106 responses to “Hoppy Easter Eggstavaganza Giveaway Hop!

  1. Red

    I was going through my Goodreads to see what the last 5 star rating was and it’s been a long time since I’ve given that rating. I don’t know if I’m getting picker in my old age or what. The book was Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino. Thank you.

  2. Amanda

    I love frankenstein! It is completely different from what movies would make you think and I enjoyed it so much more than I though I would!

  3. Soha Molina

    I am not sure. I don;t keep track of the starts. I read the Girl on the Train which was touted but did not find it good.

  4. Stephanie

    Level Up by Cathy Yardley. I’m behind in my reading. Remodeling in my house has limited my read time.

  5. Jessica Iskey

    The last five star read was Emancipation by Jo Michaels!!
    Thank You for this awesome giveaway and for participating in the Hop!!

  6. Oh boy – the last that I read for fun was during winter break before the semester started. So it was probably a Christmas themed book, either a new one or a favorite reread that I always bring out every year. And still have a couple of Christmas themed books to go once the semester is done!

    • Jumping in here to say I’m so glad to hear you say that! I have been wanting to read I Am Malala for a while now. Now I know I won’t be disappointed. 🙂

  7. Anastasia Falling

    The first Hunger Games book 🙂 It was a the last book I read where I just sat there, all day, reading it cover to cover 🙂

  8. Ann

    Hmm. The last book I read that I would give five stars to… I think it would have to be “A Farewell To Arms.”

  9. Jan Lee

    Last five star book by my ratings or the public’s ratings? lol I’ll say The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King 🙂

  10. dari

    I can’t remember, so I’ll tell you a the first one that came to my head (evn though wasn’t the latest): positive by paige rawl

  11. Rebekah Gyger

    Honestly, I don’t remember. I’ve already read 20 books this year and can’t remember which was my favorite.

  12. Christina B.

    I really loved the book Tin Star and I am just waiting (not so patiently) for the sequel 🙂

  13. Cori Westphal

    Not sure. The last book I read was Me and Earl and the Dying Girl!

    coriwestphal at gmail dot com

  14. BookLady

    Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon is the last 5 star book I read. Her Dark Hunter series is fantastic. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  15. Sarah L

    Winter (The Lunar Chronicles) by Marissa Meyer. Great ending to a great series.
    Thanks for the contest.

  16. Jolene A

    It’s been awhile since I’ve rated a book 5 stars, I had to go look at my books on goodreads lol The last one was Defiance by C.J. Redwine

  17. Kathy Davis

    I’m reading it now. 🙂 The Visitor by Amanda Stevens It’s part of The Graveyard Queen series, book #4.

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