Tag: greek mythology

New Release: The Struggle by Jennifer L. Armentrout

New Release: The Struggle by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Title: The Struggle Series: Titans #3 Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Release Date: March 20th, 2017 Add to your Goodreads TBR! Buy Now: Amazon | B&N| iBooks | Kobo Synopsis: A bloody path has been chosen… The war against the Titans continues, and they remain determined to wreak havoc on the world, but Seth has become something all gods fear. Now the most dangerous, most absolute power no longer resides in those who have been freed from their tombs. The Great War fought by the few is coming… All may doubt and fear what Seth has become. All except the one woman who might be his final chance at redemption. Josie will do anything to prove that Seth is on their side, but fate has a nasty way of changing lives, of changing people. In the end, the sun will fall… The only way they can save the future and save themselves is by facing the unknown together. It will take more than trust and faith. It will take love and the kind of strength not easily broken. No matter what, their lives will never be the same. For what the gods have feared has come to pass. The end of the old is here and the beginning of the new has been ushered in… Check back in a few days for a review AND  a giveaway to celebrate the release of The Struggle! 🙂 Also, Seth Fans!! Don’t forget to NOMINATE Seth for our upcoming Book Boyfriend Battle! You can do that here. […]

The Power by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Power by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Ok wow, This book was even better than The Return. I really started to like Seth a whole lot more. I mean he finally started to grow on me in the Return (I kind of wanted to punch in the Covenant books…so that’s saying a lot), but I like him even more now, though he did have a few moments where someone needed to bitchslap him, but he found his way again… This book kind of dragged for me a bit in the beginning but it really started to pick up when we got towards the middle. We see quite a few people from the Covenant series in this book series (OMG guess who shows up in this book?! I bet you’ll never guess! :P) and we even meet a new demigod in the Power. Hercules. Yes, THAT Hercules shows up to help out a bit… and WOW. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes so hard at a character in a book before. He made for some good entertainment in this book, that is for sure. Wow, the end of the book. I have no words.. I was definitely not expecting that to happen and neither was Seth or anyone else for that matter, it seems. Something’s changed.. and Josie hasn’t given up on Seth, and I don’t think she should. Because even though he doesn’t see it, I don’t think the situation he’s found himself in is anywhere near as bad as everyone thinks it will be. […]

My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling Release Day Blitz + Giveaway

My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling Release Day Blitz + Giveaway

My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling Series: The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3 Release Date: March 20th, 2014 Pages: 414 Add to your Goodreads shelf. Buy Now: Amazon | B&N | iTunes To say that Sophie Bloom is at the top of her game with one only week until spring equinox and the final showdown with Zeus and Hades would be, well, lying. The Goddess of Spring feels more like the Goddess of Bzz Thanks For Playing than the savior of humanity. And could her relationships be any more messed up? Good times. Sophie is convinced that things can’ t get any worse than crawling back to her mother Demeter and begging for help. But she’ s about to find out how very wrong she is. It’ s a race against time for Sophie to implement the big battle strategy in the YA romantic comedy/Greek mythology finale My Life From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book three of this teen fantasy romance series. Save herself; save the world. Humanity may be screwed. Excerpt: In the center of the patio, a dark wood table had been laid out, laden with yumtastic Greek tapas like pita wedges, pink creamy taramasalata, triangles of spanakopita, and a heart attack heaven of saganaki–fried cheese. Zeus and Hades sat there munching in silence. Not even the tense “One wrong move and there’ s gonna be a hurting” silence you would have expected from two powerful foes who despised each other. Nah. More like “Eh, it’ s […]

Book Review: My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling + Giveaway

Book Review: My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling + Giveaway

Erin’s Review: My Date from Hell picks right up where My Ex from Hell ended. Sophie being held captive by her dad, Zeus.  He’s doing anything he can to get information from Sophie that she doesn’t have, well, information that she can’t remember. You see, she’s the reincarnation of Persephone and she can’t tap into her memories from her former life. Which is too bad, because the future of humanity depends on that information. The entire gang is back, Sophie, Theo, Hannah, even Bethany(meh). Oh let’s not forget Kai (swoooooon!).  We also get some new characters as well, Pierce (Eros, aka Cupid), Festos (aka Hephaestus), Aphrodite and Hermes. Sophie is just as awesome as she was in the first book. She talks before she thinks and sometimes it gets her into trouble, because a lot of what she has to say is full of snark.  In this book she gets a little jealous of herself, and by herself, I mean her former self: Persephone. She’s afraid that she  won’t be able to live up to her former self and that Kai will find Sophie lacking compared to what he had with Persephone. Kai…I wasn’t so sure about Kai in the first book, but Kai proves himself in this book and I absolutely fell in love with him. I know I’m not the only one who fell either. 😉 The chemistry between Sophie and Kai is even more amped up in this book (it’s that damn arrow! or so Sophie thinks….) […]

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Maggie recently has found out that she is what they call a Semi-God..Someone who descends from a god or goddess. In Maggie’s case, it’s Aphrodite, the greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She’s slowly coming into her powers and watch out, because if you piss her off you might end up in a coma like her Ex, Eric. Out of nowhere, the New kid, Hot & Irish, Mac Finnegan, has decided that he wants to mess with Maggie for no good reason. He seems to know how to push her buttons just right and that’s not a good thing for him or Maggie. — I have to be honest, it took a while for the story to get going but once it did I really started to enjoy the book. I loved Maggie and the things that came out her mouth. She was witty, sarcastic and full of attitude and had no problem saying what was on her mind. When you put her and Mac Finnegan together. Wowie! The chemistry between was electric, though both of them try to deny it’s there. The bickering between the two of them was entertaining and sometimes it seemed as though Maggie wanted to attack and kiss him, while other times she wanted to attack and kill him. It’s interesting to see Maggie’s character develop throughout the book as she learns more about where she comes from and how to control her new powers and try to be the best that she […]