Genre: Contemporary

Hollywood & Vine by Olivia Evans

Hollywood & Vine by Olivia Evans

I love Hollywood romances so I had to check this book out! Anders Ellis is a total asshole with an ego bigger than Hollywood. He’s the biggest manwhore known to man, never doing repeats… Josie Bane is a costume designer in Hollywood, CA. After witnessing a sex scene being shot with Hollywood’s notoriously promiscuous actor, Anders Ellis, Josie finds herself desiring Anders. To the point where she can’t stop having fantasies about him. She decides to go after him in hopes to become one of his One Night Stands so that she can get over the crazy attraction she has for him. After finding out her next work project has re-cast the Lead role with Anders Ellis and that he doesn’t remember her at all. Josie finds herself angry and embarrassed at that fact, though manages to appear indifferent to Anders. Which piques Anders interest..and then that’s when Anders pursuit to do something he’s never done before starts. He’s on a mission for a repeat..but what he doesn’t realize is that it’ll turn in to more than just one repeat. 🙂 This book is quite long and it took a while for me to get into this book, I honestly almost DNFed it..but it finally got interesting enough to keep my attention. The story is written in Third Person and it alternates between people. It also does this with no warning what so ever. It’ll go from Josie, to Anders, to everyone else in this story. I think at one […]

One Night: Denied by Jodi Ellen Malpas (It’s MILLER TIME!)

One Night: Denied by Jodi Ellen Malpas (It’s MILLER TIME!)

  Miller’s name always makes me think of the  “It’s Miller Time” slogan by Miller Beer, so this review will be now called “It’s Miller <3 Time!” Because..well, it is Miller time. Raise your hands if you love Miller Hart!     First off, I’ve read a few other reviews on this book. Some things I agree with while some others I don’t. First, there was some weird editing in this book. For example, The end of chapter 10/beginning of chapter 11. Did Scotty beam her there? How did she go from Miller’s apartment to being inside of a hotel room. Also, how did she manage to get that specific hotel room? That just totally confused the hell out of me when I read it. Why is everyone hating on Miller and his “Thing?” I think it’s adorable. Olivia is the first person in his life he’s allowed to get close to him in that way and so of course it’s going to be an addiction, A THING, that he’ll want. Did anyone get tired of Jesse wanting to “Make Friends” because that was totally his “THING”. I think Miller’s “thing” is JEM just making him more adorable. Just like I thought Jesse and his “making friends” was adorable.   I enjoyed the first book of this series immensely.  This one I found not to be as good as the first book. Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, I did..but I think this one seems more like just a filler between […]

Already Famous by Heather Leigh + Giveaway!

Already Famous by Heather Leigh + Giveaway!

I’ve read this entire series and I’ve really enjoyed it. I was sad to see it end with Extremely Famous until it turns out Heather wasn’t done just yet with the series! Already Famous is Relatively Famous told from Drew’s Point of View. I know a lot of people don’t like rereading the same story from the male’s POV but, really, sometimes you should! It can make the entire story seem like a new one. It was quite interesting to see his point on things. He really tried hard to keep the knowledge that he was famous from Sydney. He knew something bad must have happened to her in her past that made her obviously wary of “famous” people. You really get to know Drew in this story. See how he ticks and this story made me realize that maybe, just maybe, someone should have talked him into anger management classes or therapy. Because it doesn’t take much for him to set him off. Though it is obvious he wouldn’t hurt Sydney or his family, because usually he was angry for them. He gets angry over how his fame affects the people he loves and he just doesn’t seem to handle all of that well. Maybe with therapy, he could handle all of that better. I always thought it was kind of funny though, when he got angry, because he would start talking (or yelling) in his native Boston accent.. and Heather did a good job of conveying the change […]

Book Review: Stay With Me by J. Lynn (Blog Tour)

Book Review: Stay With Me by J. Lynn (Blog Tour)

Stay With Me is another amazing book from one of our favorite authors Jennifer L. Armentrout. Book 3 in her new adult series WAIT FOR YOU, Stay With Me follows Teresa Hamilton’s friend Calla as she tries to put her life back together after discovering that her mother has stolen her college money and racked up a massive amount of debt in Calla’s name. While the book starts out at the College and town where Wait For You and Be With Me take place in, the story leaves there and goes to Calla’s hometown outside of Philly. Calla has escaped a strung out mother and memories of a tragedy that has left Calla scarred both physically and emotionally with plans to make for a better life for herself. When it comes time to pay for her next semester in school she discovers that the money in her college fund is missing. Not only that, but someone has racked up a huge credit card debt in her name. When Calla can’t get a hold of the person who is responsible for this, her mother, she goes back to her hometown to try and find out what’s going on. Entering Plymouth Meeting, her hometown, Calla goes straight to the one place where her mother should be. Only to find a hot bartender who gives Jase a run for his money as lieutenant of the Hot Guy Brigade. Which is what she calls the guys (Cam, Jase, Ollie, etc..) in her circle of […]

