Genre: Chick-Lit

BLOG TOUR: Rebound by Noelle August + Giveaway

BLOG TOUR: Rebound by Noelle August + Giveaway

I have to be honest here… I think I may have liked this one better than the first one. The reason why I know this is because I actually had to go back into Boomerang and skim it through a bit and see what exactly Alison did to her Ex in that book. Oops. :X After going through something horrific with his last girlfriend in college, Adam has closed himself off from any sort of romantic relationships and only resorted to hookups and while blaming himself for what happened in college. Alison, oh Alison, it’s probably a good thing I didn’t remember what it is you did in the first book that caused your relationship to Ethan to to end or else I may have not read this book….Alison has recently graduated college and now she needs to prove to her dad that she can handle the family business. I ended up liking Alison a lot. She was a good person who made a terrible mistake, but after learning more about her family, and especially her dad, it all made sense.  I’m so glad that she and Adam found each other and are able to help each other get over things that happened in their past and move on with their lives with each other!   This was a cute story, but it did get a bit emotional at times. There is quite a cast of characters in this series and I liked them all! This book did start out with Insta-Love, but it totally […]

Book Review: Stay With Me by J. Lynn (Blog Tour)

Book Review: Stay With Me by J. Lynn (Blog Tour)

Stay With Me is another amazing book from one of our favorite authors Jennifer L. Armentrout. Book 3 in her new adult series WAIT FOR YOU, Stay With Me follows Teresa Hamilton’s friend Calla as she tries to put her life back together after discovering that her mother has stolen her college money and racked up a massive amount of debt in Calla’s name. While the book starts out at the College and town where Wait For You and Be With Me take place in, the story leaves there and goes to Calla’s hometown outside of Philly. Calla has escaped a strung out mother and memories of a tragedy that has left Calla scarred both physically and emotionally with plans to make for a better life for herself. When it comes time to pay for her next semester in school she discovers that the money in her college fund is missing. Not only that, but someone has racked up a huge credit card debt in her name. When Calla can’t get a hold of the person who is responsible for this, her mother, she goes back to her hometown to try and find out what’s going on. Entering Plymouth Meeting, her hometown, Calla goes straight to the one place where her mother should be. Only to find a hot bartender who gives Jase a run for his money as lieutenant of the Hot Guy Brigade. Which is what she calls the guys (Cam, Jase, Ollie, etc..) in her circle of […]

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

You guys… this book didn’t piss me off like Tied With Me did. THANK GOD. I actually enjoyed this book a lot better than Tied With Me, but if you’ve read my rant with Tied With Me, you’ll know that it hit a sore spot for me… so.. yeah. Breathe With Me is a second chance romance. Mark and Meredith were High School Sweethearts with plans of moving to New York City. That is, until Meredith decided to pursue her dreams on her own and breaking Mark’s heart. When I read that scene I shook my fist and started calling her names. Why does one leave the person they’re so much in love with? I cried for her and for Mark when she did that. I understand now why Mark turned into playboy. It’s hard to fall in love with someone when another already possesses your heart. I’m so glad that fate brought them back together again. When M & M meet again, it’s under sad circumstances, but it was like no time had passed at all between them. While I liked this book a lot more than the last one, My mother (who actually discovered this series when the first one came out and suggested that I read it.) and I both agree that it’s not as good as the first so many in the series. Unfortunately that’s usually what happens when there’s quite a few books in a series. Oh well!  It’s not a bad book, so I […]

Mini Book Review: Perfect Kind of Trouble by Chelsea Fine

Mini Book Review: Perfect Kind of Trouble by Chelsea Fine

Boy. This book gave me some serious feels at 5am. I stayed up reading this book until almost 7am..oops. It’s obvious that I enjoyed this book if I couldn’t be bothered to notice the sun was rising right in front of my face. This book is a dual POV and I really enjoyed reading the story from both characters, Kayla and Daren’s, in this book. You watch them really evolve over a 3 day period and learn that there is more to themselves than a pretty face and sexual prowess. Yes, this book is pretty much instalove..but..given the circumstances the two main characters find themselves in, it was a given. OH. MY. GOD. I am just now finding out this book is #2 in a series. WOW. I didn’t even realize..well that’s another good thing about this book. It’s obvious you don’t need to read the first one, Best Kind of Broken, to jump right in to this one. Kudos to the author for that! 😉 (You know what’s really bad? I just realized that Regina had signed us up for the RDL of the first one and there’s a blog post for it in our archives. LOL!!) Anyways, yes I really liked this book and I’m going to go check out the first one in this series now. 😉 I think you should too!

