Category: Upcoming Releases

Needing Her by Molly McAdams Prank-tastic Blog Tour

Needing Her by Molly McAdams Prank-tastic Blog Tour

  WHO IS THE REAL MOLLY McADAMS? Molly McAdams is pulling a prank on the internet to celebrate the release of her prank-tastic novella, Needing Her, on 12/23! For eight days until Needing Her goes on-sale, the internet will be brimming with New Adult celebs like J. Lynn, Jay Crownover, Sophie Jordan, and more—all pretending to be the REAL Molly McAdams. All have filled out the same Q&A, so it’ s up to the fans to guess which one is the real Molly! Each day, a new Q&A will go live on a variety of blogs, and if you guess who’ s answering the questions in the comments, you could win a fabulous gift basket, including books from all the participating authors, as well as a prank “starter-kit,” for your own practical jokes. Here are the participants:   Molly McAdams J. Lynn Monica Murphy Lisa DesRochers Jay Crownover Sophie Jordan Nichole Chase Blogger Yara Santos of Once Upon A Twilight   So see if you can guess who’ s who by commenting, and you’ ll be entered to win a lavish prize basket. And check all the other participating blogs until 12/23 to see if you can pick out the REAL Molly McAdams. Identities will be revealed, and the winner will be announced on 12/24, on these blogs as well as on the Between the Covers FB page.   Favorite food? Any flavored Cheesecake   Favorite color? At the moment its light green   Favorite band and / or favorite song? New Kids on the Block of course   How […]

Book Review: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

Book Review: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout + Giveaway!

To be honest, when this book series was first announced I was like, ‘Gargoyles?!! Why would anyone write about gargoyles?’ Then I remembered that this is Jennifer L. Armentrout that is writing these books! I shouldn’t question her for writing about gargoyles, I should just trust the knowledge that we all know: Jennifer L. Armentrout writes the most swoon-worthy male characters EVER. After that realization I started to get excited! One day Jasmine’s father has announced his wishes for Jasmine and Dez to Mate, the next Dez has up and left without a word to Jasmine. It’s kind of hard to not take that personally. Especially seeing as Jas had spent the last 8 years of her life in love with him. So for 3 years, Jasmine mourns the loss of Dez and then one day He comes back and lays claim to Jasmine. Oh, but Jasmine is NOT HAPPY. She’s just spent the last 3 years of her life wondering what she did to make him leave and now he’s back all of the sudden and wants to mate? Oh no, Jasmine is not having any of that. Jasmine has seven days to say yes or no to Dez’s claim. Instead of saying ‘NO’ right off the bat, she comes up with conditions and she makes him work for that ‘Yes.’ We get a brief introduction to Layla (half demon & half gargoyle teen girl being raised by the DC Warden Clan.), Zayne (A Warden from the Clan that’s […]

Sneak Peek at Jennifer L. Armentrout’s upcoming novella BITTER SWEET LOVE

Sneak Peek at Jennifer L. Armentrout’s upcoming novella BITTER SWEET LOVE

  Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout Release Date: December 1st, 2013 Publisher: Harlequin Teen Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Pre-Order: Amazon | B&N Rev Bitter Sweet Love Excerpt   White Hot Kiss ARC Giveaway! Want a chance to win 1 of 20 ARCs of the first full length novel from the Dark Elements series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, White Hot Kiss? Enter the giveaway on Goodreads for your chance to win a copy!   White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout Series: The Dark Elements #1 Release Date: February 25th, 2014 Publisher: Harlequin Teen Goodreads: Add to your bookshelf Pre-Order: Amazon | B&N

Bonus Scene from Victoria Scott’s upcoming Fire & Flood novel + GIVEAWAY!

Bonus Scene from Victoria Scott’s upcoming Fire & Flood novel + GIVEAWAY!

FIRE & FLOOD by Victoria Scott Scholastic, February 2014 Bonus Scene that you won’t get in the actual book! FIRE & FLOOD Bonus Scene Harper Shaw, Minor Character The Brimstone Bleed started four hours ago, give or take. I’ ve traveled as far as necessary for now, put adequate distance between myself and the other Contenders. There will be plenty who travel without stopping, without making a plan. Idiots. Like the others, I don’ t know anything about this race, only that I need the prize—the Cure—more than I need my own beating heart. I can still remember my mother’ s words as I left our home. “I don’ t know where you think you’ re going, Harper,” she said. “But you can’ t just leave us like this. Not now.” But I did leave. It’ s not like I could tell her about the invitation. Or explain what would happen next. Because the truth was, I didn’ t know. Two days ago, I was lounging on my bed, listening to Linkin Park and watching MTV on mute. Today, I’ m here, in a jungle, fighting to save the most important person in my life. A caw rips through the late afternoon, and the dense canopy overhead rustles. I breathe in the smell of rich, damp soil that is almost invigorating. The air is thick and damp and clings to my skin, and everywhere I look is a plant I’ ve never seen before. The world is a canvas of […]

Pawn by Aimee Carter

Pawn by Aimee Carter

Meet Kitty Doe, a 17 year old girl who just took the test that determines what’s going to happen with the rest of her life. Her test results? A III. NOT what she was expecting, neither was the Job Assignment in Denver which will take her away from D.C. and Benjy. But what she needs to realize is that a III is better than a I, which will get you sent to Elsewhere. Kitty is given the chance to become  a VII and she hardly even puts some thought into her decision. The next thing you know, she’s waking up with a brand new face. You see Kitty has been masked, and now she has one of the most powerful faces in the Union. I really enjoyed this book, it reminded me a lot of the Airhead series by Meg Cabot but with a dystopian twist. It had a lot of backstabbing, betrayal, loyalty and hope. This book had a lot going on it and it kept my attention throughout it. There were some things revealed in the book that were quite shocking and literally had my jaw dropping. In this first book, there wasn’t much of a romance going on, seeing as Kitty’s boyfriend Benjy wasn’t really there for a good chunk of the book. I’ve read some reviews where people are happy that there isn’t a Love Triangle (between Kitty, Benjy and Lila’s fiance Knox), but this is only the first book and I can totally see Kitty […]

First Excerpt from Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + Giveaway!