Book Review: Divinity by Michelle Johnson

Book Review: Divinity by Michelle Johnson

I jumped at the chance to read and review this for a blog tour that SHP was organizing. It had been awhile since I had read a book with an Angel theme and this one sounded promising and well, the cover art really got me too. I think the cover is beautiful. We follow Julia as she learns more about whom she descends from and we find out what she’s been through in her life to get her where she is..and boy Poor Julia had been through a LOT of stuff in her life. Some sensitive subjects are covered in this book from suicide to multiple kinds of abuse. So if you’re one that tends to avoid that kind of subject matter you might want to pass on this book. This story will definitely put your emotions through the ringer. I had to break out the box of kleenex a few times! I generally read books that have a romantic theme to theme and this one had a little bit of a romance for awhile and I really dug the male character, Alex, that Julia was dating in this book. He was very protective of Julia and was destined to be apart of Julia’s life and he followed through with what he was to do. You get the POVs from Julia AND the Angels which is cool, but it’s all in Third person and that is one thing that drives me crazy. (Don’t ask me why! It just does! Ha.) […]

Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

I was looking at this book on amazon, considering reading it..but seeing the names of TWO men, I decided to pass for now. I am not the biggest fans of Love Triangles as of lately (a certain Molly McAdams book killed love triangles for me and for Melanie a couple of years ago) so I try to avoid them now. A couple of days later Melanie is texting me telling me that I NEED TO READ BLACK LIES so that she can have some one to talk to. I yell at her about love triangles and she’s like “NO, YOU HAVE TO READ THIS. DO IT NOW.” I grumbled a bit and was like if it’s loanable on amazon I’ll read it…. 5 minutes later she loans it to me via Amazon. I totally put off starting this book until later in the evening… I started this book in the 8:00pm hour on Thursday 8/28 and I was finished with it before midnight that very night. I could NOT put this book down. I’ve read a few of Alessandra Torre’s books and they’ve all been very unique in their own rights. THIS BOOK  IS NO DIFFERENT. This book’s timeline is all over the place telling you the story of Lana’s love for two men. First up, there’s Brant: A Gorgeous, Intelligent, Successful computer nerd who is a bit scatterbrained. Then there’s Lee: The boy from the other side of the tracks, doesn’t compare to Brant’s genius, does landscaping for a living […]

Extremely Famous Release Celebration Giveaway!

Extremely Famous Release Celebration Giveaway!

A few months ago I received a review request from an author by the name of Heather Leigh for a book called Relatively Famous (read review). I read the synopsis and jumped on the chance to read this book. She then sent it to me and I DEVOURED THIS BOOK. I couldn’t put it down.  I have since devoured the sequels to this book and have enjoyed the rest of the series immensely. Heather Leigh does a good job of keeping us entertained with this series.  The characters in this series are well written, well developed and easy to fall in love with. She doesn’t make Sydney and Drew’s relationship easy, they have a lot of hoops to jump through and issues to deal with before the find their Happily Ever After. While it seems that Sydney and Drew’s story comes to a close in Extremely Famous, The Famous series is far from done! I do believe Heather Leigh will be giving us the stories of some of the other characters that we’ve grown to love in this series as well. I can’t wait to see what she will bring to the table with these other characters! The Famous Series Relatively Famous (Famous #1) by Heather Leigh Amazon | B&N | iTunes This is NOT your average Hollywood romance. There are no virgins falling in love with hot actors. There isn’t a famous guy falling for the normal girl next door. What there IS in this book, is a fragile, damaged girl […]

Book Review: Command Me by Geneva Lee + Giveaway!

Book Review: Command Me by Geneva Lee + Giveaway!

OH MY GOD. I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Prince Alexander..or maybe we’ll call him X. He’s the royal version of Christian Grey and he is absolutely YUMMY and maybe just as screwed up. Clara Bishop is celebrating graduation from Oxford. She comes from new money and is half-american, though she’s an actual british citizen. Her last relationship about broke her and she’s not interested in meeting men. That is, until she stumbles upon a beautiful man smoking a cigar in the smoking room at the Oxford and Cambridge Club. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire, and good lord, was he smokin’.” The moment she meets this man, who at this point has no name, the sparks start flying. She’s instantly drawn to him. “He had a face that would make angels weep and gods go to war.” When she introduces herself, he literally pulls her into him and kisses her. She tries to get a name of out him, so he makes a game of it and in the end she leaves this meeting not knowing his name. She does believe that he looks familiar to her, she’s just not sure where from… A few days later when a photo of her and the mysterious man snogging shows up in a tabloid, she gets his name. Turns out he is Prince Alexander, Heir to the throne of England. After a tragic accident that costs the life of Alexander’s sister, Princess Sarah, he’s been exiled to the […]

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

“In the first installment of the Maddox Brothers books, readers can experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster for the first time, all over again.” It pretty much was like re-reading Beautiful Disaster, only with a different clueless girl and another Maddox brother being pushed into the friend zone. Oh let’s not forget the clueless girl’s clueless roommate and her relationships as well. I wanted to punch both girls in the throat. This book was pretty ‘meh’ for the first half of the book..and then it finally started getting interesting..though not really all THAT interesting. One of the few good things going for this book is that it starts out right before Travis meets Abby, so you get to see a little bit of that relationship developing from the outside but not too much.  Cami has a secret and she doesn’t want Trenton to know because she thinks he’ll walk away from her when he finds out. Throughout this book I didn’t know what to expect when we finally learned of Cami’s secret and then at the end Jamie McGuire totally bitchslaps you in the face with something you didn’t even see coming. Seriously, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. So kudos to Jamie for giving us that totally unexpected ending. So if you do want to experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster again, I definitely suggest you read this book.  😉 I will be honest after the way this book ended, I’m definitely going to be checking out the next book in the series […]