Mini Book Review: Grey by E.L. James

I thought I was going to devour this in a day. It took me FOUR AND A HALF DAYS to read this book. I also thought that it was going to span the entire trilogy. I was wrong. This only spans the first book, Fifty Shades of Grey. Sigh..while I did enjoy reading it, it was just not enough for me. For some reason I thought it might be a bitc raunchier coming from Christian’s POV. It wasn’t really. Oh well, it was nice to get in to his head and see what he was thinking at critical points in the first book. We also got to learn a bit more about Elena and a couple of his past subs. I think the best part of the entire book was the last 10-15%. I’ve been hearing that we’re going to get Darker from his POV too, but we probably will not get Freed. I know I will read anything E.L. James gives us from the Grey universe..but instead of reading Darker/Freed from his POV, I would much rather read AFTER Freed from his POV. Ana’s pregnancy. I think that would be interesting to see through his eyes. He’s so overprotective of Ana before she was pregnant, I can’t imagine how he is during her pregnancy. His anxiety is probably through the roof during her pregnancy. I think it’d be interesting to see him mentally prepare for fatherhood with Ana helping him realize that HE CAN BE A GOOD FATHER. What […]