First Excerpt from Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott + Giveaway!

FIRE & FLOOD by Victoria Scott Scholastic, February 2014 First Excerpt Reveal I drove across the US of A, left my family without an explanation, and now I’ m either too late or there was never anything here to begin with. F my life. Rearing back, I kick the door as hard as I can. Then I wrap both hands around the door handles and release a noise like a wild banshee as I pull back. The doors swing open. I’ m not sure whether to celebrate or freak out. I decide to do neither and slip inside. As I walk around the inside of the museum, listening to the sound of my footsteps echo off the walls, I imagine I am moments from death. It’ s sad, I think, that this is all it takes to break my sanity. Two curling flights of stairs bow out from the first-floor lobby, and red and white tiles cover the floors. There are gilded picture frames everywhere. So many that I think the placement of the frames — and not their contents — is the real art. Everything, absolutely everything, smells like wax. I mosey up to an abandoned reception desk and leaf through the glossy pamphlets littering the surface. I hold one of the pamphlets up to my nose. Yep, wax. I glance around, having no idea what to look for. Will there be a sign like at school registration? Students with last names A–K this way? On my left, I […]

BOOK Review: Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover (@colleenhoover)

BOOK Review: Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover (@colleenhoover)

I went into this book thinking it was going to be the same story as Sky’s but from a different POV.  IT’S NOT.  It’s much more than that. It was almost like reading a new book, only not. Because we do get some rehashing of scenes that we experienced in Hopeless, but with Holder’s inner dialogue it made it a new experience. This book invoked so many emotions I would probably forget a few trying to list them off. It was one of the most intense emotional roller coasters I’ve been on. Holder’s story starts a year before Hope aka Sky comes back into his life.  Right before the turning point that made Holder question his ability to protect the ones he loves. We get to experience the loss of Les, Holder’s sister, and everything that happens afterwards.  When preparing for Les’s funeral, Holder comes across a blank leather-bound journal in her closet. Thus begins the Letters to Les. Les, You left your jeans in the middle of your bedroom floor. It looks like you just stepped out of them. It’s weird. Why would you leave your jeans on the floor if you knew what you were about to do?   Through Holder’s letters to his sister, we discover that Holder is angry at his sister, because he doesn’t understand why she would kill herself and he feels that he failed as a brother. He also tells his sister about things that are going on with his life, now that she […]

Cover Reveal: ORIGIN by @JLArmentrout! Tell us what you think of it!

Cover Reveal: ORIGIN by @JLArmentrout! Tell us what you think of it!

Title: Origin Series: The LUX Series Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout Release Date: August 27th, 2013 Pre-Order: Amazon / B&N Publisher: Entangled Teen Check it out on: Goodreads Synopsis Daemon will do anything to get Katy back. After the successful but disastrous raid on Mount Weather, he’ s facing the impossible. Katy is gone. Taken. Everything becomes about finding her. Taking out anyone who stands in his way? Done. Burning down the whole world to save her? Gladly. Exposing his alien race to the world? With pleasure. All Katy can do is survive. Surrounded by enemies, the only way she can come out of this is to adapt. After all, there are sides of Daedalus that don’ t seem entirely crazy, but the group’ s goals are frightening and the truths they speak even more disturbing. Who are the real bad guys? Daedalus? Mankind? Or the Luxen? Together, they can face anything. But the most dangerous foe has been there all along, and when the truths are exposed and the lies come crumbling down, which side will Daemon and Katy be standing on? And will they even be together? About Jennifer L. Armentrout # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer Armentrout lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ ve heard about her state aren’ t true. When she’ s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and […]

FRIGID by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout) Pre-Order Promo & Chapter Reveal

FRIGID by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout) Pre-Order Promo & Chapter Reveal

  Today is an exciting day – we have FOUR HUGE SURPRISES for you! Jennifer L. Armentrout’s (writing as J. Lynn) FRIGID is set to release on e-book at the end of July. If you’re anything like us, you’re probably on pins and needles and just cannot wait to get your hands on a copy of this book. FRIGID has already been given the honor of being named a Romantic Times Top Pick and we’re super excited for you to be able to read it as well! Well, there’s good news! Are you ready for those four awesome surprises? Here we go! 1. Due to all the excitement surrounding FRIGID, we have decided to run a special e-book pre-order promotion. We have worked out a deal with the distributor to release FRIGID a full two weeks early — on JULY 15th!!! — if we meet our e-book pre-order goal. EEEEP! That’s right, if you are like the rest of us and want to be able to read FRIGID in its entirety before its original release date, all you have to do is PRE-ORDER THE E-BOOK NOW! What are you waiting for? GO! Pre-order it!   Pre-Order Links: Barnes & Noble / Amazon   2. Need something to hold you over until FRIGID releases? Well, starting right now, you can read the first three chapters of FRIGID for free! Just read below!   Frigid Sneak Peek Not working for you? Try clicking this LINK.   3. Can’ t get enough of […]