Excerpt Blast: Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase

Excerpt Blast: Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase

Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase Series: Suddenly #2 Release Date:  March 25th, 2014 Pages: 384 Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository Catherine has spent her life being the perfect princess. She’ s kept her hands clean, her head down, and most importantly—men at arm’ s length. After all, most men are after only one thing, and for Cathy there’ s a lot more at stake than her bed; she has to worry about the fate of an entire nation. But at the rate she’ s going, Cathy is afraid she’ ll give the Virgin Queen a run for her money. She is tired of waiting for someone good enough to come along. She has a plan, and it all hinges on seducing the one man who seems utterly unimpressed by all things royal. The one man she is tempted by more than any other . . . When David arrives at the royal wedding of his friend, the newly ordained Duchess Samantha Rousseau, he expected to feel uncomfortable and out of his element, but he wasn’ t prepared to be targeted by Prince Alex’ s gorgeous younger sister. With Cathy’ s giant blue eyes, killer figure, and sense of humor, it won’ t take long before he gives in. But when he finds out just how innocent the crown princess really is, will he play the part of knight in shining armor or the dashing rogue? Excerpt:   Chapter two of RECKLESSLY ROYAL by WilliamMorrowBooks About […]

DNF: Royally Lost by Angie Stanton

DNF: Royally Lost by Angie Stanton

I am a sucker for books where the girl gets the prince. I’ve also read Angie Stanton’s Jamieson Collection series and I enjoyed those books. When I saw this book on edelweiss and saw who the author was, I of course, had to request it. I started reading it and instantly disliked the female MC, Becca. The Male MC, Nikolai’s introduction to me wasn’t so hot either..but.. I powered through…. When I got to 14% I couldn’t take it anymore!! Nikolai is a prince who is anti-monarchy and Becca is being anti everything on her family’s European vacation. If she throws a fit about him being a prince when she finds out I’m going to throw my iPad. Ungrateful girl is on a trip to Europe whining about the history of the places she’s visiting…how she doesn’t want to go to this palace or church or even be on the tour at all… I would about kill to go to Europe and explore all of their historical buildings and learn more about their history.. And I’d swoon and have a heart attack if I met a good looking prince! All she does is whine..all they both do is pretty much whine. To be Honest, I don’t even know if I’ll ever finish this book and find out if she throws a fit when she finds out he’s a prince.. maybe one day when I’m bored I will get curious as to how it all ends..but for now..I just can’t take […]

Release Day Launch / ARC Review: White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

Release Day Launch / ARC Review: White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

Erin’s Review First off, This review needs a song… [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://mereadalot.net/muzak/06%20Paradise%20City.mp3″] <- Click  the play button for this review’s theme song. (Paradise City by Guns N Roses)   Second…one of the best characters in this book: BAMBI. That’s all I’m gonna say..I’ll let you meet Bambi on your own. 😉 Jennifer L. Armentrout never fails when bringing us a swoony boy..and this book is no exception..In fact, she gave us TWO SWOONY BOYS! We’ve got Zayne ,who is a warden (aka Gargoyle) and Roth, who is a demon. Our female MC in this book is Layla. Layla is half-warden, half-demon. She was raised by the Wardens and because of that she feels insecure around them. She may be half-warden, but she doesn’t have the capabilities they possess, so she feels…inconsequential? around them.. Yeah, something like that. She does have the ability to “tag” demons, which she uses to help the Wardens, who hunt at night, identify them. Which in turn makes their job a bit easier..and makes Layla feel as though she’s doing something positive. Due to her being half-demon, she has the ability to suck the soul right out of someone..literally. Because of that whole soul-sucking thing, she’ll never be able to have the one boy she wants..Zayne, or anyone else for that matter.. That all changes when she meets Roth. Roth is a demon, he has no soul, so his lips are free game to Layla..and boy does she take advantage of that..Or maybe it’s Roth that takes advantage of […]

Book Review: Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + ARC giveaway!

Book Review: Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + ARC giveaway!

‘If you’ re hearing this message, you are invited to be a Contender in the Brimstone Bleed. All Contenders must report within forty-eight hours to select their Pandora companions. If you do not appear within forty-eight hours, your invitations will be eliminated. The Brimstone Bleed will last three months and will take place across four ecosystems: desert, sea, mountains, jungle. The winning prize will be the Cure—a remedy for any illness, for any single person. There will only be one champion.” Erin’s Review If you were given the chance to save a loved one from dying, would you do it? Even if you had to enter a contest where YOUR chances of survival might not be great? Imagine entering the Hunger Games..only you have to endure more than one type of terrain…. and you have a time limit to get to your destination. The Brimstone Bleed is like Hunger Games meets The Amazing Race. Only instead of a friend or a loved one as a partner, you have a PANDORA as a partner. The Brimstone Bleed: A 3 Month long competition that goes across 4 different ecosystems. One winner will receive THE CURE. Pandora: A genetically engineered animal. Each Pandora has special capabilities that will help their human companion make his or her way through the Brimstone Bleed. In order for a contestant to receive a Pandora the contestant must attend the Pandora Selection before the start of the Brimstone Bleed and choose their pandora. This book is thrilling and keeps you […]

I’ve taken up making Flash Countdown widgets.

