Review: Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow

Review: Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Harlow

  This book is amazing! I just re-read it for a second time THIRD TIME. I don’t usually re-read a book so soon after I read it the first time or second time, but I had to. I just LOVED Sebastian. He was imperfectly perfect. You get so used to reading about these PERFECT GUYS in romance novels, that it’s a little refreshing to find one who isn’t so perfect. Reading the blurb, you’re not sure what you’re gonna get when you dive in to this book. You’ve got Skylar Nixon, fresh off the farm, er.. a stint on a reality show about riding cowboys. ;P She is a former Cherry Queen, who went out in to the world to try and find it as actress. Only to find herself on a reality TV show riding a mechanical bull. After realizing that she misses home, she’s back in Northern Michigan staying in a guest house on her parents’ property and working at a local vineyard. Then you’ve got Sebastian Pryce, who recently relocated back to Michigan after breaking off his engagement to his ex-fiancee in New York City. He’s a lawyer working in his dad’s law firm and he’s working through some issues. After Skylar’s time on a Reality TV show comes back to bite her in the ass. She ends up visiting Lighthouse Park to sit on the beach and just think about what she’s going to do with her life. When she’s leaving she notices a man sitting on the […]

The Power by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Power by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Ok wow, This book was even better than The Return. I really started to like Seth a whole lot more. I mean he finally started to grow on me in the Return (I kind of wanted to punch in the Covenant books…so that’s saying a lot), but I like him even more now, though he did have a few moments where someone needed to bitchslap him, but he found his way again… This book kind of dragged for me a bit in the beginning but it really started to pick up when we got towards the middle. We see quite a few people from the Covenant series in this book series (OMG guess who shows up in this book?! I bet you’ll never guess! :P) and we even meet a new demigod in the Power. Hercules. Yes, THAT Hercules shows up to help out a bit… and WOW. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes so hard at a character in a book before. He made for some good entertainment in this book, that is for sure. Wow, the end of the book. I have no words.. I was definitely not expecting that to happen and neither was Seth or anyone else for that matter, it seems. Something’s changed.. and Josie hasn’t given up on Seth, and I don’t think she should. Because even though he doesn’t see it, I don’t think the situation he’s found himself in is anywhere near as bad as everyone thinks it will be. […]

Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow + Giveaway

Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow + Giveaway

  Title: Some Sort of Love Series: Happy, Crazy, Love Author: Melanie Harlow Release Date: February 9th, 2016 Add to your Goodreads Shelf Buy Now: Amazon (UK) | B&N | iTunes| Kobo On the surface, I have it all—a career I adore, a loving family, the Nixon metabolism but not the Nixon ears, and a salary that supports my lavish taste in designer shoes, fine wine, and lacy lingerie…but I have no one to share it with. Until the day I run into him—my one night stand from college with the cocky smile, let’ s-get-out-of-here eyes, and dirty, dirty mouth. Levi Brooks is six feet four inches of hot bearded fantasy. A sexy single dad with broad shoulders, strong hands, and a fantastically big…heart. (I mean, it’ s massive. And generous. And it pumps so hard… um. Sorry. Lost my place.) But he lives for his son, and he’s keeping me at a distance because he thinks I deserve someone better—a man who can give me more time, more attention, more of himself. He doesn’ t believe he could ever be enough. But he’s wrong. He’ s everything.     Giveaway Enter the Some Sort of Love Rafflecopter! a Rafflecopter giveaway Happy, Crazy, Love Series   Please join Melanie Harlow and help the children of Flint, MI! The kids in Flint, MI need safe water now, and they need resources for the future–the effects of lead exposure are serious and long-term. You can help by donating to between now and […]

Facebook Hop Friday! #FBHop on 3/11/16!

Hey Everyone! I started up a thing called Facebook Hop Fridays last summer and I got a little distracted and well I stopped doing it. Being that it is a new year, My new year’s resolution was to get back in to the swing of things here at the blog and I figured that I should definitely give the Facebook Friday Hops a try again. 🙂 Are you a part of the Bookish Community (Author, Book Blogger, Editor, Formatter, ETC.) and do you have a Facebook page? Join us as we host our Monthly Facebook Hop on Friday, March 11th, 2016. This is our mission to try and help all of us get our numbers on Facebook up. The more people who visit your page on the day of the #FBHop and like/comment on your posts, the more OTHER people will see your posts and like/comment on them as well. In the end, hopefully you’ll reach out to some new fans! 🙂 Want to make the #FBHop a bit more interesting? Please feel free to host a giveaway on your facebook page the day of the hop! If you can’t or don’t want to host a giveaway, don’t let that stop you from being  a part of the #FBHop. It’s not a requirement. 🙂 Link up via the Linky below and if you can be so kind, please share this with the world! Let’s get the word out! P.S. This was totally inspired by Boost It! Tuesdays hosted by Candace’s […]

Facebook Hop Friday! #FBHop on 2/12/16!

