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Pucked Off by Helena Hunting

Pucked Off by Helena Hunting

Another great book from the Pucked series! You might go in to this book thinking you KNOW Lance.. He’s all about the partying and the puck bunnies, yeah… NO. He’s a completely different person than we all thought he was. I’m not going to go in to too many details about this book because Helena wanted the heroine to stay a secret. Is it Tash, is it someone new? You’ll have to start reading this book to find out for yourself. However, this book was definitely a lot darker, I think, compared to the rest of the series. It’s not as laugh out loud as the previous books. Sure, we see the rest of the gang here and there in this book, but not enough to make this a romantic comedy like the previous books. Lance’s story is not what I thought it would be. It’s very heartbreaking and will have you crying at times. When we are getting to know more about Lance, I didn’t realize he’d have something in common with Christian Grey..and NO, it’s not what you’re thinking. You’ll have to read it and come back and tell me what you think it is. In the end though, Lance gets his happily ever after. 🙂 I really enjoyed this book, but it needs more Violet! I can never get enough of her! Check out the rest of the series:  Amazon Apple B&N  Amazon Apple B&N  Amazon  Apple B&N  Amazon Apple B&N  Amazon Apple B&N

Review & Giveway: The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood

Review & Giveway: The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood

That synopsis SOLD ME. I was scrolling through my facebook feed and I saw one of the Publicists for Entangled that I am friends with on Facebook post the synopsis for this book last week and I one-clicked the shit out of it when I got done reading the synopsis. I started reading this book last night and I finished it when I was supposed to be working today at work. Oops, my bad. I just couldn’t put it down. Lainey is fresh out of college with a job in Seattle as the second assistant to Brogan Starr, the CEO of Starr Media. She’s being told by the first assistant that the boss is the “Antichrist” and she has a 300 employee handbook with 4028502846 rules that proves it. Brogan Starr is apparently the Antichrist but when Lainey finally gets the chance to meet him and see him interact with his employees it’s obvious that maybe he really isn’t the “Devil”. It’s just his first assistant being an ass. No big surprise there, seeing as Jackson is an asshole from the very beginning. Brogan seems to get along with everyone who works for him and isn’t anything like Jackson made him out to be. Sure he has 5 million rules to be followed but it’s because he’s trying to protect himself. I really enjoyed this book, Lainey is a witty, entertaining girl with a big heart. She’s doing what she can to help out her sick mom, giving up the finer things […]

Review: Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow

Review: Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow

  This book is amazing! I just re-read it for a second time THIRD TIME. I don’t usually re-read a book so soon after I read it the first time or second time, but I had to. I just LOVED Sebastian. He was imperfectly perfect. You get so used to reading about these PERFECT GUYS in romance novels, that it’s a little refreshing to find one who isn’t so perfect. Reading the blurb, you’re not sure what you’re gonna get when you dive in to this book. You’ve got Skylar Nixon, fresh off the farm, er.. a stint on a reality show about riding cowboys. ;P She is a former Cherry Queen, who went out in to the world to try and find it as actress. Only to find herself on a reality TV show riding a mechanical bull. After realizing that she misses home, she’s back in Northern Michigan staying in a guest house on her parents’ property and working at a local vineyard. Then you’ve got Sebastian Pryce, who recently relocated back to Michigan after breaking off his engagement to his ex-fiancee in New York City. He’s a lawyer working in his dad’s law firm and he’s working through some issues. After Skylar’s time on a Reality TV show comes back to bite her in the ass. She ends up visiting Lighthouse Park to sit on the beach and just think about what she’s going to do with her life. When she’s leaving she notices a man sitting on the […]

Mini Book Review: Grey by E.L. James

Mini Book Review: Grey by E.L. James

I thought I was going to devour this in a day. It took me FOUR AND A HALF DAYS to read this book. I also thought that it was going to span the entire trilogy. I was wrong. This only spans the first book, Fifty Shades of Grey. Sigh..while I did enjoy reading it, it was just not enough for me. For some reason I thought it might be a bitc raunchier coming from Christian’s POV. It wasn’t really. Oh well, it was nice to get in to his head and see what he was thinking at critical points in the first book. We also got to learn a bit more about Elena and a couple of his past subs. I think the best part of the entire book was the last 10-15%. I’ve been hearing that we’re going to get Darker from his POV too, but we probably will not get Freed. I know I will read anything E.L. James gives us from the Grey universe..but instead of reading Darker/Freed from his POV, I would much rather read AFTER Freed from his POV. Ana’s pregnancy. I think that would be interesting to see through his eyes. He’s so overprotective of Ana before she was pregnant, I can’t imagine how he is during her pregnancy. His anxiety is probably through the roof during her pregnancy. I think it’d be interesting to see him mentally prepare for fatherhood with Ana helping him realize that HE CAN BE A GOOD FATHER. What […]

