Countdown Timer for Stay With Me by J. Lynn

Countdown Timer for Stay With Me by J. Lynn

In a little over 2 months the 3rd book in Jennifer L. Armentrout’s WAIT FOR YOU series, dosage Stay With Me, web will be released! We’re always counting down to the release date for our favorite books over at my book blog, MEReadALOT, especially anything written by JLA! Here is the newest Countdown Timer I’ve made for Stay With Me! Please feel free to steal it and put it on your own book blog! 😉 That’s not the only countdown timer we have up right now! Please feel free to check out our site to see what else we’ve got you can steal. 😉

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

Book Review: Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire

“In the first installment of the Maddox Brothers books, readers can experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster for the first time, all over again.” It pretty much was like re-reading Beautiful Disaster, only with a different clueless girl and another Maddox brother being pushed into the friend zone. Oh let’s not forget the clueless girl’s clueless roommate and her relationships as well. I wanted to punch both girls in the throat. This book was pretty ‘meh’ for the first half of the book..and then it finally started getting interesting..though not really all THAT interesting. One of the few good things going for this book is that it starts out right before Travis meets Abby, so you get to see a little bit of that relationship developing from the outside but not too much.  Cami has a secret and she doesn’t want Trenton to know because she thinks he’ll walk away from her when he finds out. Throughout this book I didn’t know what to expect when we finally learned of Cami’s secret and then at the end Jamie McGuire totally bitchslaps you in the face with something you didn’t even see coming. Seriously, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. So kudos to Jamie for giving us that totally unexpected ending. So if you do want to experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster again, I definitely suggest you read this book.  😉 I will be honest after the way this book ended, I’m definitely going to be checking out the next book in the series […]

Book Review: The Professional by Kresley Cole

Book Review: The Professional by Kresley Cole

I’ve read a lot of not-so-good reviews for this book but I don’t care…. This book was SMOKIN’ HOT and very entertaining. It’s giving me hot flashes just remembering back to when I read it last month. Holy hell. Aleksei “The Siberian” Sevastyan puts Christian Grey and his Red Room to shame. Grad Student, Natalie Porter, and her search to find out about her Birth Parents leads her in to the Russian Mafiya. All The While, catching the eye of the one sent to protect her, Aleksei Sevastyan. They’re drawn to one another and can’t seem to stay away from each other for too long. I loved the characters in this book. Sevastyan made me swoon like I’ve never swooned before and Natalie just straight-up entertained me. I thought she was a hilarious and she had a serious fascination with kink that she was discovering about herself in this book. The smexy times between Sevastyan and Natalie will overheat your reading apparatus or cause your paperback to catch fire…that’s how smoking hot their chemistry is. We also can’t forget about Natalie’s best friend, Jess, who I think made Natalie even more of an interesting character. The two of them together made for an entertaining friendship.   If you liked Fifty Shades of Grey, you’ll LOVE this book even more. It’ll make you want to run out and book a one-way ticket to Russia or look to see if there’s such thing as Russian mail order HUSBANDS. YUM.     Some of my favorite […]

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

Book Review: Breathe With Me by Kristen Proby

You guys… this book didn’t piss me off like Tied With Me did. THANK GOD. I actually enjoyed this book a lot better than Tied With Me, but if you’ve read my rant with Tied With Me, you’ll know that it hit a sore spot for me… so.. yeah. Breathe With Me is a second chance romance. Mark and Meredith were High School Sweethearts with plans of moving to New York City. That is, until Meredith decided to pursue her dreams on her own and breaking Mark’s heart. When I read that scene I shook my fist and started calling her names. Why does one leave the person they’re so much in love with? I cried for her and for Mark when she did that. I understand now why Mark turned into playboy. It’s hard to fall in love with someone when another already possesses your heart. I’m so glad that fate brought them back together again. When M & M meet again, it’s under sad circumstances, but it was like no time had passed at all between them. While I liked this book a lot more than the last one, My mother (who actually discovered this series when the first one came out and suggested that I read it.) and I both agree that it’s not as good as the first so many in the series. Unfortunately that’s usually what happens when there’s quite a few books in a series. Oh well!  It’s not a bad book, so I […]

Mini Book Review: Perfect Kind of Trouble by Chelsea Fine

Mini Book Review: Perfect Kind of Trouble by Chelsea Fine

Boy. This book gave me some serious feels at 5am. I stayed up reading this book until almost 7am..oops. It’s obvious that I enjoyed this book if I couldn’t be bothered to notice the sun was rising right in front of my face. This book is a dual POV and I really enjoyed reading the story from both characters, Kayla and Daren’s, in this book. You watch them really evolve over a 3 day period and learn that there is more to themselves than a pretty face and sexual prowess. Yes, this book is pretty much instalove..but..given the circumstances the two main characters find themselves in, it was a given. OH. MY. GOD. I am just now finding out this book is #2 in a series. WOW. I didn’t even realize..well that’s another good thing about this book. It’s obvious you don’t need to read the first one, Best Kind of Broken, to jump right in to this one. Kudos to the author for that! 😉 (You know what’s really bad? I just realized that Regina had signed us up for the RDL of the first one and there’s a blog post for it in our archives. LOL!!) Anyways, yes I really liked this book and I’m going to go check out the first one in this series now. 😉 I think you should too!

Book Review: For King and Country by Geneva Lee + Giveaway!

Book Review: For King and Country by Geneva Lee + Giveaway!

