Blog Tour: The Forbidden by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Erin’s Review Oh MY GOD. JEM is one of those authors that I don’t even bother reading the synopsis for her books, I just dive right in. This book was no exception..though when I got into and discovered what made it “Forbidden” I thought about DNFing the book. But this is JEM and she hasn’t let me down before so I kept at it. She did not disappoint. After awhile I got over the forbidden aspect of the story and was cheering on Jake and Annie! The chemistry between the two of them was off the charts.. even during the parts when Annie was trying to be the better person and walk away.. the chemistry was still jumping off the page. I LOVED JACK and my heart was breaking for him throughout the book, his situation was crazy (seriously) and I understand now why he couldn’t just be done with it… The last 15% of the book kept me on the edge of my seat and got the best of my emotions. After having a moment of where I considered DNFing I kept at reading it and I am glad that I continued reading. I ended getting past the one thing I had a problem with in this story and really started to enjoy it and the characters in the book. I am wondering if we’ll see more of them in the future. Are we going to see more from Annie and Jack? Maybe we’ll get a story for Micky, […]