The Power by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Ok wow, This book was even better than The Return. I really started to like Seth a whole lot more. I mean he finally started to grow on me in the Return (I kind of wanted to punch in the Covenant books…so that’s saying a lot), but I like him even more now, though he did have a few moments where someone needed to bitchslap him, but he found his way again… This book kind of dragged for me a bit in the beginning but it really started to pick up when we got towards the middle. We see quite a few people from the Covenant series in this book series (OMG guess who shows up in this book?! I bet you’ll never guess! :P) and we even meet a new demigod in the Power. Hercules. Yes, THAT Hercules shows up to help out a bit… and WOW. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes so hard at a character in a book before. He made for some good entertainment in this book, that is for sure. Wow, the end of the book. I have no words.. I was definitely not expecting that to happen and neither was Seth or anyone else for that matter, it seems. Something’s changed.. and Josie hasn’t given up on Seth, and I don’t think she should. Because even though he doesn’t see it, I don’t think the situation he’s found himself in is anywhere near as bad as everyone thinks it will be. […]