Tag: Heather Leigh

Random Giveaway! Autographed Copy of Relatively Famous by Heather C. Leigh

Random Giveaway! Autographed Copy of Relatively Famous by Heather C. Leigh

Surprise! I feel like giving an autographed book and book mark away. 😉 Relatively Famous by Heather Leigh Series: Famous Series #1 on June 8th, 2014 Genres: Chick-Lit, Contemporary, Romance Pages: 250 Add to your Goodreads shelf. Buy Now: Amazon • B&N • iTunes • Kobo Check out my REVIEW here: http://wp.me/p47EpU-2dg *****Warning***** This is NOT your typical Hollywood romance. There are NO virgins falling for actors. There are NO celebrities falling for the girl next door. What there IS, is a damaged girl who is rescued by the sexy Drew Forrester. Can they get past her secret? Or his? Sydney Allen is trying to be your average 24 year old New Yorker. It’ s hard to be average though when your mother is Evangeline Allen, an Oscar winning actress known as “America’ s Sweetheart” to moviegoers across the globe. It’ s even harder to be average when your dad is Reid Tannen, Hollywood Bad Boy and one of the highest paid actors in the world. Their divorce when Sydney was 12 years old was set off by a series of haunting incidents that left Sydney scarred mentally and physically. Hollywood destroyed her parents’ marriage and almost destroyed her. She hasn’t owned a TV, read magazines or watched movies since the divorce, refusing to take part in an industry that brought her so much pain. Now 12 years after her mother took her from LA and hid her in New York to keep her safe, no one but her best friend Leah […]

Already Famous by Heather Leigh + Giveaway!

Already Famous by Heather Leigh + Giveaway!

I’ve read this entire series and I’ve really enjoyed it. I was sad to see it end with Extremely Famous until it turns out Heather wasn’t done just yet with the series! Already Famous is Relatively Famous told from Drew’s Point of View. I know a lot of people don’t like rereading the same story from the male’s POV but, really, sometimes you should! It can make the entire story seem like a new one. It was quite interesting to see his point on things. He really tried hard to keep the knowledge that he was famous from Sydney. He knew something bad must have happened to her in her past that made her obviously wary of “famous” people. You really get to know Drew in this story. See how he ticks and this story made me realize that maybe, just maybe, someone should have talked him into anger management classes or therapy. Because it doesn’t take much for him to set him off. Though it is obvious he wouldn’t hurt Sydney or his family, because usually he was angry for them. He gets angry over how his fame affects the people he loves and he just doesn’t seem to handle all of that well. Maybe with therapy, he could handle all of that better. I always thought it was kind of funny though, when he got angry, because he would start talking (or yelling) in his native Boston accent.. and Heather did a good job of conveying the change […]

Extremely Famous Release Celebration Giveaway!

Extremely Famous Release Celebration Giveaway!

A few months ago I received a review request from an author by the name of Heather Leigh for a book called Relatively Famous (read review). I read the synopsis and jumped on the chance to read this book. She then sent it to me and I DEVOURED THIS BOOK. I couldn’t put it down.  I have since devoured the sequels to this book and have enjoyed the rest of the series immensely. Heather Leigh does a good job of keeping us entertained with this series.  The characters in this series are well written, well developed and easy to fall in love with. She doesn’t make Sydney and Drew’s relationship easy, they have a lot of hoops to jump through and issues to deal with before the find their Happily Ever After. While it seems that Sydney and Drew’s story comes to a close in Extremely Famous, The Famous series is far from done! I do believe Heather Leigh will be giving us the stories of some of the other characters that we’ve grown to love in this series as well. I can’t wait to see what she will bring to the table with these other characters! The Famous Series Relatively Famous (Famous #1) by Heather Leigh Amazon | B&N | iTunes This is NOT your average Hollywood romance. There are no virgins falling in love with hot actors. There isn’t a famous guy falling for the normal girl next door. What there IS in this book, is a fragile, damaged girl […]