Source: Purchased by Reviewer

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

I’m currently on vacation visiting a friend who lives in NYC… I started reading One Night Promised when we were in the for the night last night. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I was up until 5am reading and then I finally forced myself to go to bed. The second I was up today I dove right back in to the book instead of going out into the city of NY to wander. That’s saying something. 😉 Olivia, otherwise known as Livy, is a 24 year old woman who just started working a bistro, she cannot master the cappuccino machine to save her life.  She could be annoying at times, but when learning more about her and her secrets you start to understand where she’s coming from. I really loved Livy’s Grandmother, whom she lives with, she was cute and entertaining. Her Nan did all she could to try and get her granddaughter to break out her carefully crafted shell and live her life. It takes making a bad cup of coffee for a dark haired, blue eyed stranger to  cause Livy’s shell to crack. I LOVE MILLER. He’s a quirky hot guy. He may seem like perfection, but really he has his flaws and his secrets too. Boy, I did NOT expect his secret to be what it was.. JEM really surprised me with his dirty secret. After learning more about Livy’s past, I think Livy’s reaction when learning about Miller’s profession was a little hypocritical, though now that I’m thinking about […]

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

“In the first installment of the Maddox Brothers books, readers can experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster for the first time, all over again.” It pretty much was like re-reading Beautiful Disaster, only with a different clueless girl and another Maddox brother being pushed into the friend zone. Oh let’s not forget the clueless girl’s clueless roommate and her relationships as well. I wanted to punch both girls in the throat. This book was pretty ‘meh’ for the first half of the book..and then it finally started getting interesting..though not really all THAT interesting. One of the few good things going for this book is that it starts out right before Travis meets Abby, so you get to see a little bit of that relationship developing from the outside but not too much.  Cami has a secret and she doesn’t want Trenton to know because she thinks he’ll walk away from her when he finds out. Throughout this book I didn’t know what to expect when we finally learned of Cami’s secret and then at the end Jamie McGuire totally bitchslaps you in the face with something you didn’t even see coming. Seriously, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. So kudos to Jamie for giving us that totally unexpected ending. So if you do want to experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster again, I definitely suggest you read this book.  😉 I will be honest after the way this book ended, I’m definitely going to be checking out the next book in the series […]

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

You guys… this book didn’t piss me off like Tied With Me did. THANK GOD. I actually enjoyed this book a lot better than Tied With Me, but if you’ve read my rant with Tied With Me, you’ll know that it hit a sore spot for me… so.. yeah. Breathe With Me is a second chance romance. Mark and Meredith were High School Sweethearts with plans of moving to New York City. That is, until Meredith decided to pursue her dreams on her own and breaking Mark’s heart. When I read that scene I shook my fist and started calling her names. Why does one leave the person they’re so much in love with? I cried for her and for Mark when she did that. I understand now why Mark turned into playboy. It’s hard to fall in love with someone when another already possesses your heart. I’m so glad that fate brought them back together again. When M & M meet again, it’s under sad circumstances, but it was like no time had passed at all between them. While I liked this book a lot more than the last one, My mother (who actually discovered this series when the first one came out and suggested that I read it.) and I both agree that it’s not as good as the first so many in the series. Unfortunately that’s usually what happens when there’s quite a few books in a series. Oh well!  It’s not a bad book, so I […]

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

If you’re looking for something that will seriously make you LAUGH OUT LOUD, this book is for you! I really enjoyed this book. I haven’t laughed this hard since I read the Chocolate Lovers series by Tara Sivec! It had me laughing within the first few pages… Paige Crawford has graduated college and booked a one way ticket to London. Within her first day there she makes friends and already has been invited out that first night to hang out. Later that night while leaving The Box, the club that Jason (the cute guy she meets outside her Flat when she first arrives) invites her to, Paige, being drunk, trips and falls into the arms of a well known soccer player while the paparazzi are there to capture it on film. The next day she’s an insta-celeb, which ends up being both a blessing and a curse. I really enjoyed this story, so much I couldn’t put it down to go to bed. Though, I have to warn you: The most disturbing thing I’ve ever read in a book happened at the beginning of this story. Though doesn’t mean it didn’t have me laughing after going ‘OMGWTF?!’ My reaction to it: and then: I really hope that there will be a sequel to this story, because I would like to see what other shenanigans Paige will get herself in to. If you’re looking for a book that will give you a good haha giggle snort, I definitely suggest you check […]

Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley Release Blitz REVIEW & TWO GIVEAWAYS!

Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley Release Blitz REVIEW & TWO GIVEAWAYS!

