Tag: erotic

The Deep End by Kristen Ashley

The Deep End by Kristen Ashley

Erin’s Review:     WOW. I recommend you turn the air conditioning when you start this book. It is seriously HOT. I thought Kristen Ashley’s Unfinished Hero series was dirty…those books have NOTHING on The Deep End. Wow. In the Unfinished Hero books, KA does dabble a bit in the BDSM when it came to some of the sex scenes but not anything like this book. This book was ALL SEX for the most part and most of it was the drrrty kind, not the plain ole vanilla kind. Ok, I have to be honest, it took a while for me to really get in to the story. I got a little lost in the beginning of the book. It might have been the narrative, as I am not the biggest fan of third person, possibly just the story starting out really slow as well. There was a lot of inner dialogue I could have lived without, especially in the beginning of the book but eventually I started to get in to the story. I really enjoyed the second half of this book a lot more than the first half. Things definitely got a lot more interesting, there was more than just intense dirty sex happening ..the story developed a lot more. Amelia is the DOMME in this book, and it was interesting, seeing the female in that role… and Olivier was referred to as an Alpha/Sub.. and he was definitely a Kristen Ashley ALPHA IN ALMOST ALL THE WAYS, except for […]

Blog Tour: One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Blog Tour: One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

  I loved this book so much more than the last book. This book starts out a few days after the last one ends. Olivia and Miller are in New York trying to escape from everything happening in London. It doesn’t take long for something to happen causing them to have to go back to London and face everything. Miller’s trying find a way out of his profession and Olivia’s mother comes back from the dead. Turns out she’s been alive all this time.. Huh. You won’t believe the story behind that. It’s insane! I also would like to point out my suspicions throughout the last two books were RIGHT! Though at first they were so very wrong. 😉 I won’t even say what I’m talking about, but when you finish this book you’ll know exactly what I’m referring to. 😀  The twists & turns in this story are crazy..including what we finally learn about Miller and his boss….I didn’t see any of that coming and it sure did surprise me! Miller is imperfectly perfect as always… and Olivia, sometimes I wanted to smack her for being such a brat… But that’s what I pretty much expect with all female characters these days. They’re all so stubborn and never do what is best for them.. Nan, we can’t forget about her. She was just as amazing in this book as she has been in the last two books. I’m sad I won’t get to see her or Miller any more after this. 🙁 Now […]

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

I’m currently on vacation visiting a friend who lives in NYC… I started reading One Night Promised when we were in the for the night last night. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I was up until 5am reading and then I finally forced myself to go to bed. The second I was up today I dove right back in to the book instead of going out into the city of NY to wander. That’s saying something. 😉 Olivia, otherwise known as Livy, is a 24 year old woman who just started working a bistro, she cannot master the cappuccino machine to save her life.  She could be annoying at times, but when learning more about her and her secrets you start to understand where she’s coming from. I really loved Livy’s Grandmother, whom she lives with, she was cute and entertaining. Her Nan did all she could to try and get her granddaughter to break out her carefully crafted shell and live her life. It takes making a bad cup of coffee for a dark haired, blue eyed stranger to  cause Livy’s shell to crack. I LOVE MILLER. He’s a quirky hot guy. He may seem like perfection, but really he has his flaws and his secrets too. Boy, I did NOT expect his secret to be what it was.. JEM really surprised me with his dirty secret. After learning more about Livy’s past, I think Livy’s reaction when learning about Miller’s profession was a little hypocritical, though now that I’m thinking about […]

Book Review: The Professional by Kresley Cole

Book Review: The Professional by Kresley Cole

I’ve read a lot of not-so-good reviews for this book but I don’t care…. This book was SMOKIN’ HOT and very entertaining. It’s giving me hot flashes just remembering back to when I read it last month. Holy hell. Aleksei “The Siberian” Sevastyan puts Christian Grey and his Red Room to shame. Grad Student, Natalie Porter, and her search to find out about her Birth Parents leads her in to the Russian Mafiya. All The While, catching the eye of the one sent to protect her, Aleksei Sevastyan. They’re drawn to one another and can’t seem to stay away from each other for too long. I loved the characters in this book. Sevastyan made me swoon like I’ve never swooned before and Natalie just straight-up entertained me. I thought she was a hilarious and she had a serious fascination with kink that she was discovering about herself in this book. The smexy times between Sevastyan and Natalie will overheat your reading apparatus or cause your paperback to catch fire…that’s how smoking hot their chemistry is. We also can’t forget about Natalie’s best friend, Jess, who I think made Natalie even more of an interesting character. The two of them together made for an entertaining friendship.   If you liked Fifty Shades of Grey, you’ll LOVE this book even more. It’ll make you want to run out and book a one-way ticket to Russia or look to see if there’s such thing as Russian mail order HUSBANDS. YUM.     Some of my favorite […]

Book Review: The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre.

Book Review: The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre.

Holy SHIT. This book is unlike ANYTHING I’VE EVER READ BEFORE. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on most of the time. The story is creative and unique, and the writing is impeccable. Usually I pick up on typos and misspellings when I’m reading but I did not notice ANY in this book. The  is a dark story about a young 20 something year old girl named Deanna aka Jess. She has cut herself off from the outside world for the last 3 years to protect people from her homicidal thoughts. The only way she “connects” with humans is through the computer as a camgirl performing sexual acts for people at $6.99/minute. She’s one of the few American girls who do it so she has quite the following and makes some good money. Throughtout the book you get to experience the story from many other peoples’ POVs, which is a great way to mix things up. It had me continually trying to figure out who “RalphMA35” was as the story went along. The chapters were all quite short, which made it so the story didn’t drag out/ All in all, this book was a very interesting read and I would suggest reading it if you’re looking for something DIFFERENT and unlike what you have read before. It’s full of mystery, suspense and some crazy whacked out sexual fetishes! Very entertaining read!