Source: Author

Book Review: Relatively Famous by Heather Leigh

Book Review: Relatively Famous by Heather Leigh

Sydney Allen grew up as the child of Hollywood’s IT couple..Until her mother took her away from all of that age 12. Twelve years later and Sydney is still letting her parents divorce affect her life in ways it shouldn’t. She has some serious walls up and doesn’t let anyone in. The only person who has an in with her is her best friend Leah. She still talks to her mother, but she hasn’t seen or talked to her dad since her mother up and moved her from LA to NYC when she as 12. She’s hides behind her mother’s maiden name, so no one will know she’s Reid Tannen’s daughter. First off, I don’t get why people don’t realize that she’s who she is. Especially those who hire her mother’s design company and have a Sydney working on their project. You and I both know that these people are aware that Evangaline Allen has a daughter named Sydney..and it’s just a coincidence that the person who is heading their Design Projects is named Sydney ALLEN? Really? That’s just as annoyingly obvious as Clark Kent having to only take off a pair of glasses and a tie to be Superman. COME ON. lol. That was the only thing that bothered me about this book… Other than that, I LOVED THIS BOOK. Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down! I didn’t go to bed until it was finished!! That’s saying something! This book and the characters were very well written. […]

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

A week before her big wedding, Mia Devine’s  fiance, Tucker,  calls off their wedding with a text from VEGAS. Which in my opinion was probably the best thing to happen to he has a thing against oral sex and body fluids. Also, it seems like he was the kind of guy who is “Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am. I’m sorry you didn’t get off but I must go take a shower because I’m a closted germaphobe.” Eventually her friends Coco and Erin manage to talk her out of the blanket fort she’s built around herself. From there they try and talk her into taking her booked & paid for honeymoon by herself. Paris is somewhere she’s always wanted to eventually she gives in to her friends and goes. On her first day in Paris, after walking around witnessing the city of love being in love, Mia can’t take it no more. “I tried to perk myself up with a stroll along the Seine, but my Independent Woman positivity had fizzled. Everywhere I looked I saw couples in love. Fucking everywhere.”   Working herself up into a rage she somehow loses herself in Paris and has no idea where she’s at. She decides she needs wine so she walks a bit more and comes across a bar called The Beaver Bar & Grille. She walks in and looks to see if a proposal is imminent and finds that there doesn’t seem to be much love in the air. The […]

Review: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

Review: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

  When I started reading this book and saw that the mc, Violet, lives in Bozeman, Montana, I instantly thought of the episode of The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon relocates to Bozeman after having their apartment broken in to. I wondered if maybe the author saw this episode and decided to use it as her backdrop for her gnome series?     This book has all kinds of things going on in it. From naked neighbors trying to climb in to any where (or on him?) Mike might be, to a mother doing every thing she can to get her son married and some grandbabies out of him. Violet Miller is a school teacher, who secretly (or maybe no-so-secretly) wants to write word porn (aka erotic romance novels) for a living. She’s afraid of what people will think if she does that, so instead of writing, she took on teaching.  It’s summer time and her sister is off with her boyfriend so Violet is working her sister’s job at the local sex toy shop. Ha! One day she answers the phone at the shop and on the other end is the boy that got away after High School, Mike Ostranski. You see, Mike is up in Alaska at a family reunion, and his mother is crazy desperate for her only child to hurry up and get married and give her some grandbabies. She’s so desperate she’s trying to hook up Mike to his uncle’s crazy, and boy do I mean […]

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Because one of the first things you learn in this book is how awesome the movie Mean Girls is (though you people should already know the awesomeness of this movie!), this book review is going to consist of a lot of Mean Girls memes. HA.   Shannon is a 21 year old college junior who is still holding on to her V Card. Her friends are doing everything they can to help her lose that card. They even go as far as to be total assholes about it. Shannon’s holding on to her V Card because the only thing she’s worried about right now is getting through college and making something better of her life (or maybe it’s because she recently watched Breaking Dawn..) Welp, that would certainly ruin a determined college student’s plans…   Anyways, back to my review…Shannon is a virgin, she plans on staying a virgin and she wants to get her friends off her back…Enter Jett, a cute tattooed graphic design student she “met” at the coffee shop. He just happens to cross paths with her again after some insane stuff goes down between Shannon and her friends and he rescues her from said situation. After a few discussions about nachos…  The two of them come to an agreement to fake date so that they can both get their friends off their backs… after a few days, it doesn’t seem so fake.. Speaking of Nachos, there was mention of dessert nachos in this book. I instantly […]

Book Review: My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling + Giveaway

Book Review: My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling + Giveaway

