Book Review: My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling + Giveaway

Book Review: My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling + Giveaway

Erin’s Review: My Date from Hell picks right up where My Ex from Hell ended. Sophie being held captive by her dad, Zeus.  He’s doing anything he can to get information from Sophie that she doesn’t have, well, information that she can’t remember. You see, she’s the reincarnation of Persephone and she can’t tap into her memories from her former life. Which is too bad, because the future of humanity depends on that information. The entire gang is back, Sophie, Theo, Hannah, even Bethany(meh). Oh let’s not forget Kai (swoooooon!).  We also get some new characters as well, Pierce (Eros, aka Cupid), Festos (aka Hephaestus), Aphrodite and Hermes. Sophie is just as awesome as she was in the first book. She talks before she thinks and sometimes it gets her into trouble, because a lot of what she has to say is full of snark.  In this book she gets a little jealous of herself, and by herself, I mean her former self: Persephone. She’s afraid that she  won’t be able to live up to her former self and that Kai will find Sophie lacking compared to what he had with Persephone. Kai…I wasn’t so sure about Kai in the first book, but Kai proves himself in this book and I absolutely fell in love with him. I know I’m not the only one who fell either. 😉 The chemistry between Sophie and Kai is even more amped up in this book (it’s that damn arrow! or so Sophie thinks….) […]

Pawn by Aimee Carter

Pawn by Aimee Carter

Meet Kitty Doe, a 17 year old girl who just took the test that determines what’s going to happen with the rest of her life. Her test results? A III. NOT what she was expecting, neither was the Job Assignment in Denver which will take her away from D.C. and Benjy. But what she needs to realize is that a III is better than a I, which will get you sent to Elsewhere. Kitty is given the chance to become  a VII and she hardly even puts some thought into her decision. The next thing you know, she’s waking up with a brand new face. You see Kitty has been masked, and now she has one of the most powerful faces in the Union. I really enjoyed this book, it reminded me a lot of the Airhead series by Meg Cabot but with a dystopian twist. It had a lot of backstabbing, betrayal, loyalty and hope. This book had a lot going on it and it kept my attention throughout it. There were some things revealed in the book that were quite shocking and literally had my jaw dropping. In this first book, there wasn’t much of a romance going on, seeing as Kitty’s boyfriend Benjy wasn’t really there for a good chunk of the book. I’ve read some reviews where people are happy that there isn’t a Love Triangle (between Kitty, Benjy and Lila’s fiance Knox), but this is only the first book and I can totally see Kitty […]

The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey + GIVEAWAY!

If you guys pay any attention to me at all, you know that I absolutely love the Grab Your Pole book series by Jenn Cooksey.  It’s an amazing series with even more amazing characters, including the most kick ass 12 year old you’ll ever meet in a book… and Tristan..SWOON. I was #TeamTristan all the way during this year’s YA Crush Tourney and I even went the way of bribing people (I like to think that Jillian would be proud) with Grab Your Pole books to vote for Tristan during the Tourney… Unfortunately he didn’t make it past the 2nd round in the Tourney, but that’s ok..He did very well for a character that not many people knew about at the time of the YA Crush Tourney. Hopefully we will be able to get Tristan further next year! If you haven’t read this book series yet, I highly suggest that you get right on it!   Favorite Quotes: Tristan “Romeo and Juliet killing themselves was ultimately an accident due to a miscommunication, but this fuckin’ guy…guy, vampire…whatever, actually has a contingency plan! He’ s gonna outlive her anyway, so why bother? I mean if living without her is such a big deal, then he should just change her and be done with it. No offense, Baby, but if I were a vampire and didn’ t wanna un-live without you, you’ d be fuckin’ dead, end of story. There’ d be none of this whining about your soul and shit…I’ d just sink my […]

TWD Post! I’m so amused with myself right now.

TWD Post! I’m so amused with myself right now.

So I’m listening to the audiobook version of Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout at work. I totally forgot that in Opal Katy, Daemon and Dawson have a George Romero zombiethon in this book where during it Daemon morphs into a zombie (lolol)… I immediately thought of Daemon as a zombie and then remembered that the new season of The Walking Dead premiered last night..and then I had a genius thought…and then I giggled and opened up Photoshop and got to work…. I’m so amused with myself right now. I have to say, Daemon is still hot even as a zombie. Anyways, to be honest with you guys…I am so far behind on The Walking Dead I couldn’t tell you if they ever found Sophia..because I forgot to start watching it again after the mid-season break in season 2. Oops. Maybe I should stop reading and start up netflix/hulu and get caught up on TWD, huh?

