Bookish News: Coming Winter 2016 – The American Royalty Series by Nichole Case

Fans of Nichole Chase’ s Royal Series, we have a SUPER exciting announcement: The American Royalty Series is coming!!! HarperCollins will be publishing Nichole’ s new series The American Royalty Series in Winter 2016, and you are NOT going to want to miss what Nichole has up her sleeve! Things to Expect from The American Royalty Series: Humor and witty banter West Wing meets Scandal meets Suddenly Royal Mashup, anyone? A cameo (or two) from the Royal Series Drama Jake. Jake. Jake. Um….did I mention Jake? The easy and beautiful writing you’ ve come to know and love from Nichole Chase A Message from Nichole: I’m very excited to be working with HarperCollins to bring the American Royalty series to life. I’m very interested in the life of politics–there is so much that goes on behind the scenes that most people never hear about and it intertwines with our daily government and in some ways, affecting everyone. As I was thinking about that fact, Jake and Maddie’s story began to take form and I found myself enthralled by the challenges they would face and just what their happy-ever-after would entail, if there could *be* a happy-ever-after. About Book 1 (Title To Be Announced) in The American Royalty Series: Color me jaded, but coming home just isn’ t the same when you have to go through security before you can see your dad. Don’ t get me wrong, everyone had to go through security to see my dad. Even Kings, Queens, celebrities, my step-mother […]