Erin’s Review: My Date from Hell picks right up where My Ex from Hell ended. Sophie being held captive by her dad, Zeus.  He’s doing anything he can to get information from Sophie that she doesn’t have, well, information that she can’t remember. You see, she’s the reincarnation of Persephone and she can’t tap into her memories from her former life. Which is too bad, because the future of humanity depends on that information. The entire gang is back, Sophie, Theo, Hannah, even Bethany(meh). Oh let’s not forget Kai (swoooooon!).  We also get some new characters as well, Pierce (Eros, aka Cupid), Festos (aka Hephaestus), Aphrodite and Hermes. Sophie is just as awesome as she was in the first book. She talks before she thinks and sometimes it gets her into trouble, because a lot of what she has to say is full of snark.  In this book she gets a little jealous of herself, and by herself, I mean her former self: Persephone. She’s afraid that she  won’t be able to live up to her former self and that Kai will find Sophie lacking compared to what he had with Persephone. Kai…I wasn’t so sure about Kai in the first book, but Kai proves himself in this book and I absolutely fell in love with him. I know I’m not the only one who fell either. 😉 The chemistry between Sophie and Kai is even more amped up in this book (it’s that damn arrow! or so Sophie thinks….) […]

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Erin’s Review:   We first meet John Boy in The Only Exception when he is introduced to us as Trey Chapman’s Big Brother at their Fraternity Alpha Mu. In The Only Exception he appears to be your stereotypical Frat Boy; Only there for the Booze, Girls & Parties… He continues t0 give us this impression at the beginning of The Only One, being that it’s a halloween party and he’s only wearing a loin cloth(say what?!). “Watch it, loincloth, I’ m not afraid to spork your eyes out.” – Monica We were also introduced to Melanie in The Only Exception where she played a bigger part in that story than John Boy, so we already know her a little bit better than we do John when we get started with The Only One. Melanie is an honor roll student doing everything she can to make it through college, working and going to school full-time, this girl has no social life to speak of. Her good friend and Trey’s girlfriend, Monica, has managed to talk her into going to the Alpha Mu Halloween party. At the party she somehow manages to catch John Boy’s eye. It must have been that Hermione costume she was wearing, while the loin cloth that John Boy is wearing certainly caught her eye and all of our eyes (yum). Monica is trying her best to keep John Boy and Melanie from hooking up, but Melanie isn’t have any of it.. In the middle of their hookup, […]

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Melissa has the year from Hell and somehow her best friend Elaine has managed to talk her into running away for a week at a spa thousands of miles away from the mess that her life is. While sitting at the hotel bar drinking the only cocktail she could think of that she doesn’t even like, she somehow catches the attention of the sexy Derek Alexander. When Derek comes her way, she’s floored by this as she’s normally not the girl to be on the receiving end of something like this. When Derek introduces himself to her, one thing leads to another and soon the most delicious one week stand commences. A good majority of this book takes place in Scottsdale, AZ at the Cactus Flower Spa and Hotel where Melissa and Derek have the most sizzling romance I’ve read in awhile. Melissa takes Derek’s heart and leaves him in Arizona with hopes that when she cleans up the mess that is her life, she’ll be able to find Derek again. When Melissa returns to Baltimore this is where the story gets really interesting and you find out things you didn’t expect. Tia Louise took my heart, ripped it out and stomped on it with this book. But no worries, she finds the duct tape and puts it back together again at some point. She gives us a lovely happily ever after with a very sweet epilogue. I highly enjoyed reading this book and I will gladly read any other […]

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Maggie recently has found out that she is what they call a Semi-God..Someone who descends from a god or goddess. In Maggie’s case, it’s Aphrodite, the greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She’s slowly coming into her powers and watch out, because if you piss her off you might end up in a coma like her Ex, Eric. Out of nowhere, the New kid, Hot & Irish, Mac Finnegan, has decided that he wants to mess with Maggie for no good reason. He seems to know how to push her buttons just right and that’s not a good thing for him or Maggie. — I have to be honest, it took a while for the story to get going but once it did I really started to enjoy the book. I loved Maggie and the things that came out her mouth. She was witty, sarcastic and full of attitude and had no problem saying what was on her mind. When you put her and Mac Finnegan together. Wowie! The chemistry between was electric, though both of them try to deny it’s there. The bickering between the two of them was entertaining and sometimes it seemed as though Maggie wanted to attack and kiss him, while other times she wanted to attack and kill him. It’s interesting to see Maggie’s character develop throughout the book as she learns more about where she comes from and how to control her new powers and try to be the best that she […]

Book Review: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow!

Book Review: Speak Easy by Melanie Harlow!

  Erin’s Review: Tiny is a 20-year-old girl dreaming of someday finishing nursing school, and moving out of her dad’s house. Tiny works for her father’s bootlegging operation while simultaneously helping out in her older sister’s small grocery store when she is needed. At night,  she craves the lifestyle of the flapper, but instead is at home taking care of the kids.  NOT HER KIDS, her own little sisters,  While their dad is off customizing cars with hidden compartments, gambling or picking up the shipment of booze that’s just come in over the lake. One day, about a week after Tiny notices “The Sheik”, aka Enzo, coming into her family’s grocery store. Enzo comes into her store asking her to pass something on to her father. That night her father goes missing. Oh no, what’s a girl to do? Enters Joey, a serious pain in Tiny’s ass, but someone she and her family have known all her life. With his help, she is able to collect the ransom money needed to get her dad back. The chemistry between Enzo and Tiny is explosive, and Tiny tries to use it to her advantage. But what’s this? An almost unwanted attraction for Joey has decided to sneak up on Tiny. Who is she going to choose? The mobster whose family has kidnapped her dad, or the boy from down the street that she’s known all her life and has done all he can to help her get her dad back? ————— Once I started reading […]