Sneak Peek @ Titans by Victoria Scott

Sneak Peek @ Titans by Victoria Scott

Are you guys excited for Titans by Victoria Scott? WE are! Here is a sneak peek at Titans!! [pdf-embedder url=”” width=”500″] Title: Titans Author: Victoria Scott Release Date: February 23rd, 2016 Add to Goodreads. Pre-Order Links: Amazon | B&N| TBD | IndieBound From Victoria Scott, author of FIRE & FLOOD, comes a thrilling story of impossible odds. Ever since the Titans first appeared in her Detroit neighborhood, Astrid Sullivan’ s world has revolved around the mechanical horses. She and her best friend have spent countless hours watching them and their jockeys practice on the track. It’ s not just the thrill of the race. It’ s the engineering of the horses and the way they’ re programmed to seem so lifelike. The Titans are everything that fascinates Astrid, and nothing she’ ll ever touch. She hates them a little, too. Her dad lost everything betting on the Titans. And the races are a reminder of the gap between the rich jockeys who can afford the expensive machines to ride, and the working class friends and neighbors of Astrid’ s who wager on them. But when Astrid’ s offered a chance to enter an early model Titan in this year’ s derby, well, she decides to risk it all. Because for a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, it’ s more than a chance at fame or money. Betting on herself is the only way she can see to hang on to everyone in the world she cares about. STEAL THIS […]

Blog Tour: Bounce by Noelle August + Giveaway

Blog Tour: Bounce by Noelle August + Giveaway

Bounce is the final book in the Boomerang series by Noelle August. It can be read as a standalone, but I suggest reading the first two books in the series as the characters from the previous books show up throughout this book and references to events in those books are mentioned. Skyler is a musician from Kentucky looking to make it somehow in Los Angeles. She ends up at an audition for a movie with her roommate. Grey is the younger brother of Adam Blackwood, who we get to know in the previous book Rebound. After a wild party Grey has pretty much destroys his brother’s house, Grey has to work off what he owes his brother for damages. One of the things he ends up having to do is to sit in an audition for a movie Adam has invested in. He’s standing in for the leading actor who can’t make it to the audition for the female lead. After hours of reading lines with numerous girls, in comes Skyler and the sparks start flying. Grey & Skyler have instant chemistry and it’s off the charts, but other than the first time they met you don’t really see them act on it all that much. Thanks to Adam for loaning Grey out to Garrett (the male lead in the movie they’re filming) as his personal assistant, he’s on set every day and is around Sky quite a bit. Sky doesn’t see them working out, due to the fact that […]

Release Blitz: Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Release Blitz: Every Last Breath by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Title: Every Last Breath Series: The Dark Elements #3 Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Pages: 400 Buy Now: Amazon | B&N | iBooks | IndieBound | Kobo | BAM   EVERY LAST BREATH Synopsis: Some loves will last ’til your dying breath Every choice has consequences—but seventeen-year-old Layla faces tougher choices than most. Light or darkness. Wickedly sexy demon prince Roth, or Zayne, the gorgeous, protective Warden she never thought could be hers. Hardest of all, Layla has to decide which side of herself to trust. Layla has a new problem, too. A Lilin—the deadliest of demons—has been unleashed, wreaking havoc on those around her…including her best friend. To keep Sam from a fate much, much worse than death, Layla must strike a deal with the enemy while saving her city—and her race—from destruction. Torn between two worlds and two different boys, Layla has no certainties, least of all survival, especially when an old bargain comes back to haunt them all. But sometimes, when secrets are everywhere and the truth seems unknowable, you have to listen to your heart, pick a side—and then fight like hell… Excerpt Roth cleared his throat. “Shortie, look…look at your hand.” Look at my hand? Why in the world would he be asking me to do that in the midst of all the cray? “Do it,” he said quietly and too gently. The dread exploded in my gut like buckshot, and my gaze dropped to my left hand. I expected to see the weird marbling of black and gray, a mixture of the demon […]

Blog Tour: Inside Game by Collette West

Blog Tour: Inside Game by Collette West

Ok I have to start off by saying that I didn’t even KNOW this was a part of a series until AFTER I finished this book. I’m kind of upset by that fact. I wish I could have read the first four books before reading this. Oh well, that’s fine I guess. I didn’t feel like I was jumping in to a story that’s already in progress when I started this book so that’s a very good thing about this story. It obviously can be read as a standalone. 🙂 Now let’s get to the story: Drake Schultz is the bad boy on the New York Kings. He appears to have been the bad boy on the team. He’s a total jerk to his teammates and doesn’t let any one get close to him. That is until his luck changes and he finds himself being suspended from baseball for eighty games and he’s in neutral territory with the girl that catches his eye every time she’s sitting behind the dugout at one of the Kings’s games. Eva Sloan is a substance abuse counselor and her newest client is her favorite player from the New York Kings. She’s ready to take on Drake and help him kick his Performance Enhancing Drug habit. Not only that but she’s also taken on the job of showing Drake his worth. He’s more than just a baseball player and she does everything she can to show him that there’s more to his life than just […]

Facebook Hop Friday! #FBHop on 7/17/15!