Excerpt Hop came out of the bathroom to see Lanie on her feet on the other side of the bed, panties on, hands twisted behind her back putting her bra on. Again. He didn’ t say a word. He prowled to her, reached out an arm the second he was close, yanked her to him and fell to his back in the bed, taking her down with him. “Hop—” she started, pushing her weight against his arms, but he slid her off him then wasted no time rolling over her and pinning her to his bed. “Sleep,” he ordered when he caught her eyes in the weak dawn. “After rest, I’ ll get coffee, we’ ll juice up, then round four.” She blinked and breathed, “Four?” “Got lots more I want to do to you,” he informed her and watched her eyes go soft, sexier, then her teeth came out to graze her lush lower lip, also fucking sexy, and her arms slid around him. But she asked, “What about Tack and Ty-Ty?” “I’ ll make sure the coast is clear,” he told her. “But they’ ll see my car,” she told him. “I’ ll move it,” he offered. Her hand slid up his back, around his shoulder, and then to his neck where her thumb moved to stroke him. Her touch was light but, fuck, it felt good. He’ d never had a woman touch him in an unconscious way like that, just a touch, a stroke, giving something […]

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol

12 Days of Reviews & Giveaways: Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol

Erin’s Review:   Hello Ladies! There’s a new alien in town and he’s here to collect all of our hearts!     Yes, Yes it is. His name is Trey Allairis and it didn’t take long for him to have me swooning all over the place! While he’s not actually referred to as an Alien, He does mention being from another world and to get to said world they have to travel through a worm hole. If that doesn’t scream ALIEN, I don’t know what does.     Ah, since I mentioned Trey, excuse me a minute:     Ok, I think I’m good for a minute. 😉 I started reading Under Different Stars on Monday and thank the (different) stars (ha!) that I had Tuesday off, because I finally gave the book a rest when I could barely keep my eyes open. I was instantly sucked into the story and I did not want to stop reading! This book was incredible, from the unique Etharian slang they used to the swoon-worthy Trey Allairis . The characters in this book were amazing and the world that Amy built for us..was a lot like ours, but yet so very different. I’m finding it difficult to put into words how much I loved this book, but I will try! Kricket was smart, funny and the good kind of sassy.  She wasn’t at all annoying like some Sass-filled protagonists come off as.  Having lost her parents early on in life, she’s had a rough upbringing […]

Book Review: Unchained by J. Lynn

Book Review: Unchained by J. Lynn

This book started out slow for me. It took a while for me to warm up to Lily, but eventually I got there. Like other female characters of JLA’s, Lily was full of some good snark and I think that is what finally got me. Lily is one kick-ass girl who hardly ever gets into a situation that she can’t get herself out of. Though, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a guardian angel looking out for (stalking) her. Enter Julian, an absolutely swoon-worthy fallen angel who just can’t seem to stay away from Lily. JLA sure knows how to write them swoony hot boys and Julian is no different. That man is one HOT angel. The things he says to Lily, oh boy, and the chemistry between the two of them is absolutely sinful. I read in another review that the reviewer found his stalking “a little creepy.” Hey guys, He didn’t watch her sleep at night, at least not to our knowledge. Hah. A 30 something cop and undetected Nephilim, Michael, is discovered by Lily in the book. No one understands why he went undetected, but it makes you wonder if he plays an important part in the bigger picture. This book had some absolutely smoldering smexy times in it, which is to be expected in a J. Lynn book. I had to fan myself a few times. Like I said before, the chemistry between Julian and Lily was sinful, and when she finally gave into Julian, the […]

My Reactions to Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole #3) by Jenn Cooksey

My Reactions to Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole #3) by Jenn Cooksey

I kept track of my reactions to the book, Shark Out of Water, by Jenn Cooksey as I read. This image pretty much sums up the whole book, and if you’ve read it. You’ll totally get it. I absolutely LOVE this series. I came across Shark Bait when I was scouring through the bowels of Amazon in September of 2012 looking for something, ANYTHING interesting to read. Finally after pages and pages of books…the (original) cover of Shark Bait caught my eye. I bought it, read it and fell in love. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the book since..but it’s been quite a few and…and I will probably read this series many, many more times in the future. This series is amazing. The first book, Shark Bait, in it’s entirety is told from Camie Ramsey’s point a view. The Second book, The Other Fish in the Sea, is mainly told from Camie’s POV, but every once in a while, we’ll get the POV of another female character in the story. Now this book…in this book we experience the aftermath of what happened in TOFitS, through the POVs of all of the Male Characters, including the recently introduced Brandon. I love that we’re able to get into the minds of Tristan, Jeff, Pete and Brandon in this book. I think that being in the minds of the boys might be even more entertaining then being in the minds of the girls, including Jillian! Being that we’re in […]

Book Review: Shark Bait (Grab Your Pole #1) by Jenn Cooksey + Giveaway

Book Review: Shark Bait (Grab Your Pole #1) by Jenn Cooksey + Giveaway

I came across Shark Bait when I was scouring through the bowels of Amazon in September of 2012 thinking that I finally read everything there is to be read on Amazon when I found Shark Bait. It caught my eye and I took a gander at it and thought it sounded interesting so I bought it. I instantly got hooked and I don’t think I put my iPad down til I finished the book. Shark Bait is an amazing YA book with references to the best TV, Movies and Music of the 80s & 90s, a cute and hilarious protagonist named Camie, a stealthy 12 year old named Jill, and a boy named Tristan who will make you swoon all over yourself. I have to give it to Jenn Cooksey, you don’t always find a book where the main character is a female that doesn’t annoy the crap out of you. Camie never did, said or really whined about anything that made you go “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” like some female characters (who shall remain nameless..*cough*Bella/Ana/etc.*cough* :P) Most of the time she was making me laugh and I’m glad I found a book where I actually LIKED the Main Female character. Along with the awesomesauce Camie, the supporting characters in this book are just as amazing and funny too. Kate is smart, sweet and being one of Tristan’s Best Friends, she is able to give Camie the 4-1-1 as the story goes along. “Dear Jeff” is hilarious […]