Tag: blog tour

Mr. President by Katy Evans + GIVEAWAY!

Mr. President by Katy Evans + GIVEAWAY!

I started this book the night before I was set to leave on vacation…I read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open..and then I woke up the next morning with a mile long list of things to do and pack before I left on a trip and instead of doing that, I sat down with my iPad and finished Mr. President. Let’s just say I left for my trip HOURS after I planned on doing so. Oops. 🙂 But this book was just THAT GOOD. Charlotte was only eleven the first time she met Matt Hamilton. His father (then president) Lawrence Hamilton, brought him along to a dinner at Charlotte’s family’s home. Although Charlotte wasn’t originally supposed to attend the dinner she somehow talked her parents into letting her join. Good thing she did, because that dinner pretty much sealed her destiny. Charlotte was so charmed by Matt that she wrote him a letter after the dinner telling him that if he ever decided to run for president he had her vote and she’d even be willing to join his campaign.. Many years later, It appears that Matt was also charmed by Charlotte because he remembers her and her letter and calls on her offer 10+ years ago to join his campaign…and this is where the story really begins. Though Charlotte doesn’t originally accept the offer to join the campaign, after re-thinking it she calls his campaign manager and accepts the position because she wants to be a part of […]

Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow + Giveaway

Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow + Giveaway

  Title: Some Sort of Love Series: Happy, Crazy, Love Author: Melanie Harlow Release Date: February 9th, 2016 Add to your Goodreads Shelf Buy Now: Amazon (UK) | B&N | iTunes| Kobo On the surface, I have it all—a career I adore, a loving family, the Nixon metabolism but not the Nixon ears, and a salary that supports my lavish taste in designer shoes, fine wine, and lacy lingerie…but I have no one to share it with. Until the day I run into him—my one night stand from college with the cocky smile, let’ s-get-out-of-here eyes, and dirty, dirty mouth. Levi Brooks is six feet four inches of hot bearded fantasy. A sexy single dad with broad shoulders, strong hands, and a fantastically big…heart. (I mean, it’ s massive. And generous. And it pumps so hard… um. Sorry. Lost my place.) But he lives for his son, and he’s keeping me at a distance because he thinks I deserve someone better—a man who can give me more time, more attention, more of himself. He doesn’ t believe he could ever be enough. But he’s wrong. He’ s everything.     Giveaway Enter the Some Sort of Love Rafflecopter! a Rafflecopter giveaway Happy, Crazy, Love Series   Please join Melanie Harlow and help the children of Flint, MI! The kids in Flint, MI need safe water now, and they need resources for the future–the effects of lead exposure are serious and long-term. You can help by donating to flintkids.org between now and […]

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Because one of the first things you learn in this book is how awesome the movie Mean Girls is (though you people should already know the awesomeness of this movie!), this book review is going to consist of a lot of Mean Girls memes. HA.   Shannon is a 21 year old college junior who is still holding on to her V Card. Her friends are doing everything they can to help her lose that card. They even go as far as to be total assholes about it. Shannon’s holding on to her V Card because the only thing she’s worried about right now is getting through college and making something better of her life (or maybe it’s because she recently watched Breaking Dawn..) Welp, that would certainly ruin a determined college student’s plans…   Anyways, back to my review…Shannon is a virgin, she plans on staying a virgin and she wants to get her friends off her back…Enter Jett, a cute tattooed graphic design student she “met” at the coffee shop. He just happens to cross paths with her again after some insane stuff goes down between Shannon and her friends and he rescues her from said situation. After a few discussions about nachos…  The two of them come to an agreement to fake date so that they can both get their friends off their backs… after a few days, it doesn’t seem so fake.. Speaking of Nachos, there was mention of dessert nachos in this book. I instantly […]

The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

If you guys pay any attention to me at all, you know that I absolutely love the Grab Your Pole book series by Jenn Cooksey.  It’s an amazing series with even more amazing characters, including the most kick ass 12 year old you’ll ever meet in a book… and Tristan..SWOON. I was #TeamTristan all the way during this year’s YA Crush Tourney and I even went the way of bribing people (I like to think that Jillian would be proud) with Grab Your Pole books to vote for Tristan during the Tourney… Unfortunately he didn’t make it past the 2nd round in the Tourney, but that’s ok..He did very well for a character that not many people knew about at the time of the YA Crush Tourney. Hopefully we will be able to get Tristan further next year! If you haven’t read this book series yet, I highly suggest that you get right on it!   Favorite Quotes: Tristan “Romeo and Juliet killing themselves was ultimately an accident due to a miscommunication, but this fuckin’ guy…guy, vampire…whatever, actually has a contingency plan! He’ s gonna outlive her anyway, so why bother? I mean if living without her is such a big deal, then he should just change her and be done with it. No offense, Baby, but if I were a vampire and didn’ t wanna un-live without you, you’ d be fuckin’ dead, end of story. There’ d be none of this whining about your soul and shit…I’ d just sink my […]

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Melissa has the year from Hell and somehow her best friend Elaine has managed to talk her into running away for a week at a spa thousands of miles away from the mess that her life is. While sitting at the hotel bar drinking the only cocktail she could think of that she doesn’t even like, she somehow catches the attention of the sexy Derek Alexander. When Derek comes her way, she’s floored by this as she’s normally not the girl to be on the receiving end of something like this. When Derek introduces himself to her, one thing leads to another and soon the most delicious one week stand commences. A good majority of this book takes place in Scottsdale, AZ at the Cactus Flower Spa and Hotel where Melissa and Derek have the most sizzling romance I’ve read in awhile. Melissa takes Derek’s heart and leaves him in Arizona with hopes that when she cleans up the mess that is her life, she’ll be able to find Derek again. When Melissa returns to Baltimore this is where the story gets really interesting and you find out things you didn’t expect. Tia Louise took my heart, ripped it out and stomped on it with this book. But no worries, she finds the duct tape and puts it back together again at some point. She gives us a lovely happily ever after with a very sweet epilogue. I highly enjoyed reading this book and I will gladly read any other […]