re so glad to say we got a huge HUGE turnout in the voting. Way more votes than I ever imagined! Thanks to the READERS for taking part of our polling! Also, THANKS to all of the Authors who RTed my constant tweets about our First Ever polls on our still relatively new book blog. We love you and that is why we are here! To read, talk and rave (and maybe sometimes rant too. Ha) about our favorite authors and the amazing books they write! If it weren’t for you guys, we wouldn’t be here doing this. 😉 Thanks to everyone!! Best Cover of 2013 # Title Author # of Votes % of Votes 1 Origin Jennifer L. Armentrout 182 19% 2 Forever Too Far Abbi Glines 91 9% 3 A Beautiful Wedding Jamie McGuire 86 9% 4 Clockword Princess Cassandra Clare 65 7% 5 Tangled Emma Chase 63 7%   Best Debut of 2013 # Title Author # of Votes % of Votes 1 Tangled Emma Chase 162 24% 2 Bully Penelope Douglas 161 24% 3 Real Katy Evans 96 14% 4 The Collector Victoria Scott 61 9% 5 Axel Harper Sloan 42 6% Best Book Boyfriend of 2013 # Character Book/Author # of Votes % of Votes 1 Rush Finlay Too Far / Abbi Glines 323 22% 2 Daemon Black LUX / Jennifer L. Armentrout 240 17% 3 Travis Maddox Beautiful / Jamie […]

Review & Giveaway: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Review & Giveaway: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout Release Date: December 1st, 2013 Publisher: Harlequin Teen Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon | B&N Click here to read my review for Bitter Sweet Love and to enter to win a copy of Bitter Sweet Love! In a sizzling prequel novella to her new series THE DARK ELEMENTS, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout draws readers into the extraordinary, irresistible world of Wardens and demons. Dez wasn’t just Jasmine’s crush. A gargoyle Warden like Jas, he helped her come to terms with her destiny—fending off demons and maintaining balance between good and evil. He was her everything…right until the moment he disappeared without a trace. It didn’t help that Jas’s father had just announced that she and Dez would one day be mated. Hard not to take that personally. And now he’s back, three years older, ten times hotter, ready to pick up exactly where they left off. But Jas isn’t taking that risk again. Dez has seven days to meet all her conditions and earn back her trust. Seven days filled with terrifying danger and sweet temptation. Seven days to win her heart—or shatter it all over again… Erin’s Review To be honest, when this book series was first announced I was like, ‘Gargoyles?!! Why would anyone write about gargoyles?’ Then I remembered that this is Jennifer L. Armentrout that is writing these books! I shouldn’t question her for writing about gargoyles, I should just trust the knowledge that we all know: Jennifer […]

Book Review: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

Book Review: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

To be honest, when this book series was first announced I was like, ‘Gargoyles?!! Why would anyone write about gargoyles?’ Then I remembered that this is Jennifer L. Armentrout that is writing these books! I shouldn’t question her for writing about gargoyles, I should just trust the knowledge that we all know: Jennifer L. Armentrout writes the most swoon-worthy male characters EVER. After that realization I started to get excited! One day Jasmine’s father has announced his wishes for Jasmine and Dez to Mate, the next Dez has up and left without a word to Jasmine. It’s kind of hard to not take that personally. Especially seeing as Jas had spent the last 8 years of her life in love with him. So for 3 years, Jasmine mourns the loss of Dez and then one day He comes back and lays claim to Jasmine. Oh, but Jasmine is NOT HAPPY. She’s just spent the last 3 years of her life wondering what she did to make him leave and now he’s back all of the sudden and wants to mate? Oh no, Jasmine is not having any of that. Jasmine has seven days to say yes or no to Dez’s claim. Instead of saying ‘NO’ right off the bat, she comes up with conditions and she makes him work for that ‘Yes.’ We get a brief introduction to Layla (half demon & half gargoyle teen girl being raised by the DC Warden Clan.), Zayne (A Warden from the Clan that’s […]

Sneak Peek at Jennifer L. Armentrout’s upcoming novella BITTER SWEET LOVE

Sneak Peek at Jennifer L. Armentrout’s upcoming novella BITTER SWEET LOVE

  Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout Release Date: December 1st, 2013 Publisher: Harlequin Teen Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Pre-Order: Amazon | B&N Rev Bitter Sweet Love Excerpt   White Hot Kiss ARC Giveaway! Want a chance to win 1 of 20 ARCs of the first full length novel from the Dark Elements series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, White Hot Kiss? Enter the giveaway on Goodreads for your chance to win a copy!   White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout Series: The Dark Elements #1 Release Date: February 25th, 2014 Publisher: Harlequin Teen Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Pre-Order: Amazon | B&N

TWD Post! I’m so amused with myself right now.

TWD Post! I’m so amused with myself right now.

So I’m listening to the audiobook version of Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout at work. I totally forgot that in Opal Katy, Daemon and Dawson have a George Romero zombiethon in this book where during it Daemon morphs into a zombie (lolol)… I immediately thought of Daemon as a zombie and then remembered that the new season of The Walking Dead premiered last night..and then I had a genius thought…and then I giggled and opened up Photoshop and got to work…. I’m so amused with myself right now. I have to say, Daemon is still hot even as a zombie. Anyways, to be honest with you guys…I am so far behind on The Walking Dead I couldn’t tell you if they ever found Sophia..because I forgot to start watching it again after the mid-season break in season 2. Oops. Maybe I should stop reading and start up netflix/hulu and get caught up on TWD, huh?

Book Review: Unchained by J. Lynn

Book Review: Unchained by J. Lynn

This book started out slow for me. It took a while for me to warm up to Lily, but eventually I got there. Like other female characters of JLA’s, Lily was full of some good snark and I think that is what finally got me. Lily is one kick-ass girl who hardly ever gets into a situation that she can’t get herself out of. Though, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a guardian angel looking out for (stalking) her. Enter Julian, an absolutely swoon-worthy fallen angel who just can’t seem to stay away from Lily. JLA sure knows how to write them swoony hot boys and Julian is no different. That man is one HOT angel. The things he says to Lily, oh boy, and the chemistry between the two of them is absolutely sinful. I read in another review that the reviewer found his stalking “a little creepy.” Hey guys, He didn’t watch her sleep at night, at least not to our knowledge. Hah. A 30 something cop and undetected Nephilim, Michael, is discovered by Lily in the book. No one understands why he went undetected, but it makes you wonder if he plays an important part in the bigger picture. This book had some absolutely smoldering smexy times in it, which is to be expected in a J. Lynn book. I had to fan myself a few times. Like I said before, the chemistry between Julian and Lily was sinful, and when she finally gave into Julian, the […]