Genre: Adult Fiction

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

I’m currently on vacation visiting a friend who lives in NYC… I started reading One Night Promised when we were in the for the night last night. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I was up until 5am reading and then I finally forced myself to go to bed. The second I was up today I dove right back in to the book instead of going out into the city of NY to wander. That’s saying something. 😉 Olivia, otherwise known as Livy, is a 24 year old woman who just started working a bistro, she cannot master the cappuccino machine to save her life.  She could be annoying at times, but when learning more about her and her secrets you start to understand where she’s coming from. I really loved Livy’s Grandmother, whom she lives with, she was cute and entertaining. Her Nan did all she could to try and get her granddaughter to break out her carefully crafted shell and live her life. It takes making a bad cup of coffee for a dark haired, blue eyed stranger to  cause Livy’s shell to crack. I LOVE MILLER. He’s a quirky hot guy. He may seem like perfection, but really he has his flaws and his secrets too. Boy, I did NOT expect his secret to be what it was.. JEM really surprised me with his dirty secret. After learning more about Livy’s past, I think Livy’s reaction when learning about Miller’s profession was a little hypocritical, though now that I’m thinking about […]

Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley Release Blitz REVIEW & TWO GIVEAWAYS!

Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley Release Blitz REVIEW & TWO GIVEAWAYS!

Excerpt Hop came out of the bathroom to see Lanie on her feet on the other side of the bed, panties on, hands twisted behind her back putting her bra on. Again. He didn’ t say a word. He prowled to her, reached out an arm the second he was close, yanked her to him and fell to his back in the bed, taking her down with him. “Hop—” she started, pushing her weight against his arms, but he slid her off him then wasted no time rolling over her and pinning her to his bed. “Sleep,” he ordered when he caught her eyes in the weak dawn. “After rest, I’ ll get coffee, we’ ll juice up, then round four.” She blinked and breathed, “Four?” “Got lots more I want to do to you,” he informed her and watched her eyes go soft, sexier, then her teeth came out to graze her lush lower lip, also fucking sexy, and her arms slid around him. But she asked, “What about Tack and Ty-Ty?” “I’ ll make sure the coast is clear,” he told her. “But they’ ll see my car,” she told him. “I’ ll move it,” he offered. Her hand slid up his back, around his shoulder, and then to his neck where her thumb moved to stroke him. Her touch was light but, fuck, it felt good. He’ d never had a woman touch him in an unconscious way like that, just a touch, a stroke, giving something […]

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

Blog Tour: Frenched by Melanie Harlow Review & Giveaway!

A week before her big wedding, Mia Devine’s  fiance, Tucker,  calls off their wedding with a text from VEGAS. Which in my opinion was probably the best thing to happen to he has a thing against oral sex and body fluids. Also, it seems like he was the kind of guy who is “Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am. I’m sorry you didn’t get off but I must go take a shower because I’m a closted germaphobe.” Eventually her friends Coco and Erin manage to talk her out of the blanket fort she’s built around herself. From there they try and talk her into taking her booked & paid for honeymoon by herself. Paris is somewhere she’s always wanted to eventually she gives in to her friends and goes. On her first day in Paris, after walking around witnessing the city of love being in love, Mia can’t take it no more. “I tried to perk myself up with a stroll along the Seine, but my Independent Woman positivity had fizzled. Everywhere I looked I saw couples in love. Fucking everywhere.”   Working herself up into a rage she somehow loses herself in Paris and has no idea where she’s at. She decides she needs wine so she walks a bit more and comes across a bar called The Beaver Bar & Grille. She walks in and looks to see if a proposal is imminent and finds that there doesn’t seem to be much love in the air. The […]

Mini Book Review – Jagged by Kristen Ashley

Mini Book Review – Jagged by Kristen Ashley

I am a HUGE fan of Kristen Ashley and when I saw this up for grabs on Netgalley I was all over it. I read this book almost 2 months ago and I don’t even remember what happened in this book. Most Kristen Ashley books have a way of grabbing hold of my brain and staying there, this one did not. I couldn’t connect with the characters at all. Unlike other Kristen Ashley books, this one had nothing going on that kept me on the edge of my seat biting the inside of my mouth.. I’m so very disappointed by this book, but I guess it was bound to happen eventually, right? The rest of this series is amazing so far, but Jagged just doesn’t live up to the first four books in the Colorado Mountain series. I really hope that she brings it with Kaleidoscope, the next book in the series! If you’re a big Kristen Ashley fan like me, I would still recommend that you read it. It might be a watered down version of a Kristen Ashley book, but it’s still a KA book and it will hold you over until her next book comes out. Which, if you stalk her like Melanie and I do, you’ve already read the sneak peek of on her website.    

