New Release: Safe With Me by Kristen Proby + Giveaway

New Release: Safe With Me by Kristen Proby + Giveaway

    Title: Safe with Me Series: With Me in Seattle #5 Author: Kristen Proby Release: September 24th, 2013 Genre: Contemporary Romance Buy Now: Amazon | B&N Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Excerpt: “Easy,” Caleb murmurs behind me. “I’ m fine.” Maybe if I keep saying it I’ ll start to believe it myself. He moves up behind me and nudges my legs apart. “Widen your stance for balance.” I fire again, and my blood thickens as adrenaline pumps hard and fast through me. It doesn’ t take a Navy SEAL to figure out how to line up the sights, and I squeeze the trigger, again and again, my body taught with aggression that I didn’ t even know I’ d been holding. Shooting is great therapy. When the magazine is empty, Caleb wordlessly shows me how to switch it out, and I continue to throw the bullets down the range, clip after clip, until all four are spent. I set the heavy gun on the shelf, pull my goggles and earmuffs off and step back. I have to lock my knees because my legs feel like Jell-O and I’ m afraid I’ ll fall. My arms are humming, I’ m panting, and I swear to God, I could run a marathon. Suddenly, Caleb steps up behind me and presses the button to bring the target back to us. “Take a deep breath,” he whispers against my ear and I instinctively respond, pulling in a long, deep breath. He presses his […]

Bacon Bread Recipe

Bacon Bread Recipe

Someone posted this on facebook and tagged me because they know that I’m a huge fan of bacon. I mean, website WHO ISN’T A HUGE FAN OF BACON?! 🙂 Anyways, this is a recipe I need to try ASAP. Though, I might make this with Cheddar Cheese rather than Mozzarella. If I use mozzarella cheese I will have to put pepperoni on this as well..and then it’ll be pizza bread and not Bacon Bread. Maybe, I’ll make one of each. ;D [yumprint-recipe id=’1′]

First Excerpt from Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + Giveaway!

First Excerpt from Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + Giveaway!

FIRE & FLOOD by Victoria Scott Scholastic, February 2014 First Excerpt Reveal I drove across the US of A, left my family without an explanation, and now I’ m either too late or there was never anything here to begin with. F my life. Rearing back, I kick the door as hard as I can. Then I wrap both hands around the door handles and release a noise like a wild banshee as I pull back. The doors swing open. I’ m not sure whether to celebrate or freak out. I decide to do neither and slip inside. As I walk around the inside of the museum, listening to the sound of my footsteps echo off the walls, I imagine I am moments from death. It’ s sad, I think, that this is all it takes to break my sanity. Two curling flights of stairs bow out from the first-floor lobby, and red and white tiles cover the floors. There are gilded picture frames everywhere. So many that I think the placement of the frames — and not their contents — is the real art. Everything, absolutely everything, smells like wax. I mosey up to an abandoned reception desk and leaf through the glossy pamphlets littering the surface. I hold one of the pamphlets up to my nose. Yep, wax. I glance around, having no idea what to look for. Will there be a sign like at school registration? Students with last names A–K this way? On my left, I […]

My Reactions to Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole #3) by Jenn Cooksey

My Reactions to Shark Out of Water (Grab Your Pole #3) by Jenn Cooksey

I kept track of my reactions to the book, Shark Out of Water, by Jenn Cooksey as I read. This image pretty much sums up the whole book, and if you’ve read it. You’ll totally get it. I absolutely LOVE this series. I came across Shark Bait when I was scouring through the bowels of Amazon in September of 2012 looking for something, ANYTHING interesting to read. Finally after pages and pages of books…the (original) cover of Shark Bait caught my eye. I bought it, read it and fell in love. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the book since..but it’s been quite a few and…and I will probably read this series many, many more times in the future. This series is amazing. The first book, Shark Bait, in it’s entirety is told from Camie Ramsey’s point a view. The Second book, The Other Fish in the Sea, is mainly told from Camie’s POV, but every once in a while, we’ll get the POV of another female character in the story. Now this book…in this book we experience the aftermath of what happened in TOFitS, through the POVs of all of the Male Characters, including the recently introduced Brandon. I love that we’re able to get into the minds of Tristan, Jeff, Pete and Brandon in this book. I think that being in the minds of the boys might be even more entertaining then being in the minds of the girls, including Jillian! Being that we’re in […]

New Release: Stripped by H.M. Ward + Giveaway

New Release: Stripped by H.M. Ward + Giveaway

Celebrating the release of Stripped (A Ferro Family Novel), author H.M. Ward is offering an amazing giveaway PLUS we have an excerpt! In Stripped, we get to know another Ferro brother, Jonathan Ferro! Title: STRIPPED – A Ferro Family Novel Author: H.M. WARD Publisher: Laree Bailey Press Release: September 2, 2013 Genre: Contemporary Romance Age Group: New Adult   By New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling New Adult author H.M. Ward. The V Card. Virgin. Most of us want to punch that sucker ASAP, and hide the fact until then, but not Cassie Hale. Three years ago she frickin’ covered hers in glitter and laminated the thing, proudly telling me that she’s waiting for the perfect guy. So when I see her half naked, tangled together, rolling around on the floor with another stripper, I’m kind of shocked. Okay, that’s an understatement. I’m enthralled. I have to know what cracked her picture perfect world and landed her here, and I hope it’s something horrible-an event that broke her the way she broke me. Because, that’s who Cassie Hale is–the woman who stole my heart and crushed it in her hand. Genre: New Adult Romance Related Works: DAMAGED & THE ARRANGEMENT   Excerpt: CASSIE As I climb the steps up the side of the stage and head to the silvery tinsel curtain, I call back to Beth. “Who is this party for again? And why is he the shit? I must have missed the memo.” She laughs […]

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Book Review: Chaos by Christine O’Neil + Giveaway

Maggie recently has found out that she is what they call a Semi-God..Someone who descends from a god or goddess. In Maggie’s case, it’s Aphrodite, the greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She’s slowly coming into her powers and watch out, because if you piss her off you might end up in a coma like her Ex, Eric. Out of nowhere, the New kid, Hot & Irish, Mac Finnegan, has decided that he wants to mess with Maggie for no good reason. He seems to know how to push her buttons just right and that’s not a good thing for him or Maggie. — I have to be honest, it took a while for the story to get going but once it did I really started to enjoy the book. I loved Maggie and the things that came out her mouth. She was witty, sarcastic and full of attitude and had no problem saying what was on her mind. When you put her and Mac Finnegan together. Wowie! The chemistry between was electric, though both of them try to deny it’s there. The bickering between the two of them was entertaining and sometimes it seemed as though Maggie wanted to attack and kiss him, while other times she wanted to attack and kill him. It’s interesting to see Maggie’s character develop throughout the book as she learns more about where she comes from and how to control her new powers and try to be the best that she […]

Portfolio Update: WhatANerdGirlSays wordpress theme

Portfolio Update: WhatANerdGirlSays wordpress theme

A friend of a friend contacted me after seeing what I did with her friend Tatiana’s TMI Fansite. She asked if I could move her wordpress blog off onto it’s own server and give spruce it up for her.             The Before: The After: