Tag: Detroit

Sneak Peek @ Titans by Victoria Scott

Sneak Peek @ Titans by Victoria Scott

Are you guys excited for Titans by Victoria Scott? WE are! Here is a sneak peek at Titans!! [pdf-embedder url=”http://mereadalot.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/TitansSneakPeek.pdf” width=”500″] Title: Titans Author: Victoria Scott Release Date: February 23rd, 2016 Add to Goodreads. Pre-Order Links: Amazon | B&N| TBD | IndieBound From Victoria Scott, author of FIRE & FLOOD, comes a thrilling story of impossible odds. Ever since the Titans first appeared in her Detroit neighborhood, Astrid Sullivan’ s world has revolved around the mechanical horses. She and her best friend have spent countless hours watching them and their jockeys practice on the track. It’ s not just the thrill of the race. It’ s the engineering of the horses and the way they’ re programmed to seem so lifelike. The Titans are everything that fascinates Astrid, and nothing she’ ll ever touch. She hates them a little, too. Her dad lost everything betting on the Titans. And the races are a reminder of the gap between the rich jockeys who can afford the expensive machines to ride, and the working class friends and neighbors of Astrid’ s who wager on them. But when Astrid’ s offered a chance to enter an early model Titan in this year’ s derby, well, she decides to risk it all. Because for a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, it’ s more than a chance at fame or money. Betting on herself is the only way she can see to hang on to everyone in the world she cares about. STEAL THIS […]

Blogoversary Giveaway: Speak Easy & Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

Blogoversary Giveaway: Speak Easy & Speak Low by Melanie Harlow

In honor of our first BLOGOVERSARY, All month long I will be giving away copies of books that I have reviewed in our first year of blogging. 🙂 The first prize up this month is AUTOGRAPHED paperbacks of Speak Easy and Speak Low by Melanie Harlow with matching autographed book marks. 🙂 Review Revisited: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow Series: Speak Easy #1 Released: July 22nd, 2013 Genres: Crime, Historical, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Format: eBook Source: Author Add to your Goodreads shelf.Buy the Book â€˘ Buy the Book   The 1920s are roaring, and twenty-year-old Tiny O’Mara wants to be a part of it.By day she works for her father’ s smalltime bootlegging operation, by night she craves the sexy roll-your-stockings-down lifestyle of a flapper—until her father is kidnapped by a mobster in Detroit’s exploding organized crime scene, and it’ s Tiny who has to come up with the ten-thousand-dollar ransom…in one week.Suddenly she’ s thrust into an intoxicating underworld of greed, lust, lies, and betrayal.Enzo DiFiore is the son of the mobster holding her father hostage, but his sexy screen idol looks and dangerous charm leave her breathless. When the forbidden spark between them refuses to burn out, she tries to use their powerful chemistry to buy more time. And irritatingly handsome childhood pal Joey Lupo has the street smarts Tiny needs to make a quick ten grand, but he’ s got his own agenda where gang rivalries are concerned.Deciding whom to trust isn’ t easy in a world where everyone wants something—be it booze, money, power, or sex—and no one cares what it takes to get it.Temptation is everywhere. […]

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow

One of my favorite books of this year was Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow. It takes place in Detroit during the height of prohibition, the 1920s. Seeing as I’m from Michigan, I like it when I read a book that is based in a place I’m familiar with. I know what it’s like in Michigan during the middle of a July heat wave. I also know where Woodward Avenue is. Though I’m sure the Woodward Ave of Today is a tad bit different looking now.. This book was like reading through an episode of Boardwalk Empire, DETROIT STYLE. I recently finished the sequel to the book, Speak Low, and I will be reviewing that book in the near future(so keep an eye out for it!). In the meantime, check out my review for Speak Easy located here and scroll down and enter to win a digital copy of Speak Easy(kindle OR ePub)!       a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Review: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow!

Book Review: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow!

  Erin’s Review: Tiny is a 20-year-old girl dreaming of someday finishing nursing school, and moving out of her dad’s house. Tiny works for her father’s bootlegging operation while simultaneously helping out in her older sister’s small grocery store when she is needed. At night,  she craves the lifestyle of the flapper, but instead is at home taking care of the kids.  NOT HER KIDS, her own little sisters,  While their dad is off customizing cars with hidden compartments, gambling or picking up the shipment of booze that’s just come in over the lake. One day, about a week after Tiny notices “The Sheik”, aka Enzo, coming into her family’s grocery store. Enzo comes into her store asking her to pass something on to her father. That night her father goes missing. Oh no, what’s a girl to do? Enters Joey, a serious pain in Tiny’s ass, but someone she and her family have known all her life. With his help, she is able to collect the ransom money needed to get her dad back. The chemistry between Enzo and Tiny is explosive, and Tiny tries to use it to her advantage. But what’s this? An almost unwanted attraction for Joey has decided to sneak up on Tiny. Who is she going to choose? The mobster whose family has kidnapped her dad, or the boy from down the street that she’s known all her life and has done all he can to help her get her dad back? ————— Once I started reading […]