Author: Magan Vernon

Book Review & Giveaway: The Only Way by Magan Vernon

Book Review & Giveaway: The Only Way by Magan Vernon

Another great book by Magan Vernon. I don’t know about you guys, but I LOVE THE CHAPMAN BROTHERS. We got to meet and fall in love with Trey in The Only Exception and The Only Answer. In The Only Way we get to the meet his brother, Tripp, who happens to be the “black sheep” of the family. He’s fresh out of rehab and being whisked away to his father’s election night party. On the way there, he makes a detour to a hole-in-the-wall diner where he meets a waitress named Samantha “Sam” Green. Sam isn’t any better off than Tripp. She’s got her own problems she’s dealing with and she keeps everyone at arms length with her snark. After being kicked out of her apartment, Tripp comes to the rescue. Soon she’s crashing on his couch and helping him out in exchange. I really enjoyed this book. Magan did a good job of getting into the mind of a recovering addict who is trying to find himself after getting out of rehab. He may come from what seems like the perfect family, but he and his family are far from perfect and we’re beginning to see more of that in this book. I really liked him and Sam. They were GREAT together and they really helped each other out. She helps him find himself and his calling in the world. I loved that their relationship started out as a friendship and we got to witness their relationship blossom instead […]

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Erin’s Review:   We first meet John Boy in The Only Exception when he is introduced to us as Trey Chapman’s Big Brother at their Fraternity Alpha Mu. In The Only Exception he appears to be your stereotypical Frat Boy; Only there for the Booze, Girls & Parties… He continues t0 give us this impression at the beginning of The Only One, being that it’s a halloween party and he’s only wearing a loin cloth(say what?!). “Watch it, loincloth, I’ m not afraid to spork your eyes out.” – Monica We were also introduced to Melanie in The Only Exception where she played a bigger part in that story than John Boy, so we already know her a little bit better than we do John when we get started with The Only One. Melanie is an honor roll student doing everything she can to make it through college, working and going to school full-time, this girl has no social life to speak of. Her good friend and Trey’s girlfriend, Monica, has managed to talk her into going to the Alpha Mu Halloween party. At the party she somehow manages to catch John Boy’s eye. It must have been that Hermione costume she was wearing, while the loin cloth that John Boy is wearing certainly caught her eye and all of our eyes (yum). Monica is trying her best to keep John Boy and Melanie from hooking up, but Melanie isn’t have any of it.. In the middle of their hookup, […]