Tag: For Real

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Because one of the first things you learn in this book is how awesome the movie Mean Girls is (though you people should already know the awesomeness of this movie!), this book review is going to consist of a lot of Mean Girls memes. HA.   Shannon is a 21 year old college junior who is still holding on to her V Card. Her friends are doing everything they can to help her lose that card. They even go as far as to be total assholes about it. Shannon’s holding on to her V Card because the only thing she’s worried about right now is getting through college and making something better of her life (or maybe it’s because she recently watched Breaking Dawn..) Welp, that would certainly ruin a determined college student’s plans…   Anyways, back to my review…Shannon is a virgin, she plans on staying a virgin and she wants to get her friends off her back…Enter Jett, a cute tattooed graphic design student she “met” at the coffee shop. He just happens to cross paths with her again after some insane stuff goes down between Shannon and her friends and he rescues her from said situation. After a few discussions about nachos…  The two of them come to an agreement to fake date so that they can both get their friends off their backs… after a few days, it doesn’t seem so fake.. Speaking of Nachos, there was mention of dessert nachos in this book. I instantly […]

New Release: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron

New Release: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron

For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron Series: Rules of Love #1 Release Date: November 14th, 2013 Pre-Order: Amazon | B&N Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Two people. One fake relationship. What could go wrong? When virgin Shannon Travers gets fed up with her friends demanding that she find a boyfriend, she enlists the help of tattooed, mohawk-rocking graphic design student Jett. He’ s more than happy to play along with their Fake Relationship, including the Ten Rules of Fake Dating that control-freak Shannon comes up with. Even if he likes to violate them. Repeatedly. But what happens when Fake Dating starts to feel… not fake anymore? Will Shannon be willing to let go and embrace the first thing in her life that’ s ever felt REAL? Excerpt: “Wake up, princess,” a male voice I only sort-of recognize says in my ear. My eyes are slow to open and I’ m staring right at a chest I don’ t remember falling asleep on. I lift my chin and meet a set of gorgeous brown-gold eyes. “Hey,” he says, his voice soft as I realize I’ m lying on top of him. At some point during the movie, he’ d shifted under me and brought both our sets of legs up on the couch and laid back, pulling me so we’ re front to front. My boobs are completely squished into his chest, which is the first thing that makes me try to shift off him. “Um, hey,” I say as I struggle to get off him, but there’ […]