Publisher: Entangled

Review & Giveway: The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood

Review & Giveway: The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood

That synopsis SOLD ME. I was scrolling through my facebook feed and I saw one of the Publicists for Entangled that I am friends with on Facebook post the synopsis for this book last week and I one-clicked the shit out of it when I got done reading the synopsis. I started reading this book last night and I finished it when I was supposed to be working today at work. Oops, my bad. I just couldn’t put it down. Lainey is fresh out of college with a job in Seattle as the second assistant to Brogan Starr, the CEO of Starr Media. She’s being told by the first assistant that the boss is the “Antichrist” and she has a 300 employee handbook with 4028502846 rules that proves it. Brogan Starr is apparently the Antichrist but when Lainey finally gets the chance to meet him and see him interact with his employees it’s obvious that maybe he really isn’t the “Devil”. It’s just his first assistant being an ass. No big surprise there, seeing as Jackson is an asshole from the very beginning. Brogan seems to get along with everyone who works for him and isn’t anything like Jackson made him out to be. Sure he has 5 million rules to be followed but it’s because he’s trying to protect himself. I really enjoyed this book, Lainey is a witty, entertaining girl with a big heart. She’s doing what she can to help out her sick mom, giving up the finer things […]

Blog Tour: Beauty and the Boss by Diane Alberts

Blog Tour: Beauty and the Boss by Diane Alberts

OK to be honest, it took a while for me to get in to this book.. Sorry but I have this weird thing about stories being told in the third person. It drives me bonkers! I DON’T KNOW WHY!! But once I got past that, I started to enjoy the story. Normally I might go in and try to summarize the book for you, but that’s what the synopsis is supposed to be for right? So I’m going to skip that. Obviously this is supposed to be a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast but other than, Benjamin (or Benji as Maggie started to call him in the book), being referred to as the “Beast” by his employees, I’m not sure how it compares to the Beauty and the Beast story.. But to be honest I’m not all that familiar with the story. I don’t think I ever saw the Disney movie never really appealed to me. I’m more familiar with Snow White, Cinderella, etc.. I know, I think I might be a little weird. LOL. For those of you who have read this book? How does it compare to Beauty and the Beast? Let me know in the comments section below! Maggie’s character really annoyed me for a bit at the beginning of the story. I liked her just fine in the very beginning but the part when her and Benji go on their “first” date, she came off a total bitch. But when she finally explained […]

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Maggie recently has found out that she is what they call a Semi-God..Someone who descends from a god or goddess. In Maggie’s case, it’s Aphrodite, the greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She’s slowly coming into her powers and watch out, because if you piss her off you might end up in a coma like her Ex, Eric. Out of nowhere, the New kid, Hot & Irish, Mac Finnegan, has decided that he wants to mess with Maggie for no good reason. He seems to know how to push her buttons just right and that’s not a good thing for him or Maggie. — I have to be honest, it took a while for the story to get going but once it did I really started to enjoy the book. I loved Maggie and the things that came out her mouth. She was witty, sarcastic and full of attitude and had no problem saying what was on her mind. When you put her and Mac Finnegan together. Wowie! The chemistry between was electric, though both of them try to deny it’s there. The bickering between the two of them was entertaining and sometimes it seemed as though Maggie wanted to attack and kiss him, while other times she wanted to attack and kill him. It’s interesting to see Maggie’s character develop throughout the book as she learns more about where she comes from and how to control her new powers and try to be the best that she […]

Book Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Book Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

OH H-O-L-Y CRAP. So Obsession came out on Friday (5/31), but I was lucky enough to win an ARC from the Publisher the night before so I got an early start on my reading!! This book was a great way to hold us ADULT fans of the LUX series over until the release of Origin. When I found out that JLA was releasing an adult book from the LUX universe I got super excited!! I love super hot romances and I must say Obsession is SMOKIN’ HOT!!!! I almost had to take a cold shower when I got done reading it because it had some SUPER HOT SEXY TIMES!!! I LOVED LOVED LOVED HUNTER!! He consisted of all the best ingredients to make a super hot alpha male WHO IS AN ALIEN!!!! He was cocky, arrogant, bossy, snarky, etc, etc.. He was PERRRRRFECT!!! Amazing! “That´s an alien. I´m an alien. We´re aliens. Aliens everywhere, actually, which is why we have to leave. I´m sure someone called the police by now.” – Hunter Serena was also amazing…She didn’t take Hunter’s crap at all and dished it right back at him! We like girls who are sassy, makes for interesting banter between characters!! But like most girls who are sassy, they usually don’t always know what’s good for they tend to do some stupid things and Serena is not any different! “Never in my life had I been more frustrated. Go figure it wouldn’t be with a human but a freaking […]