Tag: Avery Morgansten

Jennifer L. Armentrout does Twitter Fiction + Giveaway!

Jennifer L. Armentrout does Twitter Fiction + Giveaway!

One of our favorite authors, Jennifer L. Armentrout, took part of this year’s Twitter Fiction Festival (http://twitterfictionfestival.com/). With her, she brought a short story called “The Proposal” featuring one of our favorite couples… And it was tweeted 140 characters at a time. I almost missed out on reading The Proposal! Ironically, I caught the tail end of it and read the story on my iPhone sitting in the dressing room while my mother tried on dresses for my brother’s upcoming WEDDING.  So, I think me reading this story in the middle of wedding stuff was appropriate. Ha! If you did miss it, well look no further because I’m bringing it to you via screencaps of the tweets in chronological order. 😉 Thanks to Jennifer L. Armentrout for giving us the lovely story of one of my favorite bookish couples ever. I can never get enough of Cam and Avery and I’m so glad that you shared their special moment with us!     Giveaway Open to international entries as long as The Book Depository ships to your country! Enter below to win a paperback copy of either Wait For You, Trust In Me or Be With Me by J. Lynn. (We’re also giving away a paperback pre-order of her upcoming book STONE COLD TOUCH here.) a Rafflecopter giveaway     The Wait For You Series by J. Lynn  

Spotlight: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

Spotlight: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

Be With Me by J. Lynn Series: Wait For You #2 Release Date:  February 4th, 2014 Pages: 384 Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository My Review: http://mereadalot.net/2014/01/24/review-be-with-me-by-j-lynn-jlarmentrout/ From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wait for You Do Teresa and Jase have a real shot at getting together or will life get in the way? Teresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she’s in love with her big brother’s best friend, but he hasn’t spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, life-changing kiss. Then she got out of a terrible relationship. Now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It’s time for plan B: college. And maybe she’ll have a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real. Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he’s not telling anyone—especially not his best friend’s incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn’t have time for a relationship. But it doesn’t help that all he can think about is kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him. As they’re thrown together more and more, Jase and Teresa can’t keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they’re willing to risk to be together and what they’re willing to lose if they’re not. . . . […]

Review: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

Review: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

I have yet to read a book written by Jennifer L. Armentrout that I haven’t loved. Be With Me is no exception. This book is about Teresa Hamilton, who we met in Wait For You. At the start of the book she’s starting her freshman year while she’s recovering from an torn ACL. She’s working on Plan B, while she waits for her body to heal so she can go back to her dancing. For the last so many years she’s been secretly crushing on her brother’s best friend,  Jase Winstead. A year ago they kissed..once..and since then they’ve pretty much been ignoring each other.. Until now. 😉 Now that Tess is going to college while she heals from her injury, she’s “reconnected” with Jase. Tess keeps getting hot and cold signals from Jase. One minute he wants her, the next he’s pushing her away. He’s hiding something from her, from everyone. It seemed obvious to me as to what was keeping him from having  a relationship with Tess, but when he finally opened up and talked to Teresa, I was totally shocked to see my theory was right. On top of Tess having to deal with indecisive Jase, she’s having to deal with problems with her roommate. If you’ve read Wait For You, you  have an idea as to what Teresa has already endured in the past..but now we’re hearing it from HER point of view and we’re seeing her witness her roommate go through the same predicament.. Teresa […]