Some Sort of Love by Melanie Harlow + Giveaway

Posted February 17, 2016 by Erin in Blog Tour, Book, Book Boyfriends, Book Series, Book Spotlight, Books, Giveaway, New Release, Promos & Reveals, Release Blitz / 0 Comments



Title: Some Sort of Love
Series: Happy, Crazy, Love
Author: Melanie Harlow
Release Date: February 9th, 2016
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On the surface, I have it all—a career I adore, a loving family, the Nixon metabolism but not the Nixon ears, and a salary that supports my lavish taste in designer shoes, fine wine, and lacy lingerie…but I have no one to share it with.

Until the day I run into him—my one night stand from college with the cocky smile, let’ s-get-out-of-here eyes, and dirty, dirty mouth.

Levi Brooks is six feet four inches of hot bearded fantasy. A sexy single dad with broad shoulders, strong hands, and a fantastically big…heart. (I mean, it’ s massive. And generous. And it pumps so hard… um. Sorry. Lost my place.)

But he lives for his son, and he’s keeping me at a distance because he thinks I deserve someone better—a man who can give me more time, more attention, more of himself. He doesn’ t believe he could ever be enough.

But he’s wrong.

He’ s everything.

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love for flint
Please join Melanie Harlow and help the children of Flint, MI!
The kids in Flint, MI need safe water now, and they need resources for the future–the effects of lead exposure are serious and long-term. You can help by donating to between now and Feb. 19th–I’ll match your donations up to $5,000! Here’s how you give:1) Go to flintkids.org2) Click on the purple box that says Donate Now!3) Give what you can4) In the field that asks how you learned about the fund, please put Harlow. This allows the organization to track book world donations so I can match them!THANK YOU!!! #WaterForFlint#BookWorldLove

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