Review: Be With Me by J. Lynn (@JLArmentrout)

I have yet to read a book written by Jennifer L. Armentrout that I haven’t loved. Be With Me is no exception. This book is about Teresa Hamilton, who we met in Wait For You. At the start of the book she’s starting her freshman year while she’s recovering from an torn ACL. She’s working on Plan B, while she waits for her body to heal so she can go back to her dancing. For the last so many years she’s been secretly crushing on her brother’s best friend, Jase Winstead. A year ago they kissed..once..and since then they’ve pretty much been ignoring each other.. Until now. 😉 Now that Tess is going to college while she heals from her injury, she’s “reconnected” with Jase. Tess keeps getting hot and cold signals from Jase. One minute he wants her, the next he’s pushing her away. He’s hiding something from her, from everyone. It seemed obvious to me as to what was keeping him from having a relationship with Tess, but when he finally opened up and talked to Teresa, I was totally shocked to see my theory was right. On top of Tess having to deal with indecisive Jase, she’s having to deal with problems with her roommate. If you’ve read Wait For You, you have an idea as to what Teresa has already endured in the past..but now we’re hearing it from HER point of view and we’re seeing her witness her roommate go through the same predicament.. Teresa […]