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Melissa has the year from Hell and somehow her best friend Elaine has managed to talk her into running away for a week at a spa thousands of miles away from the mess that her life is. While sitting at the hotel bar drinking the only cocktail she could think of that she doesn’t even like, she somehow catches the attention of the sexy Derek Alexander. When Derek comes her way, she’s floored by this as she’s normally not the girl to be on the receiving end of something like this. When Derek introduces himself to her, one thing leads to another and soon the most delicious one week stand commences. A good majority of this book takes place in Scottsdale, AZ at the Cactus Flower Spa and Hotel where Melissa and Derek have the most sizzling romance I’ve read in awhile. Melissa takes Derek’s heart and leaves him in Arizona with hopes that when she cleans up the mess that is her life, she’ll be able to find Derek again. When Melissa returns to Baltimore this is where the story gets really interesting and you find out things you didn’t expect. Tia Louise took my heart, ripped it out and stomped on it with this book. But no worries, she finds the duct tape and puts it back together again at some point. She gives us a lovely happily ever after with a very sweet epilogue. I highly enjoyed reading this book and I will gladly read any other […]

Book Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Book Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

OH H-O-L-Y CRAP. So Obsession came out on Friday (5/31), but I was lucky enough to win an ARC from the Publisher the night before so I got an early start on my reading!! This book was a great way to hold us ADULT fans of the LUX series over until the release of Origin. When I found out that JLA was releasing an adult book from the LUX universe I got super excited!! I love super hot romances and I must say Obsession is SMOKIN’ HOT!!!! I almost had to take a cold shower when I got done reading it because it had some SUPER HOT SEXY TIMES!!! I LOVED LOVED LOVED HUNTER!! He consisted of all the best ingredients to make a super hot alpha male WHO IS AN ALIEN!!!! He was cocky, arrogant, bossy, snarky, etc, etc.. He was PERRRRRFECT!!! Amazing! “That´s an alien. I´m an alien. We´re aliens. Aliens everywhere, actually, which is why we have to leave. I´m sure someone called the police by now.” – Hunter Serena was also amazing…She didn’t take Hunter’s crap at all and dished it right back at him! We like girls who are sassy, makes for interesting banter between characters!! But like most girls who are sassy, they usually don’t always know what’s good for they tend to do some stupid things and Serena is not any different! “Never in my life had I been more frustrated. Go figure it wouldn’t be with a human but a freaking […]

ARC Review: Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

ARC Review: Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

Another great book from Kristen Ashley! Kristen Ashley is an amazing author who gets the best of my emotions every time and Fire Inside was no exception. She put me and my emotions through the ringer with this book. Alright, let’s get down to it: It took a bit for me to like Lanie AND Hop. With Hop, if you’ve read Motorcycle Man, we all know why I wasn’t looking forward to a story about him.  Even before we get an explanation to things that happened in MM, Hop didn’t take long to grow on me.  He’s a loyal Brother(to the MC), Father and as it turns out Boyfriend/Husband, who would do anything to protect his family. To be honest, there was one thing that seriously bothered me about Hop. His “pet name” for Lanie, which was “LADY”. It felt so impersonal to me! I know that this relationship started out as a one night stand, no strings attached thing..but seriously. It just bothered me in a major way.  I’d rather he call her “Baby” over “Lady”.  Whatever, maybe Kristen Ashley was going for something different than what everyone uses, “baby”, “princess”, “babe”, etc.  I guess I can’t blame her for trying! Ha! I didn’t care much for Lanie in MM, and I didn’t really want to like her when I first started this book. However, She starts to grow on you as you learn more about how she grew up and her relationship with Elliott. This book’s time line […]

Book Review: The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre.

Book Review: The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre.

Holy SHIT. This book is unlike ANYTHING I’VE EVER READ BEFORE. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on most of the time. The story is creative and unique, and the writing is impeccable. Usually I pick up on typos and misspellings when I’m reading but I did not notice ANY in this book. The  is a dark story about a young 20 something year old girl named Deanna aka Jess. She has cut herself off from the outside world for the last 3 years to protect people from her homicidal thoughts. The only way she “connects” with humans is through the computer as a camgirl performing sexual acts for people at $6.99/minute. She’s one of the few American girls who do it so she has quite the following and makes some good money. Throughtout the book you get to experience the story from many other peoples’ POVs, which is a great way to mix things up. It had me continually trying to figure out who “RalphMA35” was as the story went along. The chapters were all quite short, which made it so the story didn’t drag out/ All in all, this book was a very interesting read and I would suggest reading it if you’re looking for something DIFFERENT and unlike what you have read before. It’s full of mystery, suspense and some crazy whacked out sexual fetishes! Very entertaining read!

Book Review: Rock With Me by Kristen Proby

Book Review: Rock With Me by Kristen Proby

Wow! Another great book in the With Me in Seattle series by Kristen Proby. Rock with Me is Leo Nash and Sam Williams’ story. As you know from the previous books, Leo is Megan’s (from Play With Me) foster brother and Sam is Luke’s (from Come Away With Me) sister. Leo Nash is the lead singer from the world-famous rock band Nash and Sam Williams is the sister of Luke Williams of Nightwalker fame.  Sam was very guarded in previous books and in this story we learn why she is the way she is.  Seeing as Sam is familiar with what happens when you’re famous and was once burned by a past lover who was in the spotlight,  she doesn’t want to go through it again.  She tries to push Leo away, but in the end she doesn’t push too hard. When Sam finally gives in to Leo, he says one of the HOTTEST things I’ve read in a book in a long time. This will go down as one of my favorite quotes from a book for sure. “I’ll take you hard, and soft, and every way in between. I’m going to fuck the shit out of you. And I’m going to make love to you until you’re shaking and don’t remember who you are.” – Leo Nash, Page 21. The rest of the gang shows up in the book as well. Like in past books there are some hilarious moments to be had. The Orgasm conversation that took place in […]