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Book Review: The Only One by Magan Vernon

Erin’s Review:   We first meet John Boy in The Only Exception when he is introduced to us as Trey Chapman’s Big Brother at their Fraternity Alpha Mu. In The Only Exception he appears to be your stereotypical Frat Boy; Only there for the Booze, Girls & Parties… He continues t0 give us this impression at the beginning of The Only One, being that it’s a halloween party and he’s only wearing a loin cloth(say what?!). “Watch it, loincloth, I’ m not afraid to spork your eyes out.” – Monica We were also introduced to Melanie in The Only Exception where she played a bigger part in that story than John Boy, so we already know her a little bit better than we do John when we get started with The Only One. Melanie is an honor roll student doing everything she can to make it through college, working and going to school full-time, this girl has no social life to speak of. Her good friend and Trey’s girlfriend, Monica, has managed to talk her into going to the Alpha Mu Halloween party. At the party she somehow manages to catch John Boy’s eye. It must have been that Hermione costume she was wearing, while the loin cloth that John Boy is wearing certainly caught her eye and all of our eyes (yum). Monica is trying her best to keep John Boy and Melanie from hooking up, but Melanie isn’t have any of it.. In the middle of their hookup, […]

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Book Review: One To Hold by Tia Louise + Giveaway

Melissa has the year from Hell and somehow her best friend Elaine has managed to talk her into running away for a week at a spa thousands of miles away from the mess that her life is. While sitting at the hotel bar drinking the only cocktail she could think of that she doesn’t even like, she somehow catches the attention of the sexy Derek Alexander. When Derek comes her way, she’s floored by this as she’s normally not the girl to be on the receiving end of something like this. When Derek introduces himself to her, one thing leads to another and soon the most delicious one week stand commences. A good majority of this book takes place in Scottsdale, AZ at the Cactus Flower Spa and Hotel where Melissa and Derek have the most sizzling romance I’ve read in awhile. Melissa takes Derek’s heart and leaves him in Arizona with hopes that when she cleans up the mess that is her life, she’ll be able to find Derek again. When Melissa returns to Baltimore this is where the story gets really interesting and you find out things you didn’t expect. Tia Louise took my heart, ripped it out and stomped on it with this book. But no worries, she finds the duct tape and puts it back together again at some point. She gives us a lovely happily ever after with a very sweet epilogue. I highly enjoyed reading this book and I will gladly read any other […]

I’ve seen a million rocks and I’ve faced them all at Rock City.

I’ve seen a million rocks and I’ve faced them all at Rock City.

Actually I don’t know if there’s a million rocks or not, but I sure did face them giant rock formations that makes up Rock City on Lookout Mountain in Georgia.  Lover’s Leap had breathtaking views of Tennessee and Georgia and I was able to capture photos of that view. I also took pictures while I leisurely strolled through the rest of  Rock City.   

Book Review: Unchained by J. Lynn

Book Review: Unchained by J. Lynn

This book started out slow for me. It took a while for me to warm up to Lily, but eventually I got there. Like other female characters of JLA’s, Lily was full of some good snark and I think that is what finally got me. Lily is one kick-ass girl who hardly ever gets into a situation that she can’t get herself out of. Though, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a guardian angel looking out for (stalking) her. Enter Julian, an absolutely swoon-worthy fallen angel who just can’t seem to stay away from Lily. JLA sure knows how to write them swoony hot boys and Julian is no different. That man is one HOT angel. The things he says to Lily, oh boy, and the chemistry between the two of them is absolutely sinful. I read in another review that the reviewer found his stalking “a little creepy.” Hey guys, He didn’t watch her sleep at night, at least not to our knowledge. Hah. A 30 something cop and undetected Nephilim, Michael, is discovered by Lily in the book. No one understands why he went undetected, but it makes you wonder if he plays an important part in the bigger picture. This book had some absolutely smoldering smexy times in it, which is to be expected in a J. Lynn book. I had to fan myself a few times. Like I said before, the chemistry between Julian and Lily was sinful, and when she finally gave into Julian, the […]

Great balls of Pizza!

Great balls of Pizza!

I used this recipe that I found on Pinterest the other night and made PIZZA BALLS. They were amazing! I did alter the recipe a bit, prescription because who puts Co-Jack cheese on a pizza? NOT ME. Mozzarella is where it’s at. 🙂 I also used Pillsbury Grands biscuits as well. Next time I make these I’m going to try it with actual pizza dough and see how they turn out. But the Pillsbury biscuits were good and EASY! [yumprint-recipe id=’2′] **Note: Adapted from the recipe located here: