Format: ARC

Blog Tour: The Forbidden by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Blog Tour: The Forbidden by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Erin’s Review Oh MY GOD. JEM is one of those authors that I don’t even bother reading the synopsis for her books, I just dive right in. This book was no exception..though when I got into and discovered what made it “Forbidden” I thought about DNFing the book. But this is JEM and she hasn’t let me down before so I kept at it. She did not disappoint. After awhile I got over the forbidden aspect of the  story and was cheering on Jake and Annie! The chemistry between the two of them was off the charts.. even during the parts when Annie was trying to be the better person and walk away.. the chemistry was still jumping off the page. I LOVED JACK and my heart was breaking for him throughout the book, his situation was crazy (seriously) and I understand now why he couldn’t just be done with it…  The last 15% of the book kept me on the edge of my seat and got the best of my emotions. After having a moment of where I considered DNFing I kept at reading it and I am glad that I continued reading. I ended getting past the one thing I had a problem with in this story and really started to enjoy it and the characters in the book. I am wondering if we’ll see more of them in the future. Are we going to see more from Annie and Jack? Maybe we’ll get a story for Micky, […]

Book Review: Divinity by Michelle Johnson

Book Review: Divinity by Michelle Johnson

I jumped at the chance to read and review this for a blog tour that SHP was organizing. It had been awhile since I had read a book with an Angel theme and this one sounded promising and well, the cover art really got me too. I think the cover is beautiful. We follow Julia as she learns more about whom she descends from and we find out what she’s been through in her life to get her where she is..and boy Poor Julia had been through a LOT of stuff in her life. Some sensitive subjects are covered in this book from suicide to multiple kinds of abuse. So if you’re one that tends to avoid that kind of subject matter you might want to pass on this book. This story will definitely put your emotions through the ringer. I had to break out the box of kleenex a few times! I generally read books that have a romantic theme to theme and this one had a little bit of a romance for awhile and I really dug the male character, Alex, that Julia was dating in this book. He was very protective of Julia and was destined to be apart of Julia’s life and he followed through with what he was to do. You get the POVs from Julia AND the Angels which is cool, but it’s all in Third person and that is one thing that drives me crazy. (Don’t ask me why! It just does! Ha.) […]

ARC Review: Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout

ARC Review: Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout

WARNING: Do not attempt to start this book at night before you go to bed. If you do, YOU WILL BE UP ALL NIGHT LONG. This book will not allow you to put it down once you start reading. This book is about a girl who finds herself wandering down a road covered in blood. She doesn’t have any clue as to where she’s at, why she’s there and who she even is. She finds out her name is Sam and she’s been missing for FOUR DAYS. She disappeared with her best friend, Cassie, whom still hasn’t been found. Unfortunately  Sam’s memories of that night or any night before that are missing as well. Once I started reading this book, I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN. I lost track of time.. what only seemed like minutes instead were hours. I realized it was 2am and not 11pm and I had to be to work at 7am. I unfortunately had to put the book down for the night…. The next day I forgo my lunchtime cat nap because I HAD TO FINISH THE BOOK. WOW. This book is incredible. I loved Sam, we got to discover her as a person as she discovered herself. What she was finding out about herself she did not like and she decided she didn’t WANT to be the way she used to be. It even seems that maybe though she was a certain way before the whole disappearance thing, in reality she really didn’t want […]

Book Review: Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + ARC giveaway!

Book Review: Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + ARC giveaway!

‘If you’ re hearing this message, you are invited to be a Contender in the Brimstone Bleed. All Contenders must report within forty-eight hours to select their Pandora companions. If you do not appear within forty-eight hours, your invitations will be eliminated. The Brimstone Bleed will last three months and will take place across four ecosystems: desert, sea, mountains, jungle. The winning prize will be the Cure—a remedy for any illness, for any single person. There will only be one champion.” Erin’s Review If you were given the chance to save a loved one from dying, would you do it? Even if you had to enter a contest where YOUR chances of survival might not be great? Imagine entering the Hunger Games..only you have to endure more than one type of terrain…. and you have a time limit to get to your destination. The Brimstone Bleed is like Hunger Games meets The Amazing Race. Only instead of a friend or a loved one as a partner, you have a PANDORA as a partner. The Brimstone Bleed: A 3 Month long competition that goes across 4 different ecosystems. One winner will receive THE CURE. Pandora: A genetically engineered animal. Each Pandora has special capabilities that will help their human companion make his or her way through the Brimstone Bleed. In order for a contestant to receive a Pandora the contestant must attend the Pandora Selection before the start of the Brimstone Bleed and choose their pandora. This book is thrilling and keeps you […]

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Maggie recently has found out that she is what they call a Semi-God..Someone who descends from a god or goddess. In Maggie’s case, it’s Aphrodite, the greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She’s slowly coming into her powers and watch out, because if you piss her off you might end up in a coma like her Ex, Eric. Out of nowhere, the New kid, Hot & Irish, Mac Finnegan, has decided that he wants to mess with Maggie for no good reason. He seems to know how to push her buttons just right and that’s not a good thing for him or Maggie. — I have to be honest, it took a while for the story to get going but once it did I really started to enjoy the book. I loved Maggie and the things that came out her mouth. She was witty, sarcastic and full of attitude and had no problem saying what was on her mind. When you put her and Mac Finnegan together. Wowie! The chemistry between was electric, though both of them try to deny it’s there. The bickering between the two of them was entertaining and sometimes it seemed as though Maggie wanted to attack and kiss him, while other times she wanted to attack and kill him. It’s interesting to see Maggie’s character develop throughout the book as she learns more about where she comes from and how to control her new powers and try to be the best that she […]