Author: Kristen Proby

Book Tour: Listen to Me by Kristen Proby

Book Tour: Listen to Me by Kristen Proby

Another great story from Kristen Proby and another great set of friends/family that I can’t wait to get to know! Addison Wade and her closest friends have opened up Portland’s hottest new restaurant, Seduction! While Addison and Kat (one of her best friends and partner) out scoping local talent at an open mic night in an effort to bring some local music to their restaurant, we, the readers meet Jake Keller aka Jake Nash. Jake Nash used to be a Rock God, but he left the limelight after an accident that he blames himself fore.. These days he prefers to be BEHIND THE MUSIC. He misses performing and goes to an open mic night just to do it. After realizing how much he misses it, his best friend talks him in to going to Seduction and see about getting the job performing there on the weekends. Now this is where ADDIE and JAKE finally meet each other..and the sparks start flying! Addie has been around the block when it comes to dating musicians and she is DONE after the last one. Or so she thinks…. Even though she can feel the chemistry between her and Jake..she does her best to not engage in anything with him. But we all know that wasn’t gonna last long… I really loved Jake and Addie together. Usually there’s something about one of the main characters that drives me crazy..but these two I really liked. Of course there was a drama, there should always be a […]

Book Review: Easy With You by Kristen Proby

Book Review: Easy With You by Kristen Proby

Erin’s Review Oh my, I think I liked this novella better than the last few books in the With You in Seattle series. Being that is a novella, this story went by so quick, I was sad when it ended. I wish that we would have gotten more time with Lila, Asher and Casey. I really enjoyed getting to know these characters and their backstories. Especially Asher & Casey’s story. They’ve been through a lot and it’s really quite heartbreaking when you learn about what happened to his wife and Casey’s mother. I’m so glad that they found Lila, I think she was great for both Asher & Casey. 🙂 One thing that I really liked about this book was bringing the case that Asher is working on into the story. It added  a bit of mystery and some suspense to the story. I think Kristen should do some more of that in the future. A little suspense always makes the story more interesting. 😉 While we’re in New Orleans getting to know Lily & Asher, we get a little visit with Matt & Nic when they came in to town from Seattle to visit Asher, as well as catch up a bit with Eli & Kate from Easy Love. Easy With You did a great job of blending both the With You in Seattle series (We first met Asher in Matt story, Tied With you, as he was Matt’s partner.) with the Boudreaux series (Lila is Kate’s BFF.) It was a very […]

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

You guys… this book didn’t piss me off like Tied With Me did. THANK GOD. I actually enjoyed this book a lot better than Tied With Me, but if you’ve read my rant with Tied With Me, you’ll know that it hit a sore spot for me… so.. yeah. Breathe With Me is a second chance romance. Mark and Meredith were High School Sweethearts with plans of moving to New York City. That is, until Meredith decided to pursue her dreams on her own and breaking Mark’s heart. When I read that scene I shook my fist and started calling her names. Why does one leave the person they’re so much in love with? I cried for her and for Mark when she did that. I understand now why Mark turned into playboy. It’s hard to fall in love with someone when another already possesses your heart. I’m so glad that fate brought them back together again. When M & M meet again, it’s under sad circumstances, but it was like no time had passed at all between them. While I liked this book a lot more than the last one, My mother (who actually discovered this series when the first one came out and suggested that I read it.) and I both agree that it’s not as good as the first so many in the series. Unfortunately that’s usually what happens when there’s quite a few books in a series. Oh well!  It’s not a bad book, so I […]

Tied With Me by Kristen Proby

Tied With Me by Kristen Proby

Erin’s Review… or is it a Rant? Ok this will probably be more of a rant rather than a review. Also, this will contain spoilers so if you haven’t read the book might not want to read this until after you’re done with the book. This book started out good and I did enjoy it for the most part. But you don’t really learn ANYTHING about Nic Dalton in this book. You only learn that she’s from Wyoming, isn’t really close with her family, owns her own bakery and has diabetes AND Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.. That’s it. You don’t learn anything about her family history that makes us understand why she’s the way she is..which is always needs to be in control of everything, and not to depend on other people, etc.. I mean, something had to have happened for her to turn out that way..but what? I guess we’ll never know.. Also, As someone who has PCOS herself, I was shocked to come across a character with the same condition I have. I thought I was going to totally relate with her on the PCOS thing…but I didn’t. With the exception of her having issues with her weight when she was younger. It doesn’t even seem like she has all the other fun stuff that comes with PCOS!  For example, Hirsutism and Androgenic Alopecia. In simple terms BODY HAIR and thinning of your hair(on the head). It seems that the hair on your head decides to migrate to other […]

Book Review: Rock With Me by Kristen Proby

Book Review: Rock With Me by Kristen Proby

Wow! Another great book in the With Me in Seattle series by Kristen Proby. Rock with Me is Leo Nash and Sam Williams’ story. As you know from the previous books, Leo is Megan’s (from Play With Me) foster brother and Sam is Luke’s (from Come Away With Me) sister. Leo Nash is the lead singer from the world-famous rock band Nash and Sam Williams is the sister of Luke Williams of Nightwalker fame.  Sam was very guarded in previous books and in this story we learn why she is the way she is.  Seeing as Sam is familiar with what happens when you’re famous and was once burned by a past lover who was in the spotlight,  she doesn’t want to go through it again.  She tries to push Leo away, but in the end she doesn’t push too hard. When Sam finally gives in to Leo, he says one of the HOTTEST things I’ve read in a book in a long time. This will go down as one of my favorite quotes from a book for sure. “I’ll take you hard, and soft, and every way in between. I’m going to fuck the shit out of you. And I’m going to make love to you until you’re shaking and don’t remember who you are.” – Leo Nash, Page 21. The rest of the gang shows up in the book as well. Like in past books there are some hilarious moments to be had. The Orgasm conversation that took place in […]