Hey Everyone! I started up a thing called Facebook Hop Fridays last summer and I got a little distracted and well I stopped doing it. Being that it is a new year, My new year’s resolution was to get back in to the swing of things here at the blog and I figured that I should definitely give the Facebook Friday Hops a try again. 🙂 Are you a book blogger or an author with a Facebook page? Join us as we host our Monthly Facebook Hop on Friday, February 12th, 2016. This is our mission to try and help all of us get our numbers on Facebook up. The more people who visit your page on the day of the #FBHop and like/comment on your posts, the more OTHER people will see your posts and like/comment on them as well. In the end, hopefully you’ll reach out to some new fans! 🙂 Want to make the #FBHop a bit more interesting? Please feel free to host a giveaway on your facebook page the day of the hop! If you can’t or don’t want to host a giveaway, don’t let that stop you from being  a part of the #FBHop. It’s not a requirement. 🙂 Link up via the Linky below and if you can be so kind, please share this with the world! Let’s get the word out! P.S. This was totally inspired by Boost It! Tuesdays hosted by Candace’s Book Blog, Every Free Chance and If These Books […]

Peanut Butter Chocolate Dessert Bars

Peanut Butter Chocolate Dessert Bars

If you happen to go to Sexton High School with me, visit this site you might remember the delicious peanut butter chocolate dessert bars you could find in the cafeteria. They were AMAZING. The mother of my best friend in high school worked for the school cafeteria and a few years ago she shared the recipe with me. Of course she gave me the original recipe which called for 3 gallons of peanut butter, drug 6 lbs of butter and 21 pounds of powdered sugar. LMAO. But..she ended up also working out the recipe for a normal sized batch for me. YUM.. Now before I give you the recipe..I just wanted to tell you about my friend’s mom. Her name is Rita and in 2014 she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I know for a fact that Rita has done everything she can to kick cancer’s ass. I haven’t seen her lately and I’ve been too afraid to ask Andrea how she’s been doing, but it seems that maybe the end is near. :'( The family set up a gofundme a few months ago to help with the costs of Rita’s medical treatments, and now they will need help with the funeral costs when the time comes. If you can spare a few dollars to help this wonderful family out through this hard time, that would be great. Please share this post with everyone you can and GO MAKE THESE DELICIOUS DESSERT BARS in honor of Rita. Thank you so […]

Blog Tour: Beauty and the Boss by Diane Alberts

Blog Tour: Beauty and the Boss by Diane Alberts

OK to be honest, it took a while for me to get in to this book.. Sorry but I have this weird thing about stories being told in the third person. It drives me bonkers! I DON’T KNOW WHY!! But once I got past that, I started to enjoy the story. Normally I might go in and try to summarize the book for you, but that’s what the synopsis is supposed to be for right? So I’m going to skip that. Obviously this is supposed to be a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast but other than, Benjamin (or Benji as Maggie started to call him in the book), being referred to as the “Beast” by his employees, I’m not sure how it compares to the Beauty and the Beast story.. But to be honest I’m not all that familiar with the story. I don’t think I ever saw the Disney movie never really appealed to me. I’m more familiar with Snow White, Cinderella, etc.. I know, I think I might be a little weird. LOL. For those of you who have read this book? How does it compare to Beauty and the Beast? Let me know in the comments section below! Maggie’s character really annoyed me for a bit at the beginning of the story. I liked her just fine in the very beginning but the part when her and Benji go on their “first” date, she came off a total bitch. But when she finally explained […]

Bloggers! Check out our newest COUNTDOWN WIDGETS!

Bloggers! Check out our newest COUNTDOWN WIDGETS!

Hey everyone! I recently made a few new countdown timers and I thought I’d share them with you. The cover images listed below are our NEWEST countdown timers! Check them out and feel free to grab one or all for your book blogs! You can find the embed codes for all of the countdown widgets here!           

New Release: Beauty and the Boss by Diane Alberts

New Release: Beauty and the Boss by Diane Alberts

Title: Beauty and the Boss Author: Diane Alberts Release Date: November 16th, 2015 Add to your Goodreads shelf. Buy Now: Amazon | iTunes | B&N | Kobo Synopsis: Beauty is about to tame her beast… Researcher Maggie Donovan has no luck with men, and it doesn’t help that she can’t keep her eyes off of her sexy boss – the one everyone else in the office calls The Beast. Relationships in the office are forbidden. So no one is more surprised than Maggie when she pretends to be his fiancée to save him during a difficult situation. Not only has she put her job on the line, but the future of the company. Billionaire Benjamin Gale III doesn’t believe in love or romance, but the look on his mother’s face when Maggie tells her that she’s his fiancée is worth millions. Instead of firing her for her insubordination, he goes along with the ruse. In his arms-and in his bed-she’d be everything he could ever want…which is why he can’t have her. But if he doesn’t let her go, they’ll lose everything… a Rafflecopter giveaway