Excerpt from Victoria Scott’s THE WARRIOR & A Dante Walker Giveaway!

Posted April 2, 2014 by Erin in Book Series, Books, Giveaway, Upcoming Releases / 4 Comments

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Pre-Order: Amazon | iBooks | B&N

If you’ve read the first two books in the Dante Walker Trilogy then you know that each book included a letter from Dante. Well Victoria has decided to share Dante’s letter from the final book, THE WARRIOR, with us. Check it out below! If you haven’t read the DANTE WALKER series…get on it! You can read Regina’s reviews of the first two novels  The Collector and The Liberator here. 🙂

Working for the devil turns you into something unfixable. It makes you a demon, forevermore. It teaches you to feel anger before anything else, and to fight dirty for those things you believe yours. But I don’ t work for the devil anymore. I work for the good guys, even if I don’ t act like one. My job now is to protect my girlfriend from my former boss, and to rescue my friend from hell.

No, I don’ t work for the devil any longer. But I am still the man he made me. I am still angry, and volatile, and dangerous. I don’ t like the things he’ s done, and I’ m not about to sit back quietly. After all, he taught me better than that. He loved me with the kindness of a serrated blade, and fed me from a spoon dipped in terror.

He made me into a monster.

But I will bite the hand that fed me.


—Dante Walker



a Rafflecopter giveaway

4 responses to “Excerpt from Victoria Scott’s THE WARRIOR & A Dante Walker Giveaway!

  1. Bella Carstairs (aka Maria Isabel too!)

    Haven’t read any of the books yet, but hope to do it soon!!! Dante is calling me!!! XOXO
    Thanks for the giveaway!

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