OH MY GOD. I have a new book boyfriend and his name is Prince Alexander..or maybe we’ll call him X. He’s the royal version of Christian Grey and he is absolutely YUMMY and maybe just as screwed up. Clara Bishop is celebrating graduation from Oxford. She comes from new money and is half-american, though she’s an actual british citizen. Her last relationship about broke her and she’s not interested in meeting men. That is, until she stumbles upon a beautiful man smoking a cigar in the smoking room at the Oxford and Cambridge Club. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire, and good lord, was he smokin’.” The moment she meets this man, who at this point has no name, the sparks start flying. She’s instantly drawn to him. “He had a face that would make angels weep and gods go to war.” When she introduces herself, he literally pulls her into him and kisses her. She tries to get a name of out him, so he makes a game of it and in the end she leaves this meeting not knowing his name. She does believe that he looks familiar to her, she’s just not sure where from… A few days later when a photo of her and the mysterious man snogging shows up in a tabloid, she gets his name. Turns out he is Prince Alexander, Heir to the throne of England. After a tragic accident that costs the life of Alexander’s sister, Princess Sarah, he’s been exiled to the […]

Giveaway: Autographed Copy of UNDER DIFFERENT STARS by Amy A. Bartol

Giveaway: Autographed Copy of UNDER DIFFERENT STARS by Amy A. Bartol

In honor of our First Blogoversary, which we are celebrating this month, we are giving away some autographed goodies! The next book up in our blogoversary celebration is Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol! Please enter via the Rafflecopter below! 😉   Review Revisited:   Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol Series: Kricket #1 on December 16th, 2013 Genres: Dystopian, New Adult, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Young Adult Pages: 287 Format: eBook Source: Amazon, Purchased by Reviewer Add to your Goodreads shelf.Buy the Book • Buy the Book   All she wants is a home, but can she find one…UNDER DIFFERENT STARS Kricket Hollowell is normally not one to wish upon stars; she believes they’ re rarely in her favor. Well versed at dodging caseworkers from Chicago’ s foster care system, the past few years on her own have made Kricket an expert at the art of survival and blending in. With her 18th birthday fast approaching, she dreams of the day when she can stop running and find what her heart needs most: a home. Trey Allairis hates Earth and doubts that anyone from his world can thrive here. What he’ s learning of Kricket and her existence away from her true home only confirms his theory. But, when he and Kricket lie together under the stars of Ethar, counting them all may be easier than letting her go. Kyon Ensin’ s secrets number the stars; he knows more about Kricket’ s gifts than anyone and plans to possess her because of them. He also knows she’ s more valuable than any fire in the night sky. He’ ll move the heavens and […]

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

The Accidental Socialite by Stephanie Wahlstrom

If you’re looking for something that will seriously make you LAUGH OUT LOUD, this book is for you! I really enjoyed this book. I haven’t laughed this hard since I read the Chocolate Lovers series by Tara Sivec! It had me laughing within the first few pages… Paige Crawford has graduated college and booked a one way ticket to London. Within her first day there she makes friends and already has been invited out that first night to hang out. Later that night while leaving The Box, the club that Jason (the cute guy she meets outside her Flat when she first arrives) invites her to, Paige, being drunk, trips and falls into the arms of a well known soccer player while the paparazzi are there to capture it on film. The next day she’s an insta-celeb, which ends up being both a blessing and a curse. I really enjoyed this story, so much I couldn’t put it down to go to bed. Though, I have to warn you: The most disturbing thing I’ve ever read in a book happened at the beginning of this story. Though doesn’t mean it didn’t have me laughing after going ‘OMGWTF?!’ My reaction to it: and then: I really hope that there will be a sequel to this story, because I would like to see what other shenanigans Paige will get herself in to. If you’re looking for a book that will give you a good haha giggle snort, I definitely suggest you check […]

Giveaway: Autographed Copy of PAWN by Aimée Carter

Giveaway: Autographed Copy of PAWN by Aimée Carter

Like I mentioned in the giveaway post for Speak Easy & Speak Low, This month is our first blogoversary!!! In honor of our blogoversary I will be giving away some autographed books! 😉 The next book I’m giving away is a Hardcover copy of PAWN by Aimee Carter with a matching autographed book mark! 🙂 Enter via the Rafflecopter below! Review Revisited:  Pawn by Aimee Carter Series: The Blackcoat Rebellion #1 Published by Harlequin Teen on November 26th, 2013 Genres: Dystopian, Suspense, Young Adult Pages: 346 Format: eARC Source: Netgalley Add to your Goodreads shelf.Buy the Book • Buy the Book   YOU CAN BE A VII IF YOU GIVE EVERYTHING.For Kitty Doe, it seems like an easy choice. She can either spend her life as a III in misery, looked down upon by the higher ranks and forced to leave the people she loves, or she can become a VII and join the most powerful family in the country.If she says yes, Kitty will be Masked—surgically transformed into Lila Hart, the Prime Minister’s niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. As a member of the Hart family, she will be famous. She will be adored. And for the first time, she will matter.There’s only one catch. She must also stop the rebellion that Lila secretly fostered, the same one that got her killed…and one Kitty believes in. Faced with threats, conspiracies and a life that’s not her own, she must decide which path to choose—and learn how to become more than a pawn in a twisted game she’s only beginning to understand. Meet Kitty Doe, a 17 year old girl who just took […]