Are you a book blogger or an author with a Facebook page? Join us as we host our Monthly Facebook Hop on Friday July 17th, 2015. This is our mission to try and help all of us get our numbers on Facebook up. The more people who visit your page on the day of the #FBHop and like/comment on your posts, the more OTHER people will see your posts and like/comment on them as well. In the end, hopefully you’ll reach out to some new fans! 🙂 Want to make the #FBHop a bit more interesting? Please feel free to host a giveaway on your facebook page the day of the hop! If you can’t or don’t want to host a giveaway, don’t let that stop you from being  a part of the #FBHop. It’s not a requirement. 🙂 Link up via the Linky below and if you can be so kind, please share this with the world! Let’s get the word out! P.S. This was totally inspired by Boost It! Tuesdays hosted by Candace’s Book Blog, Every Free Chance and If These Books Could Talk. Check out their blogs and join their next Boost It! Tuesday hop! Maybe we can really get our Facebook numbers up between the two hops! 😉   Did you link up? If you’d like to, please post about this on your blogs and add the link up code (below) to your post! For Blogs <!– start InLinkz script –></p> <p> <a rel=’nofollow’ href=”″><img style=”border:0px” […]

The Latest Countdown Widgets!

I have been on a roll lately making countdown widgets. The recent countdown widgets have changed from past countdown widgets. They will all now work on MOBILE devices. Most of the new countdowns will have a FB/Twitter Share button as well as a button that will give you the EMBED code for the countdown timer so that you can copy the embed code from the countdown widget itself. Unfortunately they still don’t work on hosted blogs and I’m not sure they ever will. 🙁 Listed below are the newest countdown widgets and their embed codes. If you’d like to see the other 30+ of our available countdown widgets and to see how you can have one made, please go to our countdown widget page located here. 😉

Mini Book Review: Grey by E.L. James

Mini Book Review: Grey by E.L. James

I thought I was going to devour this in a day. It took me FOUR AND A HALF DAYS to read this book. I also thought that it was going to span the entire trilogy. I was wrong. This only spans the first book, Fifty Shades of Grey. Sigh..while I did enjoy reading it, it was just not enough for me. For some reason I thought it might be a bitc raunchier coming from Christian’s POV. It wasn’t really. Oh well, it was nice to get in to his head and see what he was thinking at critical points in the first book. We also got to learn a bit more about Elena and a couple of his past subs. I think the best part of the entire book was the last 10-15%. I’ve been hearing that we’re going to get Darker from his POV too, but we probably will not get Freed. I know I will read anything E.L. James gives us from the Grey universe..but instead of reading Darker/Freed from his POV, I would much rather read AFTER Freed from his POV. Ana’s pregnancy. I think that would be interesting to see through his eyes. He’s so overprotective of Ana before she was pregnant, I can’t imagine how he is during her pregnancy. His anxiety is probably through the roof during her pregnancy. I think it’d be interesting to see him mentally prepare for fatherhood with Ana helping him realize that HE CAN BE A GOOD FATHER. What […]

Facebook Hop Friday! #FBHop on 6/26/15!

Facebook Hop Friday! #FBHop on 6/26/15!

  Are you a book blogger or an author with a Facebook page? Join us as we host a Facebook Hop on Friday June 26th, 2015. This is our mission to try and help all of us get our numbers on Facebook up. The more people who visit your page on the day of the #FBHop and like/comment on your posts, the more OTHER people will see your posts and like/comment on them as well. In the end, hopefully you’ll reach out to some new fans! 🙂 Want to make the #FBHop a bit more interesting? Please feel free to host a giveaway on your facebook page the day of the hop! If you can’t or don’t want to host a giveaway, don’t let that stop you from being  a part of the #FBHop. It’s not a requirement. 🙂 Link up via the Linky below and if you can be so kind, please share this with the world! Let’s get the word out! If this takes off, we will definitely be doing this every Friday! 🙂 P.S. This was totally inspired by Boost It! Tuesdays hosted by Candace’s Book Blog, Every Free Chance and If These Books Could Talk. Check out their blogs and join their next Boost It! Tuesday hop! Maybe we can really get our Facebook numbers up between the two hops! 😉 Tweet Tweet Did you link up? If you’d like to, please post about this on your blogs and add the link up code (below) to […]

Book Review & Giveaway: The Only Way by Magan Vernon

Book Review & Giveaway: The Only Way by Magan Vernon

Another great book by Magan Vernon. I don’t know about you guys, but I LOVE THE CHAPMAN BROTHERS. We got to meet and fall in love with Trey in The Only Exception and The Only Answer. In The Only Way we get to the meet his brother, Tripp, who happens to be the “black sheep” of the family. He’s fresh out of rehab and being whisked away to his father’s election night party. On the way there, he makes a detour to a hole-in-the-wall diner where he meets a waitress named Samantha “Sam” Green. Sam isn’t any better off than Tripp. She’s got her own problems she’s dealing with and she keeps everyone at arms length with her snark. After being kicked out of her apartment, Tripp comes to the rescue. Soon she’s crashing on his couch and helping him out in exchange. I really enjoyed this book. Magan did a good job of getting into the mind of a recovering addict who is trying to find himself after getting out of rehab. He may come from what seems like the perfect family, but he and his family are far from perfect and we’re beginning to see more of that in this book. I really liked him and Sam. They were GREAT together and they really helped each other out. She helps him find himself and his calling in the world. I loved that their relationship started out as a friendship and we got to witness their relationship blossom instead […]