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

If you’re looking for something that will seriously make you LAUGH OUT LOUD, this book is for you! I really enjoyed this book. I haven’t laughed this hard since I read the Chocolate Lovers series by Tara Sivec! It had me laughing within the first few pages… Paige Crawford has graduated college and booked a one way ticket to London. Within her first day there she makes friends and already has been invited out that first night to hang out. Later that night while leaving The Box, the club that Jason (the cute guy she meets outside her Flat when she first arrives) invites her to, Paige, being drunk, trips and falls into the arms of a well known soccer player while the paparazzi are there to capture it on film. The next day she’s an insta-celeb, which ends up being both a blessing and a curse. I really enjoyed this story, so much I couldn’t put it down to go to bed. Though, I have to warn you: The most disturbing thing I’ve ever read in a book happened at the beginning of this story. Though doesn’t mean it didn’t have me laughing after going ‘OMGWTF?!’ My reaction to it: and then: I really hope that there will be a sequel to this story, because I would like to see what other shenanigans Paige will get herself in to. If you’re looking for a book that will give you a good haha giggle snort, I definitely suggest you check […]

Book Review: Relatively Famous by Heather Leigh

Book Review: Relatively Famous by Heather Leigh

Sydney Allen grew up as the child of Hollywood’s IT couple..Until her mother took her away from all of that age 12. Twelve years later and Sydney is still letting her parents divorce affect her life in ways it shouldn’t. She has some serious walls up and doesn’t let anyone in. The only person who has an in with her is her best friend Leah. She still talks to her mother, but she hasn’t seen or talked to her dad since her mother up and moved her from LA to NYC when she as 12. She’s hides behind her mother’s maiden name, so no one will know she’s Reid Tannen’s daughter. First off, I don’t get why people don’t realize that she’s who she is. Especially those who hire her mother’s design company and have a Sydney working on their project. You and I both know that these people are aware that Evangaline Allen has a daughter named Sydney..and it’s just a coincidence that the person who is heading their Design Projects is named Sydney ALLEN? Really? That’s just as annoyingly obvious as Clark Kent having to only take off a pair of glasses and a tie to be Superman. COME ON. lol. That was the only thing that bothered me about this book… Other than that, I LOVED THIS BOOK. Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down! I didn’t go to bed until it was finished!! That’s saying something! This book and the characters were very well written. […]

Review: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

Review: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

  When I started reading this book and saw that the mc, Violet, lives in Bozeman, Montana, I instantly thought of the episode of The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon relocates to Bozeman after having their apartment broken in to. I wondered if maybe the author saw this episode and decided to use it as her backdrop for her gnome series?     This book has all kinds of things going on in it. From naked neighbors trying to climb in to any where (or on him?) Mike might be, to a mother doing every thing she can to get her son married and some grandbabies out of him. Violet Miller is a school teacher, who secretly (or maybe no-so-secretly) wants to write word porn (aka erotic romance novels) for a living. She’s afraid of what people will think if she does that, so instead of writing, she took on teaching.  It’s summer time and her sister is off with her boyfriend so Violet is working her sister’s job at the local sex toy shop. Ha! One day she answers the phone at the shop and on the other end is the boy that got away after High School, Mike Ostranski. You see, Mike is up in Alaska at a family reunion, and his mother is crazy desperate for her only child to hurry up and get married and give her some grandbabies. She’s so desperate she’s trying to hook up Mike to his uncle’s crazy, and boy do I mean […]

Mini Book Review – Jagged by Kristen Ashley

Mini Book Review – Jagged by Kristen Ashley

I am a HUGE fan of Kristen Ashley and when I saw this up for grabs on Netgalley I was all over it. I read this book almost 2 months ago and I don’t even remember what happened in this book. Most Kristen Ashley books have a way of grabbing hold of my brain and staying there, this one did not. I couldn’t connect with the characters at all. Unlike other Kristen Ashley books, this one had nothing going on that kept me on the edge of my seat biting the inside of my mouth.. I’m so very disappointed by this book, but I guess it was bound to happen eventually, right? The rest of this series is amazing so far, but Jagged just doesn’t live up to the first four books in the Colorado Mountain series. I really hope that she brings it with Kaleidoscope, the next book in the series! If you’re a big Kristen Ashley fan like me, I would still recommend that you read it. It might be a watered down version of a Kristen Ashley book, but it’s still a KA book and it will hold you over until her next book comes out. Which, if you stalk her like Melanie and I do, you’ve already read the sneak peek of on her website.    

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Book Review: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron + Giveaway

Because one of the first things you learn in this book is how awesome the movie Mean Girls is (though you people should already know the awesomeness of this movie!), this book review is going to consist of a lot of Mean Girls memes. HA.   Shannon is a 21 year old college junior who is still holding on to her V Card. Her friends are doing everything they can to help her lose that card. They even go as far as to be total assholes about it. Shannon’s holding on to her V Card because the only thing she’s worried about right now is getting through college and making something better of her life (or maybe it’s because she recently watched Breaking Dawn..) Welp, that would certainly ruin a determined college student’s plans…   Anyways, back to my review…Shannon is a virgin, she plans on staying a virgin and she wants to get her friends off her back…Enter Jett, a cute tattooed graphic design student she “met” at the coffee shop. He just happens to cross paths with her again after some insane stuff goes down between Shannon and her friends and he rescues her from said situation. After a few discussions about nachos…  The two of them come to an agreement to fake date so that they can both get their friends off their backs… after a few days, it doesn’t seem so fake.. Speaking of Nachos, there was mention of dessert nachos in this book. I instantly […]