Recently I discovered a website that a lot of authors use to make countdown widgets for their upcoming books will be put to rest this spring. I’ve decided since that was happening that I needed to figure out how to make my own countdown widgets..AND I HAVE ALMOST succeeded. I’ve got some working countdowns now, but I am currently trying to find a way to make them even better.. But for now here is what I’ve got made so far! Please feel free to grab them for your own site. 🙂 To see what other countdown timers I have up & running, please check out my book blog here. [contact-form to=’erin.westlund@gmail.com’ subject=’Countdown Timers’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Spotlight: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

Spotlight: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

Be With Me by J. Lynn Series: Wait For You #2 Release Date:  February 4th, 2014 Pages: 384 Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository My Review: http://mereadalot.net/2014/01/24/review-be-with-me-by-j-lynn-jlarmentrout/ From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Wait for You Do Teresa and Jase have a real shot at getting together or will life get in the way? Teresa Hamilton is having a rough year—she’s in love with her big brother’s best friend, but he hasn’t spoken to her since they shared a truly amazing, mind-blowing, life-changing kiss. Then she got out of a terrible relationship. Now an injury is threatening to end her dance career for good. It’s time for plan B: college. And maybe she’ll have a chance to convince Jase that what they have together is real. Jase Winstead has a huge secret that he’s not telling anyone—especially not his best friend’s incredibly beautiful sister. Even though he and Teresa shared the hottest kiss of his life, he knows that his responsibilities must take priority. He certainly doesn’t have time for a relationship. But it doesn’t help that all he can think about is kissing the one girl who could ruin everything for him. As they’re thrown together more and more, Jase and Teresa can’t keep denying their feelings for each other. But a familiar danger looms and tragedy strikes. As the campus recovers, the star-crossed couple must decide what they’re willing to risk to be together and what they’re willing to lose if they’re not. . . . […]

Happy Birthday to Entangled Publishing!

Happy Birthday to Entangled Publishing!

Happy Birthday to Entangled Publishing from MEReadALOT! From Entangled Publishing: Entangled launched in 2011 and we’ re celebrating! Two years ago this February, we launched our first category imprint with Indulgence. The Marriage Bargain, one of our first releases in Indulgence, went on to be one of the top selling books of 2012 and catapulted Jennifer Probst to the USA Today and NY Times bestseller lists. Since then, we’ ve grown to have six category romance imprints, as well as single title books for teens and adults in our Select, Edge, and Teen imprints, and have had multiple USA Today and NY Times bestsellers. We’ re in our third year and it’ s been a wild ride, and it’ s just the beginning. What better month to begin celebrating our third year than February?   All month long, our February new releases, as well as select titles on our Steals and Deals page are just 99 cents! Yes, you read that right. Every new release will be offered at an introductory price of just 99 cents! Be sure to join our big Facebook celebration from February 24th-28th with scavenger hunts, authors, games, gossip, and lots of fun! Explore our new website and prepare to find romance, because we have something for everyone  and join our “Steals and Deals” newsletter. *** We’ re kicking off the month-long celebration with three new Brazens, each with a smoking hot military man front and center and each for just 99 cents! Marine for Hire, […]

Blog Hop: Favorites Giveaway

Blog Hop: Favorites Giveaway

As most of you guys know…One of  my all time favorite book series is The Grab Your Pole series by Jenn Cooksey. I have lost count of how many times I’ve read these books, especially the first one while waiting for the 2nd book, The Other Fish in the Sea to be released! Seeing as this is a Favorites Blog Hop, y’allz are getting the chance to win ONE OF FIVE(5) eBook (kindle OR nook, winner’s choice of course) copies of Shark Bait by Jenn Cooksey. This blog hop is hosted by Stuck in Books! Enter our giveaway below and don’t forget to check out the other sites and their giveaways on the blog hop! 😉 Shark Bait by Jenn Cooksey Series: The Grab Your Pole series Pages: 318 Release Date: June 15th, 2012 Read my Review here. Synopsis: Previously homeschooled Camie Ramsey is being shoved into the shark-infested waters of public high school, where even helium filled, penguin bespeckled arm floaties likely won’ t help keep her inexperienced, fifteen-year old head above water in that rip current of hormones and emotions. Camie’ s worldly wisdom might be severely lacking (i.e., the closest she’ s come to being kissed was sitting too close to the TV whilst Jake Ryan leaned in to give Samantha that fateful 16th birthday kiss), but she does understand her only hope for survival is if she’ s thrown some kind of “social” life preserver before she sinks like a freaking rock. However, what will her fate be when she endeavors […]

Review: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

Review: Liar, Liar Hearts on Fire by Jennifer Zane

  When I started reading this book and saw that the mc, Violet, lives in Bozeman, Montana, I instantly thought of the episode of The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon relocates to Bozeman after having their apartment broken in to. I wondered if maybe the author saw this episode and decided to use it as her backdrop for her gnome series?     This book has all kinds of things going on in it. From naked neighbors trying to climb in to any where (or on him?) Mike might be, to a mother doing every thing she can to get her son married and some grandbabies out of him. Violet Miller is a school teacher, who secretly (or maybe no-so-secretly) wants to write word porn (aka erotic romance novels) for a living. She’s afraid of what people will think if she does that, so instead of writing, she took on teaching.  It’s summer time and her sister is off with her boyfriend so Violet is working her sister’s job at the local sex toy shop. Ha! One day she answers the phone at the shop and on the other end is the boy that got away after High School, Mike Ostranski. You see, Mike is up in Alaska at a family reunion, and his mother is crazy desperate for her only child to hurry up and get married and give her some grandbabies. She’s so desperate she’s trying to hook up Mike to his uncle’s crazy, and boy do I mean […]