Tag: denver

Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley Release Blitz REVIEW & TWO GIVEAWAYS!

Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley Release Blitz REVIEW & TWO GIVEAWAYS!

Excerpt Hop came out of the bathroom to see Lanie on her feet on the other side of the bed, panties on, hands twisted behind her back putting her bra on. Again. He didn’ t say a word. He prowled to her, reached out an arm the second he was close, yanked her to him and fell to his back in the bed, taking her down with him. “Hop—” she started, pushing her weight against his arms, but he slid her off him then wasted no time rolling over her and pinning her to his bed. “Sleep,” he ordered when he caught her eyes in the weak dawn. “After rest, I’ ll get coffee, we’ ll juice up, then round four.” She blinked and breathed, “Four?” “Got lots more I want to do to you,” he informed her and watched her eyes go soft, sexier, then her teeth came out to graze her lush lower lip, also fucking sexy, and her arms slid around him. But she asked, “What about Tack and Ty-Ty?” “I’ ll make sure the coast is clear,” he told her. “But they’ ll see my car,” she told him. “I’ ll move it,” he offered. Her hand slid up his back, around his shoulder, and then to his neck where her thumb moved to stroke him. Her touch was light but, fuck, it felt good. He’ d never had a woman touch him in an unconscious way like that, just a touch, a stroke, giving something […]

ARC Review: Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

ARC Review: Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

Another great book from Kristen Ashley! Kristen Ashley is an amazing author who gets the best of my emotions every time and Fire Inside was no exception. She put me and my emotions through the ringer with this book. Alright, let’s get down to it: It took a bit for me to like Lanie AND Hop. With Hop, if you’ve read Motorcycle Man, we all know why I wasn’t looking forward to a story about him.  Even before we get an explanation to things that happened in MM, Hop didn’t take long to grow on me.  He’s a loyal Brother(to the MC), Father and as it turns out Boyfriend/Husband, who would do anything to protect his family. To be honest, there was one thing that seriously bothered me about Hop. His “pet name” for Lanie, which was “LADY”. It felt so impersonal to me! I know that this relationship started out as a one night stand, no strings attached thing..but seriously. It just bothered me in a major way.  I’d rather he call her “Baby” over “Lady”.  Whatever, maybe Kristen Ashley was going for something different than what everyone uses, “baby”, “princess”, “babe”, etc.  I guess I can’t blame her for trying! Ha! I didn’t care much for Lanie in MM, and I didn’t really want to like her when I first started this book. However, She starts to grow on you as you learn more about how she grew up and her relationship with Elliott. This book’s time line […]