Book Review: Pucked by Helena Hunting

Book Review: Pucked by Helena Hunting

I have to admit, this is the first Helena Hunting book I’ve read and I am NOT DISAPPOINTED. I’m always looking for a book that will give me a good giggle and I definitely found it in this book! This book is LAUGH OUT LOUD hilarious.  It’s also got a little bit of sweet and a little bit of sexy going on in this book. I am so glad I decided to check it out. Half way through I texted Melanie and told her that she NEEDED to check this book out. We both love a good laugh when it comes to our romances and I knew she’d love this one. Violet is recently out of college and working as a junior account for a PR firm that specials in Sports Financial Management. Her stepdad Sidney is a scout for the NHL, her stepbrother plays for the NHL, and she’s straight surrounded by hockey. Alex Waters is the captain for the Hawks, a professional hockey team. He’s a little nerdy and is well-versed in English Lit. The characters in this book are great. I thought they were all very entertaining in their own right. Violet is quirky and has no brain to mouth filter. She says whatever she’s thinking and a lot of it is down right dirty. I can be a bit inappropriate at times with my humor too, so with all the dirty talk in this book I wasn’t bothered a all. I really enjoyed Alex too; I think he’s a bit more tame […]

Until July by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until July by Aurora Rose Reynolds

I don’t even know where I want to start with this… This isn’t a typical review or anything. It’s more of me going on about what didn’t make sense in the story… So I have to warn you that it has don’t read on if you haven’t read the book and you do not want to be spoiled. I just had a conversation with my mother over this book. She was smart and re-read the Until series before starting this book. I started talking to her about Until July going on about how  I thought that it was missing a bunch of details. At least, that’s what I think. She told me that she found that Until July was a lot more well written and edited compared to the Until series. There were a few things that bothered me about this story and I’m about to list them off in no particular order. 1. When writing a spin off series about the offspring of couples you’ve already written about. You should not make pop culture references. I’m assuming, due to the use of cell phones (with pictures) in Until November  that November and Asher’s story takes place in this century. Fast forward 26 years and July has her own book and she’s “seeing” Fifty Shades of Grey in the Fall (September-ish). Do children in bookish words age 20+ years in a matter of 5 minutes like they do in the Soap Operas? O_o 2. WHAT THE HELL DOES JAX HAVE TO DO […]

Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

I was looking at this book on amazon, considering reading it..but seeing the names of TWO men, I decided to pass for now. I am not the biggest fans of Love Triangles as of lately (a certain Molly McAdams book killed love triangles for me and for Melanie a couple of years ago) so I try to avoid them now. A couple of days later Melanie is texting me telling me that I NEED TO READ BLACK LIES so that she can have some one to talk to. I yell at her about love triangles and she’s like “NO, YOU HAVE TO READ THIS. DO IT NOW.” I grumbled a bit and was like if it’s loanable on amazon I’ll read it…. 5 minutes later she loans it to me via Amazon. I totally put off starting this book until later in the evening… I started this book in the 8:00pm hour on Thursday 8/28 and I was finished with it before midnight that very night. I could NOT put this book down. I’ve read a few of Alessandra Torre’s books and they’ve all been very unique in their own rights. THIS BOOK  IS NO DIFFERENT. This book’s timeline is all over the place telling you the story of Lana’s love for two men. First up, there’s Brant: A Gorgeous, Intelligent, Successful computer nerd who is a bit scatterbrained. Then there’s Lee: The boy from the other side of the tracks, doesn’t compare to Brant’s genius, does landscaping for a living […]

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

I’m currently on vacation visiting a friend who lives in NYC… I started reading One Night Promised when we were in the for the night last night. I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I was up until 5am reading and then I finally forced myself to go to bed. The second I was up today I dove right back in to the book instead of going out into the city of NY to wander. That’s saying something. 😉 Olivia, otherwise known as Livy, is a 24 year old woman who just started working a bistro, she cannot master the cappuccino machine to save her life.  She could be annoying at times, but when learning more about her and her secrets you start to understand where she’s coming from. I really loved Livy’s Grandmother, whom she lives with, she was cute and entertaining. Her Nan did all she could to try and get her granddaughter to break out her carefully crafted shell and live her life. It takes making a bad cup of coffee for a dark haired, blue eyed stranger to  cause Livy’s shell to crack. I LOVE MILLER. He’s a quirky hot guy. He may seem like perfection, but really he has his flaws and his secrets too. Boy, I did NOT expect his secret to be what it was.. JEM really surprised me with his dirty secret. After learning more about Livy’s past, I think Livy’s reaction when learning about Miller’s profession was a little hypocritical, though now that I’m thinking about […]

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

“In the first installment of the Maddox Brothers books, readers can experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster for the first time, all over again.” It pretty much was like re-reading Beautiful Disaster, only with a different clueless girl and another Maddox brother being pushed into the friend zone. Oh let’s not forget the clueless girl’s clueless roommate and her relationships as well. I wanted to punch both girls in the throat. This book was pretty ‘meh’ for the first half of the book..and then it finally started getting interesting..though not really all THAT interesting. One of the few good things going for this book is that it starts out right before Travis meets Abby, so you get to see a little bit of that relationship developing from the outside but not too much.  Cami has a secret and she doesn’t want Trenton to know because she thinks he’ll walk away from her when he finds out. Throughout this book I didn’t know what to expect when we finally learned of Cami’s secret and then at the end Jamie McGuire totally bitchslaps you in the face with something you didn’t even see coming. Seriously, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. So kudos to Jamie for giving us that totally unexpected ending. So if you do want to experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster again, I definitely suggest you read this book.  😉 I will be honest after the way this book ended, I’m definitely going to be checking out the next book in the series […]